
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2022

Show HN: My programming language, building in public for 1 year

Show HN: My programming language, building in public for 1 year My weekly(ish) video logs tracking my progress of building a completely sound statically typed language and structural editor. The motivation is to make lots of invalid programs unrepresentable. January 1, 2023 at 06:42AM

Show HN: I made a simple, open source, chromatic tuner mobile app

Show HN: I made a simple, open source, chromatic tuner mobile app I'm a musician by night, software developer by day, and one of the minor frustrations I've always had was trying to find a simple tuner app for my phone. Looking at both the iOS and Android app stores, you'll find a lot of the top tuner apps are rather bloated with ads or subscription callouts. I thought I'd create a dead-simple minimalistic chromatic tuner the way I would like it - open the app, and tune my guitar. I also wanted to delve a bit into mobile development, as my main focus is in web with NodeJS and React. I chose React Native since it was the easiest to understand coming from React. Flutter was also an option since the company I work for has a team working in that, but I thought it would be a bit too much effort to learn Dart. I learned a bit more about React rendering with this project as well. The main issue I had was trying to have a React state variable be constantly updated with any freq

Show HN: Self Hosted OpenStreetMap using only Sqlite3 and Python

Show HN: Self Hosted OpenStreetMap using only Sqlite3 and Python December 31, 2022 at 05:45AM

Show HN: Backup Scheduler

Show HN: Backup Scheduler Cheap and dirty solution to backup a specific folder on macOS to S3. I use this to backup my Calibre library. December 31, 2022 at 02:34AM

Show HN: RSS Brain

Show HN: RSS Brain I wrote an RSS reader called RSS Brain recently. The motivate is the current RSS readers either don't sort articles by priority, which makes it hard to read posts from HackerNews and Reddit, or sort it with some "smart" algorithm which I don't trust. I also like the Google News feature that can show related story from different source, but the sources are not configurable and the algorithm is not transparent either. So with RSS Brain, I implemented these features: * Recommend related articles from the feeds of your choice. It's backed by ElasticSearch and the algorithm is described on RSS Brain's website. * Option to sort articles by upvotes and time. The algorithm is similar to the old Reddit and you can find it on the website as well. * Save search terms into folders so you can filter the articles. I've been using it for a while and found these features very helpful. So I want to share this on HackerNews. The frontend is written in Flu

Show HN: Clerkie AI – A GPT-3 based CLI tool that debugs your code

Show HN: Clerkie AI – A GPT-3 based CLI tool that debugs your code We built ClerkieCLI - a GPT-3 based tool that: - automatically detects errors on your terminal, - identifies the programming language, - provides an explanation of the error and suggested fix right on your terminal. December 30, 2022 at 05:17PM

Show HN: Scripting language inspired by JavaScript and GLSL

Show HN: Scripting language inspired by JavaScript and GLSL I'm working on a scripting-language heavily inspired by Javascript and GLSL. The idea is to use this for a game engine I'm working on. December 30, 2022 at 05:16AM

Show HN: BingeTheTube: binge YouTube channels from oldest to latest

Show HN: BingeTheTube: binge YouTube channels from oldest to latest December 30, 2022 at 04:58PM

Show HN: I built a possible alternative to social media RSS

Show HN: I built a possible alternative to social media RSS Hi there, I built a chrome extension to grab new posts from social media. Instagram, twitter, Pinterest, etc don't really allow for RSS so I worked on this alternative to get new posts. Hope this might be useful for some of you. December 31, 2022 at 12:15AM

Show HN: – Front-Page Articles Summarized with Machine Learning

Show HN: – Front-Page Articles Summarized with Machine Learning Hey HN, I've built a little website to show news articles with a summary so that I don't have to RTFA if I just want a rough sense of what it covers :) I also share the summaries in an RSS feed for those who'd prefer to use their own reader. Let me know what you think! December 30, 2022 at 07:58PM

Show HN: A hypermedia-driven app based on htmx and Drogon C++ web framework

Show HN: A hypermedia-driven app based on htmx and Drogon C++ web framework December 30, 2022 at 05:10AM

Show HN: Simple weather for your zip code

Show HN: Simple weather for your zip code Weather applications are bloated. This is the simplest implementation I could make using data from the API. This simple weather application will retrieve the current 7-day weather for any of more than 33,000 US zip codes. To customize weather for your zip code, change the URL. The current URL is set to the zip code 90210. If you want both news and weather, that is available here: December 30, 2022 at 11:06AM

Show HN: A 90s retro game called “Crystal Cave”

Show HN: A 90s retro game called “Crystal Cave” Been very nostalgic seeing this, reminded me of the games back in the day. December 29, 2022 at 10:39PM

Show HN: Qrgpt, a small CLI utility for better code generation

Show HN: Qrgpt, a small CLI utility for better code generation December 29, 2022 at 09:29PM

Show HN: VideoBox – Easy video processing as a service

Show HN: VideoBox – Easy video processing as a service December 29, 2022 at 08:32PM

Show HN: Pressn't, a site where you can only have a single post

Show HN: Pressn't, a site where you can only have a single post Today's internet is filled with dopamine wells of content. I wanted to steer away from that and foster meaningful writing. So I made a site where you can only have a single post. The intention is to encourage thoughtful posts like the blogs we all love here at HN (Paul Graham's, fasterthanlime, Bartosz Ciechanowski's, etc). For now posts are only markdown, but I intend to make some markdown extensions to make posts more dynamic. December 29, 2022 at 08:09PM

Show HN: A LinkedIn Chat GPT on Steroids

Show HN: A LinkedIn Chat GPT on Steroids December 29, 2022 at 05:25PM

Show HN: Zcached, in-memory key-value cache wire-compatible with memcached

Show HN: Zcached, in-memory key-value cache wire-compatible with memcached zcached is an in-memory key-value cache exposing a memcached ASCII protocol-compatible interface, built on pluggable cache engines like Ristretto and freecache [0]. It's not performance-competitive with memcached, especially at higher thread counts. That said, it achieves about 1.1M ops/s, but at significantly higher P99 and P999 latency (as measured by memtier). See [1] and [2] for benchmark results from my 7950x-based workstation. Disclaimer: This is a hobby project created for fun while hacking over the holidays. zcached is not a commercial product and never will be. Don't use it in production; consider this a technology demo more than anything. I don't expect the source code to build outside of my environment, but for those interested in playing with it, binary artifacts are available at [3]. Try `zcached --address tcp:localhost:11211`. [0] , [1] memc

