
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2023

Show HN: Collect and search robotics data with SensorSurf

Show HN: Collect and search robotics data with SensorSurf We've been building SensorSurf and are thrilled to share our beta with the robotics community: . SensorSurf is an open source platform that makes it easy for robotics engineers to collect and search data from their fleet. You can define triggers for when to record data (e.g. emergency stop) and capture the moments leading up to the event with rolling buffers. We integrate directly with ROS. Drop our agent into your system, and start collecting data! ================= What prompted me to found this company: > I was a perception engineer working on autonomous boats. > I needed tons of imagery to build computer vision datasets. > It was impossible to offload all this data over satellite. > I interviewed robotics companies, and learned this was a common problem. ================= Our beta enables you to: 1. Trigger recording on arbitrary ROS topic data. 2. Capture the data leading up to the tri

Show HN: No-framework, customizable, animate-able, SVG

Show HN: Upmark – hassle free feedback on your drafts

Show HN: Upmark – hassle free feedback on your drafts A few years ago I wrote The Most Dangerous Writing App (don't stop typing or it deletes everything you wrote), and always wanted to make a sequel — something like the Least Dangerous Editing app (because write drunk, edit sober). Here it finally is — simply drop your writing in and it'll generate a link you can send to friends who can give you feedback by simply highlighting passages and adding their reactions to it. If you want to see how easy giving feedback is, you can upmark my most recent draft here: ;) March 1, 2023 at 12:05AM

Show HN: Crul – Query Any Webpage or API

Show HN: Crul – Query Any Webpage or API Hi HN, we’re Carl and Nic, the creators of crul ( ), and we’ve been hard at work for the last year and a half building our dream of turning the web into a dataset. In a nutshell crul is a tool for querying and building web and api data feeds from anywhere to anywhere. With crul you can crawl and transform web pages into csv tables, explore and dynamically query APIs, filter and organize data, and push data sets to third party data lakes and analytics tools. Here’s a demo video, we’ve been told Nic sounds like John Mayer (lol) ( ) We’ve personally struggled wrangling data from the web using puppeteer/playwright/selenium, jq or cobbling together python scripts, client libraries, and schedulers to consume APIs. The reality is that shit is hard, doesn’t scale (classic blocking for-loop or async saturation), and comes with thorny maintenance/security issues. The tools we love to hate. Crul’s value prop is s

Black History Lost and Found: Dorothy Jaymes and Accessible Transit

Black History Lost and Found: Dorothy Jaymes and Accessible Transit By Jeremy Menzies We continue to celebrate Black History Month by sharing the stories of SFMTA staff whose revolutionary work helped pave the way for future generations of Muni riders. Today, we look at the incredible contributions of Dorothy Jaymes, who played a critical role in helping advance accessibility on transit in San Francisco at a time when little was being done.   Jaymes (left, holding tennis racket) with her assistant, Linda Westry in the Muni Lost & Found Department in 1977.  Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Jaymes started her career in Muni’s Lost & Found Department in the 1970s. According to a 1977  article in the department newsletter, Trolley Topics, she took her job seriously, accounting for every lost item no matter how small or large.  Around the same time, protests by local disability rights advocates exposed the issues of poor access to public transit to local officials. The city r

Show HN: Scribble Diffusion – Turn your sketch into a refined image using AI

Show HN: Scribble Diffusion – Turn your sketch into a refined image using AI February 28, 2023 at 11:52PM

Show HN: Touca – a better alternative to snapshot testing

Show HN: Touca – a better alternative to snapshot testing Hi everyone, Almost 2 years ago, I left my full-time job at Canon to build tooling and infrastructure to help developers write high-level tests for complex software workflows that are not easy to unit test. I wanted to take ideas from visual regression testing, snapshot testing, and property-based testing and build a general-purpose regression testing system that developers can use to find the unintended side-effects of their day-to-day code changes during the development stage. After two years of working ~70 hours per week and going through multiple iterations, we finally have a fully open-source (Apache-2.0) product that finally makes me and other members of our community happy: This week we released v2.0, a milestone version that is useful to small and large teams alike. This version comes with: - An easy to self-host server that stores test results for new versions of your software workflows, automatic

Show HN: Former game devs building a platform showcasing game projects

Show HN: Former game devs building a platform showcasing game projects February 28, 2023 at 05:22AM

Show HN: Collection of 2k+ Startup Incubators and Accelerators (global)

Show HN: Collection of 2k+ Startup Incubators and Accelerators (global) February 27, 2023 at 11:13PM

Show HN: Natural Language Git (Gitgpt)

Show HN: Natural Language Git (Gitgpt) Hey folks, Here's a quick and dirty tool to use natural language to get git to do what you want. Example: $gitgpt create a new branch called feature/test add all the files and commit with msg creating feature test then push to origin I haven't put it through the wringer yet, however it's worked well with some pretty straight forward day to day git usage. February 28, 2023 at 12:50AM

Show HN: Codesearch, a command-line tool for searching your codebase

Show HN: Codesearch, a command-line tool for searching your codebase February 27, 2023 at 11:31PM

Show HN: DbDeclare – A Python declarative layer for your database

Show HN: DbDeclare – A Python declarative layer for your database Hi HN! I made and just published v0.0.1 of DbDeclare. I use Python a lot, and interact with Postgres a lot. I like using SQLAlchemy, and I love Alembic. Those wonderful tools primarily operate on tables, though, and I often find myself writing custom code to declare what databases, roles, schemas, privileges, etc. I want, and I have a hard time updating them reliably and in a repeatable fashion. That's where DbDeclare aims to help: declare what you want in your cluster (in addition to SQLAlchemy-defined tables and columns) in-code, alongside your tables. There is a lot this can't do yet (thus the v0.0.1), but I think there's a decent foundation here to build on and eventually have really nice features like autogenerating change statements between your in-code definition and what is actually in your database cluster (like Alembic). This is also my first attempt at building an open-source project, so I'm su

Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation

Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation February 27, 2023 at 04:26AM

Show HN: Open-source collection of Developer Roadmaps created using ChatGPT

Show HN: Open-source collection of Developer Roadmaps created using ChatGPT February 27, 2023 at 12:38AM

Show HN: Visualize your Apple Health data in Grafana

Show HN: Visualize your Apple Health data in Grafana Hi HN, I made a tool for displaying your Apple Health data (activities, workouts, body metrics) and display them in Grafana to be manipulated, aggregated etc. It's useful for finding trends, get daily/monthly/yearly stats and visualize outdoor routes on a bigger screen ! February 27, 2023 at 12:35AM

Show HN: MegaPortal – Easy-to-Use AI Model Loader for Apple Devices

Show HN: MegaPortal – Easy-to-Use AI Model Loader for Apple Devices MegaPortal is an easy-to-use platform that allows users to create, share, and use different AI models for various tasks on Apple devices. The platform focuses on utilizing the power of user devices and ensuring privacy, running all models locally if possible. February 26, 2023 at 10:23PM

Show HN: Power-Performance Curves for CPUs

Show HN: Power-Performance Curves for CPUs Hi HN! Following the release of the latest generation of CPUs by AMD and Intel with rather high power requirements and the corresponding uptake in interest of undervolting / power level adjustment, I was interested to find out in more detail how these CPU models would perform and compare at different power settings. However, it couldn't find an online source that would provide a satisfactory amount of data to be really useful to compare different models. So I took what data I could find to set up a Bayesian regression model. Find the results and more details on the linked page. Hope this is useful or of interest. Any feedback is welcome. Especially great would be if someone knows a source for or would be able and willing to contribute data for more CPU models (especially Intel 13th Gen.). PS.: Please not that I haven't been able to spend much time on optimizing the website. February 26, 2023 at 10:19PM

Show HN: LLMs can be susceptible to a new kind of malware

Show HN: LLMs can be susceptible to a new kind of malware February 26, 2023 at 08:26PM

Show HN: AI Files – manage and organize your files with AI

Show HN: AI Files – manage and organize your files with AI February 26, 2023 at 08:49AM

Show HN: Interviewing Ronald Reagan in 2023 Using AI (ChatGPT and ElevenLabs)

Show HN: Interviewing Ronald Reagan in 2023 Using AI (ChatGPT and ElevenLabs) February 26, 2023 at 08:02AM

Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS

Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS hey yall, I made bearclaw because I just wanted an unopinionated static site generator with no toolchain and fancy stuff going on; it'd be my pleasure to show it to you today and answer any questions you might have. If you do end up trying out bearclaw, you can use nginx or your favorite webserver. Earlier this week I made eclaire - a static site webserver with compression, caching, and automatic HTTPS through letsencrypt. February 25, 2023 at 10:10PM

Show HN: Open Optical Designer, free and open source lens design software

Show HN: Open Optical Designer, free and open source lens design software February 26, 2023 at 03:08AM

Show HN: 138 Generative AI tools for images, text, videos, code, audio, and 3D

Show HN: 138 Generative AI tools for images, text, videos, code, audio, and 3D February 26, 2023 at 01:44AM

Show HN: Share your AI-generated images

Show HN: Share your AI-generated images February 26, 2023 at 12:07AM

Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client

Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client February 25, 2023 at 01:10PM

Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal

Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal February 25, 2023 at 04:59PM

N Judah Motorization Allows City Partners to Complete Critical Maintenance Work

N Judah Motorization Allows City Partners to Complete Critical Maintenance Work By Jessie Liang MOW Crew Repairing Damaged Pavement Around Tracks on 9th Avenue Kudos to the SFMTA’s Maintenance of Way (MOW) teams for successfully completing critical work during the N Judah motorization on Feb. 18 and 19. The purpose of the motorization was to provide access for work to be done in Muni’s right of way by Public Works, PG&E and the SFMTA, including utility pole replacements at Cole and Carl, sewer investigation, repairs at 18th Avenue and Judah and 41st Avenue and Judah. The SFMTA was also making improvements to the J Church surface route between Duboce Park and the Balboa Park Station to increase service reliability, enhance street safety and reduce travel times.  To maximize the benefits of the motorization, the MOW teams took advantage of the opportunity to complete project milestones and critical maintenance work  for traction power and overhead lines, mechanical systems, ligh

Show HN: Atlantis workflow without a backend

Show HN: Atlantis workflow without a backend Last week we created a TF cloud alternative that could just run in GH actions and got an overwhelming response on Reddit. A lot of people recommended Atlantis as a way to run terraform plan and apply jobs in your CI. It is used by many great teams (Lyft for example) - however, we see the following issues: - You need to deploy and maintain an Atlantis backend in your infrastructure - It runs terraform commands locally on the same server it is installed in. This makes it tricky to achieve high levels of isolation and repeatability that is typically needed in CI/CD scenarios So we thought: does this really need a backend? Can we somehow make it work without a need to deploy a dedicated service and with terraform jobs running natively in Github Actions with proper isolation? Actually, the only need that makes Atlantis backend irreplaceable is code-level locks (not to be confused with state locks). But these can be stored in a database, accessed