Free Muni for New Year’s Eve

Free Muni for New Year’s Eve By Stephen Chun For the 23rd consecutive year, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will offer free rides on New Year’s Eve from 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 31 through 5 a.m. on Sunday, January 1. Extra Muni Metro Subway Service will be provided from 8 p.m. Saturday to 2:15 a.m. Sunday. Extra Owl Service will be provided from 10 p.m. Saturday to 5 a.m. Sunday This program supports San Francisco’s Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic fatalities. Ride Muni Free New Year’s Eve  includes all Muni lines and routes. Clipper Card customers should NOT tap their cards to make sure they don’t get charged a fare. Muni Mobile passes will not be necessary. Metro fare gates will be open that night. All information, including schedules and stops, will be posted on New Year's Eve Free Muni and Extra Service or . Clipper Card customers should NOT tap their cards to make sure they don’t get charged a fare. Don’t drink and

Show HN: Pbproxy – Send your clipboard anywhere you can ssh

Show HN: Pbproxy – Send your clipboard anywhere you can ssh pbproxy is a small wrapper to give you a consistent and remotely accessible interface to your system clipboard on linux and mac. December 28, 2022 at 04:12PM

Show HN: I built haystack – Google for your workplace apps

Show HN: I built haystack – Google for your workplace apps Hi Yuval here! historicly a security researcher, more recently entered the NLP space! Iv'e started working on haystack recently because I feel modern workplaces are in dire need of a good workplace search product that is free to use just like google. Information is scattered between too many communication channels, we communicate with our peers through slack and email, share docs and specs on confluence, work with tickets on jira, commit code and have discussions on github, not to mention all the .docx, .ppt and .pdf that fly around the organization. Not to mention the fact that existing search featuers just plain suck, if you tried using confluence search you know what I mean, keyword search is terrible. Even when you find relevant looking results, they require you to commit to entering the page, and scroll through to get to the relevant paragraph. What does haystack do? - Enable you to search all your workplace applicatio

Show HN: Get user feedback. Make it a conversation

Show HN: Get user feedback. Make it a conversation December 28, 2022 at 02:57PM

Show HN: GPT Classifies HN Titles

Show HN: GPT Classifies HN Titles With all the "what can GPT do", I went to dabble with it to see if I could do something that plays to its strengths rather than just speculating about "would it be good at that?" The basis for the prompt is: Classify following titles into one or more of {US Politics}, {World Politics}, {Technology}, {Security}, {Current Events}, {Boasting}, {Curiosity}, {Unknown} The results from the front page as I type this: 34152137 Technology: Lite XL: A lightweight text editor written in C and Lua 34151880 Curiosity: Hydrochloric acid is more complicated than you think 34156235 World Politics, Current Events: Apple Japan hit with $98M in back taxes for missing duty-free abuses 34152333 Technology: The Architecture of the Lisa Personal Computer (1984) [pdf] 34151951 Curiosity: The Zen anti-interpretation of quantum mechanics (2021) 34155009 Unknown: Added 49 volumes of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee law 34145665 Tech

Show HN: Mastinator. Disposable public anonymous no-login Fediverse accounts

Show HN: Mastinator. Disposable public anonymous no-login Fediverse accounts December 28, 2022 at 08:28AM

Show HN: Merry Sky, Dark Sky replacement and merry-timeline open source lib

Show HN: Merry Sky, Dark Sky replacement and merry-timeline open source lib Hello HN, This is a website I worked on during the holidays to fill the void of the upcoming dark sky shutdown. For me, the precipitation timeline was a view I was heavily relying on for everyday activities and planning. I had not found any replacement from the various weather apps. When I found as a backend API, it gave me the motivation to put the pieces together and get back the experience I enjoyed. I then added more functionalities that I think was missing from the website such as a weekly chart view. I've been using the website reliably over christmas holidays. Hope you enjoy it too! Also I open sourced the visual component for drawing the precipitation timeline and you can use it for drawing weather information or any other hourly activities really Interested in your feedback! December 28, 2022 at 06:14AM

Show HN:

Show HN: December 27, 2022 at 01:36PM

Show HN: Gamedrop – Videogame collection management, price alerts, and prices

Show HN: Gamedrop – Videogame collection management, price alerts, and prices December 27, 2022 at 08:53AM

Show HN: How many advertising panels in Sydney are near a public telephone?

Show HN: How many advertising panels in Sydney are near a public telephone? December 27, 2022 at 06:57AM

Show HN: Predicting the Greenest time to use electricity (AU)

Show HN: Predicting the Greenest time to use electricity (AU) Hello all, I built this for fun this year. It may be able to help: - reduce your carbon footprint, - eg. see the best time to charge your EV - eg. hook up a smart heating/cooling system? - learn more about how the renewables transition Currently limited to the Aus National Electricity Market, sorry... Feedback and questions appreciated! December 27, 2022 at 06:20AM

Show HN: Eleven – open-source alternative to Codespaces

Show HN: Eleven – open-source alternative to Codespaces Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create a code sandbox in your cloud provider account easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it to deploy your app, as a remote development environment or even to test some code. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! T

Show HN: Test if your shortcut conflicts with any default shortcuts in browsers

Show HN: Test if your shortcut conflicts with any default shortcuts in browsers December 27, 2022 at 03:04AM

Show HN: Retail GPU Availability Map

Show HN: Retail GPU Availability Map A tool to collect the GPU availability in brick'n'mortar stores in the area. December 26, 2022 at 11:21PM

Show HN: 80/20 Rule in Everything

Show HN: 80/20 Rule in Everything The content of the website was generated using the ChatGPT AI engine and then reviewed by a human editor to ensure accuracy. December 26, 2022 at 06:29PM

Show HN: WebTransport vs. WebRTC vs. WebSocket

Show HN: WebTransport vs. WebRTC vs. WebSocket December 26, 2022 at 09:46PM

Show HN: 10x Faster Twitter Embeds

Show HN: 10x Faster Twitter Embeds December 26, 2022 at 12:11PM

Show HN: Talk to GPT-3.5 via WhatsApp

Show HN: Talk to GPT-3.5 via WhatsApp December 26, 2022 at 10:54AM

Show HN: Secure end-to-end client sessions and API calls using crypto key pairs

Show HN: Secure end-to-end client sessions and API calls using crypto key pairs Hello. I made this project as an experiment in using key cryptography for user identity in a client <-> server model, and for some future peer to peer projects that I am working on. I am looking for feedback, please let me know what you think. Also, Merry Christmas to HN! :-) December 26, 2022 at 05:07AM

Show HN: Bespoke Artist Website Hosting

Show HN: Bespoke Artist Website Hosting Merry Christmas everyone! We started offering hosting services for our musical artists at our record label Epsilon Records ( ) and we recently decided to open the offering further. Consider it boutique high-touch hosting at a good value for a very niche musical artist audience (bands/producers/musicians). We offer a choice of the WordPress or Ghost platform but can also handle custom requirements for the more technical customer. Get in touch and let’s nerd out over how we can help you meet your musical and artistic hosting needs. And now a word from ChatGPT: "Why choose Epsilon for your musical hosting needs? There are several reasons why you may want to choose a hosting provider that specialises in music: * Expertise: A hosting provider that specialises in music will have a deep understanding of the specific needs and requirements of music websites. This includes things like fast loading times for streaming audio and

Show HN: Price My Spotify Library

Show HN: Price My Spotify Library Hi HN, I built this tool to estimate how much it would cost to purchase all the music in a user's Spotify library and individual playlists. Kind of interesting, maybe you'll like it too December 26, 2022 at 12:04AM

Show HN: Mastodon.nvim (Mastodon Client for Neovim)

Show HN: Mastodon.nvim (Mastodon Client for Neovim) *Announcing mastodon.nvim* Hello everyone. I just released mastodon client for neovim. If you dont want to get out of neovim, and write your thought on mastodon, mastodon.nvim could be good choice. Merry christmas! December 25, 2022 at 03:31PM

Show HN: GPT-3 Powered Shell

Show HN: GPT-3 Powered Shell December 23, 2022 at 11:34AM

Show HN: TapTab – Tab switching web extension for Safari

Show HN: TapTab – Tab switching web extension for Safari I like the tab-switching behaviour in Chrome/Firefox and wanted Safari to have something similar. Another wish of mine was for it to be a web extension that feels native to the browser vs an app extension that looks out of place. I posted a while back on HN to see if other people feel the same and the response was very positive : Say hello to TapTab : TapTab feels right at home in Safari and is loaded with features to improve how you interact with tabs. You no longer have to miss the native tab-switching functionality that you love in Chrome/Firefox. I launched the app a few days ago, and the response has been great. Some of the features that users have been loving : - Keep your hands at the keyboard: navigate all tabs without your hands leaving the keyboard. - Fuzzy Search: Search through your tab titles and URLs at lightning speed. - Switch to previous tab: Comes with a handy sho

Show HN: GUI-based free app to backup and restore hard disk on Windows clients

Show HN: GUI-based free app to backup and restore hard disk on Windows clients I wrote a small GUI-based tool that uses the Windows Imaging Format (WIM) to create full backups of computer systems (operating system images) and then restore them. The application is hosted on GitHub, is open source, and is offered under the Apache 2.0 license. In addition, the repository includes an illustrated step-by-step guide to help get it up and running. Maybe someone can use the solution for their purposes as well - I would be happy. Have fun with it. The GitHub repository is named: WIM-Backup December 24, 2022 at 01:28PM

Show HN: Shmux – run all your scripts from one file

Show HN: Shmux – run all your scripts from one file Hello all, This is a small, few hours Holiday project I made out of frustration on what I would have liked makefiles to be but are not. It's rough, but it might be useful for somebody. Any type of feedback is welcome! December 25, 2022 at 01:06AM

Show HN: Twitter Graph - Like Google Trends but for Twitter

Show HN: Twitter Graph - Like Google Trends but for Twitter Simply enter a word and generate a graph showing the number of mentions on Twitter December 24, 2022 at 07:15PM

Show HN: I built a free Chrome extension that writes entire emails using ChatGPT

Show HN: I built a free Chrome extension that writes entire emails using ChatGPT December 24, 2022 at 05:21PM

Show HN: Semantic Search in Podcasts Transcriptions

Show HN: Semantic Search in Podcasts Transcriptions I built a podcast search engine that performs a semantic search within thousands of podcasts transcriptions. Technologies used are: OpenAI Whisper for transcriptions, BERT embeddings and FAISS as a vector database December 24, 2022 at 05:29PM

Show HN: Simple golinks server backed by airtable

Show HN: Simple golinks server backed by airtable Like short codes? Like bookmarks? Have fun with this very simple golinks server. If you haven't heard of golinks, they are short codes to bookmarks. In your browser you type `go/ ` and it takes you to a bookmark. Eg, `go/hn` or `go hn` (space is easier to type than forward slash) could take you to . Happy Holidays! December 24, 2022 at 06:03AM

Show HN: Search HN Favorites or Export to CSV/HTML

Show HN: Search HN Favorites or Export to CSV/HTML I wrote a JavaScript tool to search your HN favorites and export them to CSV or HTML. The JavaScript runs in your browser like a browser extension. It scrapes the HTML and navigates from page to page. Setup and usage instructions are in the file. December 24, 2022 at 04:07AM

Show HN: Hacker News Insight

Show HN: Hacker News Insight December 24, 2022 at 03:36AM

Show HN: zygolophodon: CLI for reading Mastodon posts (no account needed)

Show HN: zygolophodon: CLI for reading Mastodon posts (no account needed) December 23, 2022 at 11:17PM

Show HN: SuperPlanner, an innovative day planner and to-do list for iOS and Mac

Show HN: SuperPlanner, an innovative day planner and to-do list for iOS and Mac December 23, 2022 at 03:54PM