Show HN: CloudNative Linux – A shell experience for the cloud

Show HN: CloudNative Linux – A shell experience for the cloud February 25, 2023 at 02:15AM

Show HN: AppifyText – Get ready-to-use CRUD apps from plain text descriptions

Show HN: AppifyText – Get ready-to-use CRUD apps from plain text descriptions February 24, 2023 at 06:08PM

Show HN: Parallax wallpaper engine for Linux and Windows

Show HN: Parallax wallpaper engine for Linux and Windows February 24, 2023 at 12:22AM

Show HN: A NixOS-based declarative proxy and redirect server

Show HN: A NixOS-based declarative proxy and redirect server February 23, 2023 at 10:33PM

Show HN: Infinite Logo Maker

Show HN: Infinite Logo Maker February 23, 2023 at 05:50PM

Show HN: IngestAI – NoCode ChatGPT-bot creator from your knowledge base in Slack

Show HN: IngestAI – NoCode ChatGPT-bot creator from your knowledge base in Slack February 23, 2023 at 08:00PM

Show HN: Mox - Modern full-featured low-maintenance self-hosted mail server

Show HN: Mox - Modern full-featured low-maintenance self-hosted mail server February 23, 2023 at 04:20PM

Show HN: Windstatic.160 Free Elements and Layout with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

Show HN: Windstatic.160 Free Elements and Layout with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js February 23, 2023 at 02:51PM

Show HN: IaSQL beta – cloud infra as data in PostgreSQL

Show HN: IaSQL beta – cloud infra as data in PostgreSQL February 23, 2023 at 01:03AM

Show HN: Write – a distraction-free text editor to improve your writing skills

Show HN: Write – a distraction-free text editor to improve your writing skills February 23, 2023 at 12:41AM

Show HN: AskHN

Show HN: AskHN February 22, 2023 at 11:09PM

Show HN: – Gumroad for Starter Repos

Show HN: – Gumroad for Starter Repos Hey HN! Starting a new project is so hard because before you actually get to building the idea itself, you have to search for tools and figure out how to piece them together. With, you can find proven starter templates/boilerplates/stacks that use the technologies you want and get to building right away. If you’ve made a starter repo you think others would find useful, you can immediately reach a wide audience without having to make your own site/app to sell it and advertise it by posting on Just focus on building the starter all while earning from it if you so choose. is so helpful to buyers and sellers because buyers are added as view-only collaborators to the repo on GitHub, where they get continuous updates. Buyers can help drive the project by submitting issues and PRs too. Let me know what you think! And if you have a starter template but are hesitant to list it, let me know what I could

Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end

Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end February 22, 2023 at 06:32PM

Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API

Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API Hi HN, we’ve been working on an API that makes it easy to add a full set of accounting tools to your product. If you’re building fintech or payments software for businesses, your customers often ask for integrations to their accounting system (Quickbooks, NetSuite, etc). There’s plenty of options for solving the integration problem, but they leave lots of manual work. Customers still need to review each transaction to assign a category, vendor, department, and tax code. With the Strada API, you can offer accounting integrations, cleanse your transaction data, and automatically map transaction details based on each customer’s accounting setup. We’d love any feedback you have. If you want to chat in more detail please reach out through our website. Thanks! February 22, 2023 at 05:28AM

Show HN: My50sTV – Nostalgic TV Simulator

Show HN: My50sTV – Nostalgic TV Simulator February 21, 2023 at 10:40AM

Show HN: Wiregasm, Packet Analyzer Powered by Wireshark Compiled for WebAssembly

Show HN: Wiregasm, Packet Analyzer Powered by Wireshark Compiled for WebAssembly Wiregasm lets you build applications that can leverage Wireshark's packet dissection capabilities in a web browser or nodejs. The project is in its infancy, the goal is to make most of sharkd APIs available in Wiregasm. The bindings at the moment are not perfect as I'm still trying to familiarize myself with Emscripten. It is part of a bigger hobby project that my wife and I are working on, to make some of the development and security tools that we use available in a web browser. February 21, 2023 at 08:30AM

Show HN: I created a website that generates lofi beats

Show HN: I created a website that generates lofi beats February 21, 2023 at 07:05AM

Show HN: DIYnDNS – I Don't Want to Pay for a Static IP Address

Show HN: DIYnDNS – I Don't Want to Pay for a Static IP Address February 21, 2023 at 04:06AM

Show HN: Bing AI just ditched and ghosted me

Show HN: Bing AI just ditched and ghosted me February 21, 2023 at 03:42AM

Show HN: Forte, an open-source self-hosted music platform with lots of features

Show HN: Forte, an open-source self-hosted music platform with lots of features Hey everyone, I've made a project to make your own music archive streamable and turn it into a complete music platform. The reason I've been working on this project for a while was to stream the CD's I've had at home without any cost and also make a nice looking system to manage and listen to these albums. You can host your own server and use the web player to connect. Also, it is possible to create users and give them access to your own server. Some features of the current release are group sessions, endless listening with radio, fuzzy searches, showing lyrics and specialized context menus. This was the first biggest project I've made using Vue.js and I am open to any suggestions. Feel free to leave a comment. I really appreciate your support! GitHub Repo: Web Player: February 21, 2023 at 02:51AM

Show HN: Replbuilder, quickly build a Python REPL CLI prompt

Show HN: Replbuilder, quickly build a Python REPL CLI prompt `pip install replbuilder` Making a small tool for easier repl building, no more manual argument parsing. Perfect for creating ops tools and other context heavy cli operations. February 20, 2023 at 01:04PM

Show HN: Replicad, the Library for CAD in the Browser

Show HN: Replicad, the Library for CAD in the Browser February 20, 2023 at 07:55PM

Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf

Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf February 20, 2023 at 03:18PM

Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map

Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map February 20, 2023 at 02:18PM

Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir

Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir Hey, everyone. I am currently working on AllyDB, which is basically my own Redis, which I am writing in Elixir. Currently, the database is nowhere close to being ready, as you can see in the roadmap, but I am doing my best to add stuff as fast as possible. Currently the implementation is very simple, with an in memory table, an append log persistence system, as well as an interval persistence system as a backup. The database could definitely be optimized further, especially when it comes to persistence, which I am planning to do in the future. I'm also planning to use Rust NIFs for specific tasks for the performance gains over Elixir and BEAM. Writes and deletes are currently asynchronous, but I will add blocking versions of them soon. I am trying to make the system as fault tolerant as possible, and currently everything except the TCP connections are fault tolerant. I'm also working on a TypeScript cl

Show HN: A Web-Based Visual Query Designer for MySQL

Show HN: A Web-Based Visual Query Designer for MySQL I built this web-based developer utility few years ago when I couldn't find any opensource GUI-based query builder for mysql (similar to what MS Access had). This app can be run locally. The online demo uses static hardcoded values. Screencast's link is included in the README file. February 19, 2023 at 11:32PM

Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform

Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform We wanted to create, to express ourselves without being judged either by strangers or some algorithm. We wanted our own space on the internet, where our photos and words would matter. So we started to build an app that can showcase our content, without having to pick a platform. You can use Sora to publish a few different content types. - Blog - Polaroid - Poster - Microblog You can either display them all on your Sora profile as a summary (like mine ), or put any of them forward for the world to see. We plan to run this app for a long time and looking for feedback, so let us know what you think! (, or link on website) --- Our stack today is Node, Typescript, NextJS, atomic CSS, with everything stored on Supabase. February 19, 2023 at 05:41AM

Show HN: An open source, modern CSV importer tool in React

Show HN: An open source, modern CSV importer tool in React February 19, 2023 at 03:46AM

Show HN: 2023 Market Outlooks, Searchable

Show HN: 2023 Market Outlooks, Searchable every year the big banks publish a 2023 market outlooks in the form of PDFs, slides, etc. these are often challenging to grok through so i indexed them all. More how here: February 19, 2023 at 12:55AM

Show HN: Neofetch for Git Repositories

Show HN: Neofetch for Git Repositories Onefetch is a command-line Git information tool that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly to your terminal. The tool is completely offline - no network access is required. Source: February 19, 2023 at 12:35AM

Show HN: My (hopefully complete) guide to setup and deploy Vaultwarden

Show HN: My (hopefully complete) guide to setup and deploy Vaultwarden Roughly a month ago, a few people on this forum asked me about my migration procedure to Vaultwarden from Bitwarden, and some information on maintaining it. I am sharing it here, please feel free to share your feedback or criticism. Thanks! February 18, 2023 at 03:18PM

Show HN: I made an interview platform for hardware engineers in Verilog

Show HN: I made an interview platform for hardware engineers in Verilog February 18, 2023 at 10:25AM

Show HN: TCP-based dynamic reverse proxy

Show HN: TCP-based dynamic reverse proxy February 18, 2023 at 10:47AM

Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls

Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls February 18, 2023 at 08:16AM

Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone

Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone Hi, I'm Ben, the co-creator of Embedbase. Embedbase lets you use OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone seamlessly. For example, you can add Embedbase to your app and pair it with GPT3 to allow people to search using natural language (e.g. How many workouts did I complete last week?), or simply expanding your current search experience beyond full-text search (e.g. looking for "similar" documents in Notion to find other related information) Managing embeddings is uncharted territory, we needed to discover the best practices ourselves. Now we're happy to share our learnings with Embedbase. Shoot if you have any questions February 18, 2023 at 12:29AM

Show HN: Bella Coven, A GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot

Show HN: Bella Coven, A GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot Presenting Bella Coven, a GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot. Pulls cards from an AI-generated tarot deck, and answers your question based on the pulled cards' energy. Code: February 18, 2023 at 03:56AM

Show HN: Epstein Documents, Fully Searchable

Show HN: Epstein Documents, Fully Searchable February 18, 2023 at 01:28AM

Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres

Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres Hi HN, we're excited to share our open source tool with the community! Inquery is a utility for Postgres that triggers webhooks when rows are inserted, updated, or deleted. It uses database triggers that send low-latency websocket messages to a Go application. This application then calls any configured webhooks with a JSON payload that includes specified values from the database row. Let us know if you have any feedback or questions! February 17, 2023 at 06:21AM

Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum

Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum February 17, 2023 at 04:02AM

Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet

Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet Hey folks, over the years my job role has skewed to using a code editor less and using spreadsheets more. Coming from Emacs and Vim, I wanted my Google Sheets usage to be more keyboard driven, so I made this extension. I've used it for several years and it's been a great quality of life improvement, so I'm releasing it today. Enjoy! February 17, 2023 at 03:36AM

Show HN: – Fast Unstructured Data Version Control

Show HN: – Fast Unstructured Data Version Control Hi HN! This is Greg, founder of . Oxen at it's core is a version control system built from the ground up optimized for machine learning data. Just like other VCS, Oxen can a building block for a lot of workflows. We are a couple ex-IBM Watson engineers who have seen the waves of AI and know the importance of matching the correct data to the correct model deployment in ML workflows. The commands are modeled one-for-one after git, but can handle large unstructured datasets of images, videos, audio, text, as well as tabular data. If you have a few minutes, go to and check it out! Built in Rust, with modern hashing algorithms and network protocols, it can index hundreds of thousands of images, video, audio, text, in seconds. The vision is to help collaboration on data be as easy as collaboration on code. It still feels like we are in the dark ages of iterating on machine learning datasets,