Show HN: My bookmarks of HN and who I'm following

Show HN: My bookmarks of HN and who I'm following December 23, 2022 at 06:10AM

Show HN: Speak to your phone to query a database

Show HN: Speak to your phone to query a database Hi everyone, Zing Data ( ) is an ios[1], android[2] and web app[3] that allows you to query any database with natural language. We use OpenAI's GPT-3 model to generate SQL queries that run against your Databricks, RedShift, mySQL, Snowflake, postgres, Starburst, Trino, Presto db clusters or Google Sheets and auto-visualizes the result. Check out a howto guide here --> [1]: [2]: [3]: December 23, 2022 at 05:38AM

Show HN: Metriport – Open-source universal API for health data

Show HN: Metriport – Open-source universal API for health data Hey HN, we’re Colin and Dima, founders of Metriport ( ). We help digital health companies access and manage user health and medical data, through an open-source and universal API. Today we're launching our open-source Health Devices API, which allows companies to gain access to their users’ health data from various wearables, RPM devices, and mHealth apps. You can check out the public Github repo here: For developers in the health data space, building integrations to various data sources is a huge pain, as it means wrangling different data formats, gaining access to the APIs in the first place, and ultimately spending precious developer resources building out data pipelines. We solve this pain for you through our open-source API, which is quick and easy to get started with (see: ). Out of the box, our Health Devices API supports integrations with Fi

Show HN: My Afternoon JavaScript Library

Show HN: My Afternoon JavaScript Library December 23, 2022 at 03:00AM

Show HN: Fully offline, open-source alternative to Scribe for Firefox

Show HN: Fully offline, open-source alternative to Scribe for Firefox I had to do a bit of web-workflow documentation and found the process of gathering screenshots, placing them correctly into a document, and creating captions extremely tiring. I figured it’ll be easy to automate and also a great opportunity to get to know the Browser API, and here we are with the first release of the extension. It’s extremely easy to use but barebones which I plan to change in the near future, so any feedback will be appreciated. I want to keep the docs generation process completely offline to avoid dealing with server costs and GDPR stuff which poses a lot of challenges when planning more advanced features like image editing. It’s available only for Firefox because of Firefox’s great Browser API support, which Chromium currently lacks. Also, there’s a tool like this already available, called Scribe but it requires an account and also is not available for Firefox for some reason. Hope you’ll like it!

Show HN: Create a Children's book with AI – with illustrations

Show HN: Create a Children's book with AI – with illustrations Hey together with wife we took part in AssemblyAI hackathon and although we didn't win we felt good enough about our inital MVP that we took it a bit further. You can describe your characters and give a title and however long/detailed description you want, the gpt-3 will generate a children's story from it, dall-e will generate images. Images are postprocessed with stable-diffusion custom model (for stylisation) and that's the final result. It's still early as it was done in about 2 weeks, but I count on your feedback. I am software engineer and did basically all of the engineering work myself. Feel free to ask question regarding implementation plans, etc. cannot wait to learn what you think. I'll appriciate any feedback. December 23, 2022 at 01:38AM

Show HN: How to use ChatGPT+ARKit to script experiences with natural language

Show HN: How to use ChatGPT+ARKit to script experiences with natural language Video demonstration: I created a demo involving ChatGPT, OpenAI's Whisper running on-device for speech-to-text (because why not?), and ARKit. By defining a custom JavaScript environment with JavaScriptCore and describing it to ChatGPT, I was able to get it to produce functioning scripts that instantiate and manipulate 3D objects. Sketchfab is used to import 3D assets on the fly. Google Poly had a much better catalog of assets for this sort of thing but sadly, it's no longer available. The describes how it all works but the gist of it is that user prompts are wrapped in a larger prompt that describes the environment (i.e., which functions are available to use and how they work) and constraints. The code is then executed directly. Assets for objects are fetched as needed by searching Sketchfab. December 22, 2022 at 01:21AM

Show HN: I store my critical secrets and document, and communicate privately

Show HN: I store my critical secrets and document, and communicate privately December 22, 2022 at 12:10AM

Show HN: OpenAEDMap – Automated External Defibrillators from OpenStreetMap

Show HN: OpenAEDMap – Automated External Defibrillators from OpenStreetMap Hi everyone, OpenAEDMap ( ) allows you to find (and add!) AEDs in your area. These devices have proven themselves as life-savers in heart failure - when every second matters. The data is synced to OpenStreetMap database, so it's openly licensed (ODbL) and can also be used in other OSM-based apps. AFAIK, there is no other comparable map - they are either proprietary or show a single country. Frontend: Tech stack: React, MapLibre GL JS, Bulma Backend: Tech stack: Python, PostGIS December 21, 2022 at 06:31PM

Show HN: Protein Monster (Net Art, NSFW)

Show HN: Protein Monster (Net Art, NSFW) December 21, 2022 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Txtai 5.2 released: open-source semantic search

Show HN: Txtai 5.2 released: open-source semantic search December 21, 2022 at 07:20PM

Show HN: ChatGPT developed an NPM package to check if jemalloc is installed

Show HN: ChatGPT developed an NPM package to check if jemalloc is installed December 21, 2022 at 07:22AM

Show HN: A trivia trainer using D3 and Wikipedia

Show HN: A trivia trainer using D3 and Wikipedia December 21, 2022 at 05:35AM

Show HN: Vectory – A collection of tools to track and compare embedding versions

Show HN: Vectory – A collection of tools to track and compare embedding versions December 21, 2022 at 05:22AM

Show HN: Headerless C programming with __INCLUDE LEVEL__

Show HN: Headerless C programming with __INCLUDE LEVEL__ December 21, 2022 at 05:21AM

Show HN: How to program in Rust as if it was old school C++ with pointers

Show HN: High performance HTML5 parser for Ruby, a Nokogiri alternative

Show HN: High performance HTML5 parser for Ruby, a Nokogiri alternative December 20, 2022 at 10:38AM

Show HN: A vichan variant that ChatGPT helped me host

Show HN: A vichan variant that ChatGPT helped me host I recently set up a website hosting vichan [0] with nginx, and named it "h2ochan", inspired by the chaotic (yet moderated!) nature of imageboards like 4chan and 2chan. Plus, I love having a liter of water within arm's reach at all times. In the future, I have some plans for threading and posts that will further emphasize the "water" theme and encourage community engagement. In the past, I had tried setting up vichan a few times, but I was overwhelmed by the many technical tasks involved, such as using a remote terminal, working with MySQL databases, configuring nginx, setting file permissions and owners, and using Emacs (or trying to avoid clunky local file edits and FTP). However, I recently discovered chatGPT and have found it very helpful in assisting me with various technical issues. I began by asking for help setting up a public PHP forum, saying that I was a gamedev with some experience in Unity and C#,

Show HN: Yahtzee and Poker and Cosmic Horror = Pine Tar Poker

Show HN: Yahtzee and Poker and Cosmic Horror = Pine Tar Poker I'm excited to launch today! Pine Tar Poker is a yahtzee-inspired poker game with just a touch of cosmic horror for iOS and Android. I started working on this idea last January by making a paper prototype: a simple printed score sheet I could use with a real deck of cards. I had some fun with that, so I brought it into Unity and kept expanding on it over the last 11 months during nights and weekends. It's tough for me to stay motivated on side projects and see them through to release, but the act of shipping something is so fulfilling that it's usually worth the pain. For Pine Tar, I stretched myself in the narrative department by adding a bit of a Lovecraftian tone to what would otherwise be a Western saloon setting. One thing that kept me motivated during development was seeing my dad get hooked on the card game. He'd text me when he got his first royal flush and when he prestiged the score sheet -- he got

Show HN: Monitor a Cyber Power UPS with node_exporter, Prometheus and Grafana

Show HN: Monitor a Cyber Power UPS with node_exporter, Prometheus and Grafana December 20, 2022 at 04:24AM

Show HN: A new word game with a travel theme

Show HN: A new word game with a travel theme This is an independently created word game our family has been working on for a few years. It has uses a license plate motif for word puzzles where the quality of the answers drive a virtual travel experience. The game is web-based, works in all browsers, is fully responsive for mobile screen sizes and also works as a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is written in Django/Python and a modicum of Javascript. December 20, 2022 at 05:50AM

Show HN: Fort.js – A modern progress bar for form completion

Show HN: Fort.js – A modern progress bar for form completion December 20, 2022 at 03:35AM

Show HN: Infisical – open-source secrets manager

Show HN: Infisical – open-source secrets manager Last month, we open-sourced Infisical ( ) - a simple, end-to-end encrypted tool to sync environment variables across your team and infrastructure. You can use it to store environment variables and inject them into your applications locally or into CI/CD and production infrastructure. It can be used with any language/framework and is platform independent with a super easy setup. We know secret managers exist but, in our experience, they’re too complicated, not comprehensive, not user-friendly, or a mix of all three — other nicer ones are closed-source and don’t have self-hosted options available. That’s why we’re on a mission to make secret management more accessible to every developer — not just security teams. We’ve launched this repo under the MIT license so any developer can use the tool. The goal is to not charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for some future enterprise features

Show HN: Real or AI? A game to spot DALL-E 2 generated images

Show HN: Real or AI? A game to spot DALL-E 2 generated images I built this project last weekend. I was playing around with DALL-E 2 and I was impressed by how photorealistic the images generated are. I decided to build a small game to guess if the image is real or AI generated. This is my first ever weekend project, so I would appreciate any feedback :) Thanks December 19, 2022 at 06:57PM

Show HN: Christmas Free Icons

Show HN: Christmas Free Icons December 19, 2022 at 02:04PM

Show HN: Screen Studio – Beautiful screen recordings in minutes

Show HN: Screen Studio – Beautiful screen recordings in minutes Hey! I started working on this app 4 months ago. The idea is simple: automate creating promo quality videos that include screen recordings as much as possible Currently it makes cursor movement smooth, zooms in on clicks, adds background and frame around recorded window and adds cinematic motion blur. I plan to add selfie camera support, full text slides and multi-clip recordings. Works only on macOS. It is paid software (one time payment for license + 1 year of updates), but you can download and try it for free - everything except final export to file will work 100% Thanks! December 19, 2022 at 06:00AM

Show HN: View Reddit Images by Topic

Show HN: View Reddit Images by Topic Hi, I created a simple website to display Reddit images from set of subreddits by topic. It displays images from current top posts. December 19, 2022 at 10:25AM

Show HN: Log in to Mastodon with your Twitter account

Show HN: Log in to Mastodon with your Twitter account This is an idea I've had for a while. Given recent events, I decided to finally implement it and see what happens. I assume if it gets any traction it will be banned. The bigger picture here is that Twitter's network of users and follow lists is potentially reverse-engineerable. Why not take that network graph and implement it in the Fediverse? December 19, 2022 at 06:38AM

Show HN: Reindeer Replacements: Solving a children's logic puzzle with OR-Tools

Show HN: Reindeer Replacements: Solving a children's logic puzzle with OR-Tools December 18, 2022 at 07:12PM

Show HN: VR Development Resource

Show HN: VR Development Resource December 18, 2022 at 03:49AM

Show HN: 4-7-8 Breathing –

Show HN: 4-7-8 Breathing – Hello, Let's take a few deep breaths together. December 18, 2022 at 05:14AM

Show HN: Speleomorph, an Exploration Puzzle

Show HN: Speleomorph, an Exploration Puzzle December 18, 2022 at 03:49AM

Show HN: Create keepsakes for your loved ones using AI

Show HN: Create keepsakes for your loved ones using AI December 18, 2022 at 02:21AM

Show HN: Write an email to Santa Claus (ok, ok GTP-3)

Show HN: Write an email to Santa Claus (ok, ok GTP-3) December 17, 2022 at 11:03PM