Show HN: Favird – A listing with listings of interesting things

Show HN: Favird – A listing with listings of interesting things February 17, 2023 at 02:56AM

Show HN: High School – A Redis Mutex in Ruby and Lua

Show HN: High School – A Redis Mutex in Ruby and Lua February 17, 2023 at 12:26AM

Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework

Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework February 16, 2023 at 11:43AM

Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS

Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS February 16, 2023 at 10:21AM

Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres

Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres Small, simple, sans IO and fast. No more dumping to CSVs! February 16, 2023 at 08:01AM

Show HN: Keep – Open-source alerting CLI

Show HN: Keep – Open-source alerting CLI Hi Hacker News! Shahar and Tal from Keep here. We're thrilled to announce that we're open-sourcing our alerting CLI tool, Keep ( ). Designed by developers for developers, Keep streamlines and simplifies alerting, making it a first-class citizen within the development process. Think of Keep as Prometheus Alertmanager but for all observability tools, with a simple and intuitive (GitHub actions-like) syntax. We believe that alerting has historically been neglected in existing monitoring platforms, leading to subpar alerting practices. With Keep, we aim to change that. Although it's still in its early stages, we would love to get your feedback on our project. Keep provides the following key features: 1. Declarative alerting that can be easily managed and versioned in your version control and service repository. 2. Alerts from multiple data sources for added context and insights. 3. Freedom from vendor lock-in, maki

Show HN: A/B test your GPT3 prompts

Show HN: A/B test your GPT3 prompts February 16, 2023 at 01:18AM

Scooter Permittees Receive Feedback from Students with Disabilities

Scooter Permittees Receive Feedback from Students with Disabilities By Maddy Ruvolo On a recent Monday in Golden Gate Park, 28 students and staff from AccessSFUSD gathered on JFK Drive to test-ride adaptive scooters. The group took turns riding adaptive devices from two scooter companies permitted to operate in the city, Lime and Spin . Adaptive devices are designed to meet the needs of riders with a variety of disabilities and provide additional stability features, such as a seat, a wider base, and an additional wheel. After trying the scooters, the students shared their feedback about a variety of design elements, including the wheels, seat, throttle, basket location, foot plate width, and the ease of getting started.  Adaptive scooter demo in Golden Gate Park Students embraced the opportunity to ride scooters and provide feedback. AccessSFUSD is a community-based program for students 18-22 with disabilities. Located across 11 sites in San Francisco, the program focuses on te

Show HN:, a fast security checker for REST-based API

Show HN:, a fast security checker for REST-based API tl;dr we released, an online tool that performs a dozen of security tests on any given openapi/swagger-based API, with no signup or email required. You can try it here: My team at Escape (YC W23) is mainly focused on securing GraphQL APIs. For this, we developed a new approach called Feedback driven API Exploration. Basically, we infer the right security tests cases to run using the specification and a carefully crafted in house graph traversal algorithm. (It's a bit long to describe here but we published a more in depth explanation of how this algorithm works in our blog!) We recently wondered if this Feedback Driven Exploration approach could be efficiently applied to good old REST APIs as well. From our experience, well designed GraphQL and REST APIs are quite equivalent: both have an organized data structure and explicit relationships between objects. So why wouldn'

Show HN: I built a little online drum machine using 808 style samples

Show HN: I built a little online drum machine using 808 style samples February 15, 2023 at 03:04AM

Show HN: I made an extension for browser bookmarks

Show HN: I made an extension for browser bookmarks Hello HN! I have just released my browser extension. FavBox - is a bookmark management tool with a clean and modern UI. Absolutely compatible with default browser bookmarks has no third-party services, and still syncs with the browser profile. Free and open source. Chrome Web Store February 14, 2023 at 06:31PM

New Express Service Comes to the 1 California

New Express Service Comes to the 1 California By Melissa Culross Newly painted Muni flag stop indicating the pilot 1X California Express Beginning February 21, 2023, a pilot program will offer express bus service on the new 1X California Express between the Richmond neighborhood and the Financial District. The SFMTA plays a significant role in San Francisco’s economic recovery, and this pilot that serves downtown is part of that.  We have been working on improving travel time and reliability over the last several years. Travel times are now 11% quicker on the 1 California thanks to new transit lanes on California, Clay and Sacramento streets. But our work is not done on the corridor! The new 1X California express will provide another option for riders to zoom from the inner Richmond into and out of downtown even faster. We also expect this service to ease crowding on the 1 California as more people head back to the office.  Three morning 1X California Express buses will depart fr

Show HN: Screenshot.Rocks: Open-source browser and mobile screenshot mockup tool

Show HN: Screenshot.Rocks: Open-source browser and mobile screenshot mockup tool February 14, 2023 at 10:35PM

Show HN: We made a voice-controlled personal assistant with Whisper and GPT-3

Show HN: We made a voice-controlled personal assistant with Whisper and GPT-3 February 14, 2023 at 10:42PM

Show HN: I made a game, Tippy Coco

Show HN: I made a game, Tippy Coco Tippy Coco is a volleyball game in the browser. You can play with a friend at the same keyboard, or solo challenge the built-in opponents. As for the tech: it's all TypeScript + HTML5. I did not use a game engine; I just made a game loop with setTimeout and the artwork is all just png's drawn on the canvas. The sound is played through the HTML audio API. Input is watching keyboard events and the Gamepad API. One thing: I know this is 2023 but it's not a game for phones. It's for a laptop or desktop PC with a physical keyboard. It also works ok on an iPad with a physical keyboard. Tippy Coco is free and without ads. The code is available (MIT license) at February 14, 2023 at 04:53AM

Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers

Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers February 14, 2023 at 04:11AM

Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3

Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3 I’m building an experimental tool that can generate a UI component from a high-level text description, i.e. “Design a card for viewing goals in a goal tracking application”. Basically, stable diffusion but for user interface components instead of images. This tool is at best a proof of concept. It currently only generates a single type of component (small cards that have basic info about an object), but the goal is to be able to design entire applications (either in one fell swoop or by piecing together components that the tool generates). The components it generates can be exported as react code. You can also have it modify an existing design. The tool isn't useful yet but it's somewhat fun to play around with. Having it generate a component rather than an entire screen made the problem easier but I'm not sure if there are any users that this would appeal to. I could see it appealing to developers who lack design and C

Show HN: Sign-up flows from 100s of websites made publicly available

Show HN: Sign-up flows from 100s of websites made publicly available Hi HN! Fil here from Formsort ( ). We just launched Fineflows, a design gallery that showcases leading sign-up flows from around the web. Why? My team has been building sign-up flows for close to a decade across mortgages and healthcare. We’ve spent a lot of time working through the technical and design aspects of this problem, such as state management (getting that pesky back button to work), design flexibility, and data enrichment. Time and again, we’ve seen product teams who don’t know what to build even though they can . Often times, builders of forms start their process by looking at what other people are doing, answering questions like: What are different ways error validations are done? Should I use photos of people, or is text enough? Is it appropriate to use emojis in forms? How can I decline a user in a polite yet firm way? To that end, we set out to capture as many different form flows

Show HN: We built a managed Kubernetes provider at half the cost of AWS

Show HN: We built a managed Kubernetes provider at half the cost of AWS Since there’s a few discussions recently on $4 VPSes we thought you might be interested in Symbiosis, a cheaper and simpler managed k8s provider. Supported features include external LBs, encrypted+replicated storage and autoscaler. Infrastructure can be managed with UI, CLI, Terraform or Pulumi. Control planes are free of charge and a 1vCPU/2GB node goes for $6 per month. We’re live in Germany right now and we’re expanding into US during 2023. Feel free to try it out and leave a comment. February 14, 2023 at 12:04AM

Show HN: Recurser lib reduces GPT2-XL VRAM usage by 25% and runs it on Colab

Show HN: Recurser lib reduces GPT2-XL VRAM usage by 25% and runs it on Colab February 13, 2023 at 10:54PM

Show HN: Lexington; Outstanding web Themes Crafted with Astro and Tailwind CSS

Show HN: Lexington; Outstanding web Themes Crafted with Astro and Tailwind CSS After several months of building and little sleeping and a lot of fun, I would like to introduce you to my next project: Outstanding themes and UI kits for designers, developers, businesses, & personal use — Crafted with Astro and Tailwind CSS Landing pages UI Kits ( Multipage Templates ) Personal Blogs Free Any questions feel free to ask here or on twitter at February 13, 2023 at 03:37PM

Show HN: I made a community-based writing application

Show HN: I made a community-based writing application Hi HN! Writing has been a big part of my life for the last few years. It's helped me make sense of the world around me through journaling, and my blog and technical books have made wonders for my career as an engineer. Something I've always been missing is an online community where I can practice my skills and learn from other aspiring writers. I built Tavern, hoping to solve my own problem. Its main concept is that every Monday everyone in the app gets asked the same writing prompt and you have seven days to submit your answer. You can look at what others have posted, but only after you've submitted your answer. My hope is that this way I will reduce lurking and encourage more people to actually write rather than think about it. There is a concept of giving likes (ales, since the whole app is tavern-themed), but I've given it a twist by not showing the number of likes an answer has until you like it. Also, answers a

Show HN: Self-host Whisper As a Service with GUI and queueing

Show HN: Self-host Whisper As a Service with GUI and queueing Schibsted created a transcription service for our journalists to transcribe audio interviews and podcasts really quick. February 13, 2023 at 02:00PM

Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles

Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles February 11, 2023 at 10:54PM

Show HN: Nix-init – Generate Nix packages from URLs with dependency inference

Show HN: Nix-init – Generate Nix packages from URLs with dependency inference February 13, 2023 at 01:34AM

Show HN: HN Pop-Up – Hover on HN Username to See Their Profile

Show HN: HN Pop-Up – Hover on HN Username to See Their Profile February 13, 2023 at 01:25AM

Show HN: Polymath: Convert any music-library into a sample-library with ML

Show HN: Polymath: Convert any music-library into a sample-library with ML Polymath is a open-source tool that converts any music-library into a sample-library with machine learning. It separates songs into stems, quantizes to same BPM, detects key and much more. A game-changing workflow for music producers & DJ February 12, 2023 at 05:13AM

Show HN: Log collector that runs on a $4 VPS

Show HN: Log collector that runs on a $4 VPS Hey guys, I'm building erlog to try and solve problems with logging. While trying to add logs to my application, I couldn't find any lightweight log platform which was easy to set up without adding tons of dependencies to my code, or configuring 10,000 files. ErLog is just a simple go web server which batch inserts json logs into an sqlite3 server. Through tuning sqlite3 and batching inserts, I find I can get around 8k log insertions/sec which is fast enough for small projects. This is just an MVP, and I plan to add more features once I talk to users. If anyone has any problems with logging, feel free to leave a comment and I'd love to help you out. February 12, 2023 at 03:44AM