Show HN: Auto-Generate Python REST API Clients Using OpenAPI Generator

Show HN: Auto-Generate Python REST API Clients Using OpenAPI Generator Hi all, We've refactored the Python client generator in OpenAPI Generator( To give it a try, please follow 3 simple steps below: 1. Download the Java JAR: 2. Rename the JAR as "openapi-generator-cli.jar" 3. Execute the following command to run the generator for the PetStore API: Mac/Linux: $ java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -g python-nextgen -i -o /var/tmp/python-nextgen/ Windows: $ java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -g python-nextgen -i -o C:\tmp\python-nextgen (If JVM is not installed in your machine, please use openapi-genreator-cli docker image instead: If you've any feedback or question, please reply to to let me know. December 17, 2022 at 10:16PM

Show HN: A magic frame you can prompt to show generated art to an e-ink display

Show HN: A magic frame you can prompt to show generated art to an e-ink display December 17, 2022 at 11:11AM

Show HN: Simply see your client hints sent by Chrome

Show HN: Simply see your client hints sent by Chrome Chrome will start to reduce the UserAgent string and replace it with client hints. here you can simply see your current UA, the reduced one, and your client hints. December 17, 2022 at 10:04AM

Show HN: I made a Slack bot that qualifies your sign-ups using GPT-3

Show HN: I made a Slack bot that qualifies your sign-ups using GPT-3 OP here, this was super fun to build. It all started from playing around with Nat Friedman's GPT browser Then after having this running for our product for a couple of days or so we decided to give 10 customers access and they loved it! So expanding access now feels great :) December 15, 2022 at 10:30PM

Show HN: Chat with AI Jesus, Buddha, Obama, Gary Vee, and Dr. Peterson

Show HN: Chat with AI Jesus, Buddha, Obama, Gary Vee, and Dr. Peterson December 17, 2022 at 02:23AM

Show HN: Rapid Reply – GPT-3 AI Email Assistant for Busy Founders

Show HN: Rapid Reply – GPT-3 AI Email Assistant for Busy Founders Hi HN, I created Rapid Reply for founders, execs and managers who get 30+ emails a day and want to respond fast and polite. It also helps you overcome writers block. Let me know if you have questions. December 16, 2022 at 03:00PM

Show HN: Simpler – Your GPT-3 Task Planner

Show HN: Simpler – Your GPT-3 Task Planner December 16, 2022 at 08:41AM

Show HN: I'm challenging your clicking speed with this game I rebuilt

Show HN: I'm challenging your clicking speed with this game I rebuilt December 16, 2022 at 03:45AM

Show HN: Natural language Twitter search using Codex

Show HN: Natural language Twitter search using Codex We built a structured search engine for Twitter called Bird SQL, available at . Our search interface uses OpenAI Codex to translate natural language to SQL. Our backend then verifies the SQL, executes it, and displays the results on the web app. This makes large structured datasets like a scrape of Twitter easy for anyone to explore. As background, while working on text-to-SQL as a general problem, we came to believe one of its most powerful applications is as a search tool because: - SQL is hard to write by hand and prone to errors - It allows you to iterate quickly if you’re exploring a new dataset - A lot of contextual information that you’d normally have to internalize (e.g. your data’s schema) can be automatically generated and offloaded to the language model Using large language models (LLMs) like Codex to write the SQL for you means you don’t have to worry about the nitty gritty language details, but sti

Show HN: Readwise Reader, an all-in-one reading app

Show HN: Readwise Reader, an all-in-one reading app Hey HN, cofounder of Readwise here. We've been working on this cross-platform reader app for about 2 years, excited to finally share it in public beta. Probably the most notable thing that makes Reader unique is that it supports almost any content type you could want to save/read/highlight: * web pages * emails/newsletters * PDFs * ePubs * twitter threads * youtube videos (with transcripts) * RSS feeds With all of your knowledge content in one place, we built powerful reading and highlighting, as well as a bunch of novel triage/organization features, so you can actually consume & stay on top of that content! There are also a lot of advanced features too, such as text-to-speech, GPT3 questions/summaries, super powerful highlighting (that includes markup and images), complex filtering/search (with our own query language), sleek mobile triage UI, keyboard shortcuts for reading/everything, integrations with note-taking apps, a bro

A Brief History of the T Third Part 2: 1980s-2023

A Brief History of the T Third Part 2: 1980s-2023 By Jeremy Menzies Beginning in January 2023 full service on the new T Third extension 2023 will run from Sunnydale to Chinatown every day. In this two-part blog series, we will look back at some of the history of the T Third Street line. Part 1, published last month goes through the first 100+ years. In Part 2, we look at the recent history of the T Third and Central Subway projects from the 1980s to today.  The Call for Better Transit: 1980s-90s  In the decades following World War II, the neighborhoods along the southern end of 3rd Street became more economically depressed and transit service declined.  Residents felt cut off from the rest of the city as bus service did not meet their needs.  People boarding a 15 Route bus on 3rd Street near Market in 1983. Bus service on the 15 provided critical north-south service through the City’s busiest areas.  In the late 1980s, the city was looking to revitalize the Mission Bay, Dogpatc

Show HN: Embedding a camera experience within your app shouldn't be that hard

Show HN: Embedding a camera experience within your app shouldn't be that hard December 15, 2022 at 05:52PM

Show HN: AI Based Fashion Search Engine in Computer Vision Technology

Show HN: AI Based Fashion Search Engine in Computer Vision Technology Only Desktop Version Available. Mobile with new design is coming soon. We Appreciate Your Feedback. December 15, 2022 at 08:43AM

Central Subway Brings More Art to Union Square

Central Subway Brings More Art to Union Square By Enrique Aguilar Main entrance to Union Square/Market Street Station during special weekend service  The Union Square/Market Street Station is centered in the heart of the Union Square neighborhood, known for world-class shopping and notable art galleries. With the opening of the Central Subway, a new public art collection arrived, with color schemes complementing the station’s modern architectural design. Collaborations between artists reign at this station, allowing a blend of different artistic concepts.  Erwin Redl  titled his piece Lucy in the Sky. It is an illuminated installation comprised of hundreds of translucent 10 x 10 inch light panels, each containing an array of color LEDs. A diamond-shaped pattern is formed by suspended light panels along the entire length of the concourse level corridor’s ceiling. They are computer programmed to slowly change color and display simple patterns, creating an immersive and kaleidoscop

Show HN: I built a feed of engineering blogs from top tech companies

Show HN: I built a feed of engineering blogs from top tech companies December 15, 2022 at 05:17AM

Show HN: Automated Insights from Your Google Analytics

Show HN: Automated Insights from Your Google Analytics December 15, 2022 at 03:04AM

Show HN: Good Tech Things, a collection of cloud and software engineering comics

Show HN: Good Tech Things, a collection of cloud and software engineering comics December 15, 2022 at 03:08AM

Show HN: Vimium Everywhere

Show HN: Vimium Everywhere December 14, 2022 at 07:52AM

Show HN: An open-source UI Library with automatic routing and SuperComponents

Show HN: An open-source UI Library with automatic routing and SuperComponents December 14, 2022 at 05:15AM

New T Third Route in Central Subway Starting January 7

New T Third Route in Central Subway Starting January 7 By Mariana Maguire New T Third service via Central Subway starts January 7 with service between Sunnydale and Chinatown-Rose Pak Station. On Saturday, January 7, the T Third starts its historic new route, providing a direct Metro connection between Sunnydale and Chinatown-Rose Pak Station. Service runs Mondays through Fridays, 6 a.m. to midnight. every 10 minutes and Saturdays and Sundays, 8 a.m. to midnight every 12 minutes. The new T Third line vastly improves transportation to and from some of San Francisco’s most densely populated areas and major shopping corridors, expanding transit options and new connections. The new T Third route will travel north to the new Central Subway from 4th & King platform. It will no longer turn onto King Street or run along the Embarcadero and the Market Street subway. Also, the K Ingleside will now travel between Balboa Park and Embarcadero Station. New Connections Customers traveling

Show HN: NixOS Web Hosting for Everyone

Show HN: NixOS Web Hosting for Everyone December 14, 2022 at 02:20AM

Show HN:, secure and scale open-source apps on your cloud

Show HN:, secure and scale open-source apps on your cloud December 13, 2022 at 10:34PM

Show HN: We scaled Git to support 1 TB repos

Show HN: We scaled Git to support 1 TB repos I’ve been in the MLOps space for ~10 years, and data is still the hardest unsolved open problem. Code is versioned using Git, data is stored somewhere else, and context often lives in a 3rd location like Slack or GDocs. This is why we built XetHub, a platform that enables teams to treat data like code, using Git. Unlike Git LFS, we don’t just store the files. We use content-defined chunking and Merkle Trees to dedupe against everything in history. This allows small changes in large files to be stored compactly. Read more here: Today, XetHub works for 1 TB repositories, and we plan to scale to 100 TB in the next year. Our implementation is in Rust (client & cache + storage) and our web application is written in Go. XetHub includes a GitHub-like web interface that provides automatic CSV summaries and allows custom visualizations using Vega. Even at 1 TB, we know downloading an entire repository is painful, so we buil

Show HN: Monitor a Twitter handle and get notified when it becomes available

Show HN: Monitor a Twitter handle and get notified when it becomes available December 13, 2022 at 07:21PM

Show HN: automated bugfixing using gpt-3

Show HN: automated bugfixing using gpt-3 Hi everyone on HackerNews, We are just launching Bugbusters. Bugbusters is a GitHub-Bot that writes bugfixes for errors detected by application monitoring software like sentry. It examines an error's monitoring data, such as stack traces, in combination with the source code and git commit history to generate a potential fix. The bugfix will be submitted via a Pull Request that will also include details on the determined cause of the initial error and approach taken to fix it. You can simply create a GitHub Issue containing a link to the error in sentry and assign it to the Bugbusters-Bot. In cases where the bot is unable to generate a solution, it assists a programmer in finding a fix by providing information and steps that could lead to a resolution. This may involve providing a list of potential error causes, online research results such as stack-overflow posts, as well as code changes (commits) that may have caused an error.

Show HN: ShopWitYoPeople – A black Chicago business directory

Show HN: ShopWitYoPeople – A black Chicago business directory Hey HN! ShopWitYoPeople ( ) was built to showcase Black Chicago businesses. We’re around to answer questions and look forward to hearing everything and anything you have to say! December 13, 2022 at 08:09AM

Show HN: Is Edge Compute Faster? Benchmarking Edge Platforms (With Databases)

Show HN: Is Edge Compute Faster? Benchmarking Edge Platforms (With Databases) I built a platform for running your applications and data on the edge with TypeScript (Bun and Deno) and SQL with strong consistency (PostgreSQL compatible that works with Prisma!). December 13, 2022 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Create auto-updating charts-as-images with low-code/nocode

Show HN: Create auto-updating charts-as-images with low-code/nocode Hello, we just released Image Charts 2.0, a way to create and show a chart as an image anywhere using our custom API and integrations with Zapier and Make. My friend Francois-Guillaume made Image Charts in 2015 to replace Google Image Charts for a project since it was deprecated. Since then we’ve been adding features and getting it integrated with Zapier and Make to make it easy to build good-looking charts automatically. Each chart has a custom URL and HTML code so it’s easy to embed. And you can build progress bars, gradients, and really any kind of chart with it (bar, line, radar, scatter, you name it). We have a gallery of over 30 charts and counting. [Chart gallery]( ) with sample data The site with the live Editor: []( How-to with gradient fills: [ How-to progress bars: []... Re

Show HN: Obsidian: Insert conversation starters generated by AI in your notes

Show HN: Obsidian: Insert conversation starters generated by AI in your notes I often prepare my conversations beforehand, whether for business or family/friends, with this Templater you can get ready for great & deep conversations using API (free tier). December 12, 2022 at 11:49PM

Show HN: Use ChatGPT in Jupyter notebooks via a Chrome extension

Show HN: Use ChatGPT in Jupyter notebooks via a Chrome extension Hello HN! Here's a browser extension that brings together two things that I love: Jupyter and ChatGPT. It makes it possible to have ChatGPT generate code inside your Jupyter notebooks. It has the side effect of making it really easy to save your ChatGPT sessions in a local notebook. I parse the ChatGPT response, extract it into code cells for you automatically so that you no longer have to copy and paste code from your browser into your favorite code editor like an animal. ChatGPT even wrote some of the code used in this extension! The extension [1] from user:wonderfuly forms the core of messaging with the ChatGPT service; it works great! All the other mistakes are mine and mine alone. I'm not a web dev, so I'm sure there's lots of horrible hacks and mistakes that I made while writing this extension. Help welcome. [1] December 12, 2022 at 10:39AM

Show HN: VS Code Ext: Collaborative countdown timer for mob programming sessions

Show HN: VS Code Ext: Collaborative countdown timer for mob programming sessions December 12, 2022 at 09:10AM

Show HN: ChatGP-T1000 – Bot that replies with deepfaked videos in character

Show HN: ChatGP-T1000 – Bot that replies with deepfaked videos in character December 12, 2022 at 04:52AM

Show HN: Why YC when there's YZ?