Show HN: For Product Managers – curated collection of tools

Show HN: For Product Managers – curated collection of tools Curated collection of tools and frameworks for product managers, startup founders and delivery managers. February 12, 2023 at 12:14AM

Show HN: My personal website designed in the style of Windows 95

Show HN: My personal website designed in the style of Windows 95 link: github repo: Your thoughts and recommendations are highly appreciated :) February 12, 2023 at 01:44AM

Show HN: C64 and Plus/4 compared. Justice to a forgotten 8-bit home computer

Show HN: C64 and Plus/4 compared. Justice to a forgotten 8-bit home computer February 12, 2023 at 12:27AM

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people February 11, 2023 at 11:42PM

Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer

Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer End-to-encrypted file transfer. February 11, 2023 at 04:06PM

Show HN: Stablematic – run Stable Diffusion in the browser with cloud GPUs

Show HN: Stablematic – run Stable Diffusion in the browser with cloud GPUs Hey HN. Have been a little obsessed with generative AI art and found a lot of the setup initially quite difficult to do more interesting things without suffering coldstart problems or interruptions. Have made Stablematic to help run Stable Diffusion models in the browser using cloud GPUs. Please let me know what you think. I'll be in the thread to answer any questions you may have. February 11, 2023 at 07:30AM

Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star

Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star I wrote a Zap on Zapier to get notified when someone stars your repo. I use it on our open-source repo and it's helpful. Fern: February 11, 2023 at 06:25AM

Show HN: – send encrypted, disposable notes

Show HN: – send encrypted, disposable notes February 11, 2023 at 03:43AM

Show HN: GoodQuestion: A job interview note taking and collaboration tool

Show HN: GoodQuestion: A job interview note taking and collaboration tool February 11, 2023 at 03:18AM

Show HN: Bashi – open-source and extensible AI assistant platform and app

Show HN: Bashi – open-source and extensible AI assistant platform and app February 10, 2023 at 11:26PM

Show HN: Enc – A modern and friendly CLI alternative to GnuPG

Show HN: Enc – A modern and friendly CLI alternative to GnuPG Enc is a CLI tool for encryption, a modern and friendly alternative to GnuPG. It is easy to use, secure by default and can encrypt and decrypt files using password or encryption keys, manage and download keys, and sign data. Our goal was to make encryption available to all engineers without the need to learn a lot of new words, concepts, and commands. It is the most beginner-friendly CLI tool for encryption, and keeping it that way is our top priority. February 10, 2023 at 02:43PM

Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool

Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool Two months ago, I started building this side-project in the morning, before my full-time job. A visual and easy-to-use web scraping app. Please, roast it a bit so I can work on improving it. Thanks. February 10, 2023 at 02:19PM

Show HN: Verified-GPT on your files and videos

Show HN: Verified-GPT on your files and videos February 10, 2023 at 02:50AM

Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products

Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products Helping founders bring their product to life, attract early users, and validate their idea. February 9, 2023 at 06:47PM

Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into dramatically angled photos

Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into dramatically angled photos February 10, 2023 at 02:28AM

Show HN: – Search anything said on a podcast, highlight text to play

Show HN: – Search anything said on a podcast, highlight text to play Hi HN, wanted to share a project that I’ve been working on recently. PodText allows users to find anything said on a podcast. You can also listen and share clips to a specific part of the podcast audio, simply by highlighting the text of that part. Currently there are just over 25k podcast episodes and I’m adding a lot more in the coming weeks (yes my GPU bill is painful). In order to monetize it, I’m building a sponsorship database to help sponsors find podcasts and vice versa. This will be sold in the form of a $99/month “PodText Business” subscription. I bet I could charge a lot more to large sponsors but I’ll tweak that as I talk to potential customers. Right now the UI is very bare bones (doesn’t even have pagination) but I’ll polish it once the data pipeline is working well. Please let me know if you run into any bugs or have any questions about the site or business model. February

Show HN: Use Apple's Vision APIs and OpenAI to Automate Nutrition Label Reading

Show HN: Use Apple's Vision APIs and OpenAI to Automate Nutrition Label Reading February 9, 2023 at 06:37AM

Show HN: Free newsletter signup service (because I'm sick of Mailchimp)

Show HN: Free newsletter signup service (because I'm sick of Mailchimp) February 9, 2023 at 05:27AM

Show HN: – AI-generated answers to every coding question

Show HN: – AI-generated answers to every coding question February 9, 2023 at 03:58AM

Show HN: Filmbox, physically accurate film emulation, now on Linux and Windows

Show HN: Filmbox, physically accurate film emulation, now on Linux and Windows We released Filmbox two years ago, and it has gotten a great response. It's been used in huge movies like "Everything Everywhere All At Once". It's been a huge rewrite to get this working on Linux and Windows from our original Mac and Metal code. We also have some interesting uses of cross-platform Swift + Electron in our plugin manager app, and cross-platform Swift generally in the plugin. Hopefully we can detail that in a blog post at some point. There's a free Filmbox Lite version to try, if you're interested. February 9, 2023 at 02:13AM

Show HN: PaperAge – Easy and secure paper backups of (smallish) secrets

Show HN: PaperAge – Easy and secure paper backups of (smallish) secrets Take any plaintext input, encrypt it using Age, and generate a printable PDF with a QR code that's easy to scan back in. Oh, and this is my first Rust project so some the code might not be the best. February 9, 2023 at 01:36AM