Show HN: Why YC when there's YZ? The Crowd Supported, Crowd Constructed, Opened sourced Acceleration program for the next generation of builders. Note: Website is just to get feedback initially. December 12, 2022 at 02:15AM

Show HN: – zero-config alternative to Google Earth studio

Show HN: – zero-config alternative to Google Earth studio The powerful tool to create travel/geo infographics and animated maps. You can even add the stickers on the planet! Example December 12, 2022 at 01:58AM

Show HN: AI-powered message replies assistant

Show HN: AI-powered message replies assistant I was free early this week and decided to work on something I've always wondered. As someone who has struggled with matches on Tinder and ghosting, I know how difficult it can be to come up with the perfect response in the moment. That's why I created this tool - to make it easy for anyone to quickly and easily generate the perfect reply, tailored to their audience, culture, and context. It is currently in beta and would love to hear your feedback on the product. Link to webapp: December 11, 2022 at 01:50PM

Show HN: ChatGPT Prompts and Products

Show HN: ChatGPT Prompts and Products December 11, 2022 at 06:45PM

Show HN: – Wordle-inspired Chinese character guessing game

Show HN: – Wordle-inspired Chinese character guessing game Tap on a character to reveal the strokes, radicals and components it has in common with the character you're trying to guess. This was designed mainly for learners but I'm curious to hear from fluent hanzi readers whether the game is too easy. The vocabulary is from the Chinese Vocab List project [1]. Character graphics and data are sourced from Make me a Hanzi [2]. There are 95 pre generated games at the moment which are randomly chosen, more will be added soon. Suggestions welcome! [1] [2] December 11, 2022 at 04:05PM

Show HN: Sirdb – simple Git diffable toy database on the filesystem

Show HN: Sirdb – simple Git diffable toy database on the filesystem December 11, 2022 at 10:54AM

Show HN: Peer2Proxy, Earn passive income by sharing your internet

Show HN: Peer2Proxy, Earn passive income by sharing your internet December 11, 2022 at 06:01AM

Show HN: Alle – a terminal todo manager in Rust

Show HN: Alle – a terminal todo manager in Rust December 10, 2022 at 11:47PM

Show HN: Live AI Avatars for videochats and streaming

Show HN: Live AI Avatars for videochats and streaming December 10, 2022 at 03:50AM

Show HN: Panoptisch – A recursive dependency scanner for Python projects

Show HN: Panoptisch – A recursive dependency scanner for Python projects Hello all, Very excited to share this project with you all! Panoptisch scans your Python file or module to find it's imports (aka dependencies) and recursively does so for all dependencies and sub-dependencies. It then generates a dependency tree in JSON for you to parse and enforce import policies. Supply chain attacks are no joke, and this is one way to transparently analyze your dependencies to see if any malicious imports are taking place. For example, your yaml parser, nor it's sub-dependencies should import socket, or sys. Panoptisch is in early stages, with known limitations (for now). I welcome feedback, testing and contributions. Also, happy to answer any questions! December 10, 2022 at 04:45AM

BeSanta: Real time Santa Claus AI avatars on your iPhone Oh-oh-oh

BeSanta: Real time Santa Claus AI avatars on your iPhone Oh-oh-oh December 10, 2022 at 04:10AM

Hop Onboard Muni and Enjoy Downtown Union Square

Hop Onboard Muni and Enjoy Downtown Union Square By Pamela Johnson The iconic Cable Cars are just one of the many options to get you to all the holiday festivities in Downtown Union Square! The SFMTA would like to wish you a Happy Holidays! With festivities, dining, shopping and all the many holiday activities to choose from, Downtown Union Square, much like the rest of the city is making optimistic strides in the city’s economic recovery. Catching Muni, paratransit or a taxi to downtown supports small businesses and is a big boost to our transit goals. Below is a comprehensive list of transit and parking options to head into the heart of the downtown shopping and festivities this holiday season.    Central Subway Special Weekend Shuttle  The Central Subway’s Special Weekend Shuttle has got you covered on Saturday and Sunday’s every 12 minutes from 8 am to 12 am. Deboard at our new Union Square/Market Street Station . From here, you can also transfer to BART’s Powell Station,

Show HN: I fine-tuned Flan-T5. Can it cook?

Show HN: I fine-tuned Flan-T5. Can it cook? Checkout the app at December 10, 2022 at 02:00AM

Show HN: LearnGPT – Browse and share ChatGPT examples

Show HN: LearnGPT – Browse and share ChatGPT examples December 10, 2022 at 12:21AM

Riders are Feeling the Difference on Geary

Riders are Feeling the Difference on Geary By The results are in: the Geary Rapid Project has delivered a faster, more reliable bus trip and a safer street, according to the SFMTA’s recently published evaluation report for the project.   A faster, more reliable bus ride  One out of every ten passengers stepping onto a Muni vehicle will ride on Geary Blvd., which makes reducing travel time on the corridor a key piece of improving transit in the city. The transit lanes installed as part of the Geary Rapid Project protect buses from traffic congestion, while smarter traffic signals allow buses to get green lights more often. Similar transit upgrades have been made across the city as part of the Muni Forward program , making your next San Francisco destination closer than ever.  Transit travel time improved after the quick-build phase of the Geary Rapid Project in late 2018 and early 2019, and again after the full project was completed in 2021 — with savings as great as 18%. Westbo