Show HN: 2k+ ChatGPT/AI tools. Blocked by r/GPT3, uploading here

Show HN: 2k+ ChatGPT/AI tools. Blocked by r/GPT3, uploading here February 8, 2023 at 03:37PM

Show HN: One API Key – Third-Party API Integrations with Zero Setup

Show HN: One API Key – Third-Party API Integrations with Zero Setup Hey HN, we’ve been working on a way to simplify authentication with third-party APIs. This started because my co-founder andreterron ( ) and I both built personal dashboards to track different health and productivity metrics, but it’s such an annoying chore to integrate with new APIs. First you read their docs to learn their authentication method, then build and deploy a custom server to receive OAuth callback requests or deal with CORS, register an app with them, then finally you can send the first request to their API. After the initial integration is done, you now have to refresh expired tokens, make sure that you’re respecting rate limits, and update the code if the underlying API changes. The solution we came up with is a proxy server, it forwards requests to the respective API with up to date auth tokens. Because of this: - Devs can use the full range of capabilities of the underlying APIs.

Show HN: SQRL – Anti-spam rules language Twitter acquired in 2018, open-sourced

Show HN: SQRL – Anti-spam rules language Twitter acquired in 2018, open-sourced Hey all, author here! This is a demo of the rules engine we built to fight spam/abuse on the internet. It was built based on learnings from Facebook & Google, while trying to make a language that makes it simple for anti-spam analysts to quickly (and safely) deploy rules to production. Unfortunately it looks like the Twitter event feed is temporarily down (they're blocking it, possibly as part of shutting down the API on Thursday). I have a cache of events from a little earlier that I'm going to try play through the stream. February 6, 2023 at 11:54PM

Show HN: We've built ChatGPT for your pdf files

Show HN: We've built ChatGPT for your pdf files My friends and I were really excited to try out ChatGPT when it was released. We were amazed by its power and capabilities. We were thinking how great it would be if people could use ChatGPT to ask questions from their own data. So me and my friends had decided to build such a tool. We are delighted to announce that we are releasing a public beta of our tool> After you upload all your pdf files into it. It can search for relevant documents without perfect keyword match, summarize takeaways from the document specific to your question, and extract key information from the document. It can help with brainstorming and summarization. We would love if you try it out and let us know what you think about it. We look forward to hearing your feedback on comments section below :) February 8, 2023 at 01:05AM

Show HN: We built an open-source social-media simulator for research

Show HN: We built an open-source social-media simulator for research Psychology research is currently facing a crisis: A significant amount of published studies cannot be reliably reproduced. Yet these studies will still be used in news headlines, and treated as fact. Research into social media has not been immune to this either, with the problem exacerbated by study designs that don’t match the real world. We built the Misinformation Game to aid in this problem. Our tool allows researchers to design social-media studies that look and feel like social media, while also making sure that each participant has a similar experience. This is really important for the ecological validity of studies (i.e., is it similar to reality), and the reproducibility of studies (chance plays less of a role). The tool’s reproducibility is further helped because the configuration of studies can be downloaded and shared alongside published research, minimising the work required for replication. I have really

Show HN: Supabase Clippy – ChatGPT for Supabase Docs

Show HN: Supabase Clippy – ChatGPT for Supabase Docs February 7, 2023 at 11:58PM

Show HN: Adblocker for Google Ads and auto skip YouTube video ads

Show HN: Adblocker for Google Ads and auto skip YouTube video ads Simple Adblocker for Google Ads and auto skip Youtube video ads. February 7, 2023 at 11:24PM

Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle

Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle Hey HN! FlappyBirdle combines elements from the game Flappy Bird and the popular word game Wordle. I wanted to see if I could make a game that added urgency to Wordle, while also feeling outragous at the same time. I think I achieved it with FlappyBirdle. Every time you type a letter of the word, the bird flaps its wings and you get closer to the goal. It also has an easy mode that ignores the pipes, so even beginners can get a good score. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can make it better! February 7, 2023 at 05:01AM

Show HN: The most simple web framework for Rust v0.5

Show HN: The most simple web framework for Rust v0.5 New Graphul version v0.5.0 Enjoy building webservices with Rust :) February 7, 2023 at 04:22AM

Show HN: I've created a trading journal website

Show HN: I've created a trading journal website Hi all, Been a while since I've posted and in the time since I have created a trading journal website where you can submit and track your trades with the USP of tracking your outgoings too. There has been a huge rise in the number of retail traders (me included) and a lot of people now have the very real possibility of quitting their day jobs and trading full time. I want to help people do that! It's still in very early stages and I'm releasing new updates daily but would be very grateful to get some other peoples feedback! Thanks in advance and hope you're all having a good day! :D February 7, 2023 at 04:01AM

Show HN: Aide – Java fast reflection, extended optionals and conditionals

Show HN: Aide – Java fast reflection, extended optionals and conditionals February 7, 2023 at 02:04AM

Show HN: Open-source platform for customer-facing Salesforce integrations

Show HN: Open-source platform for customer-facing Salesforce integrations We spent the past few weeks building Supaglue ( ) and would like to share an early public alpha version with you. Supaglue is an open source platform to help developers build customer-facing Salesforce integrations into their applications. Use code to define syncs for pulling objects from Salesforce into your application. Embed functional and customizable React components for your customers to configure these syncs. Why? - We built user-facing HubSpot and Salesforce integrations in a previous product we worked on and did not find an existing solution that let us build it quickly, using code, and that supported custom business logic, so we built in-house. - There were some unified API products we evaluated, but they lacked depth, e.g. support for custom fields and objects. - There were UI-based workflow builders, but we did not want to click around in a UI tool to author business logic. - No

2022 Muni Rider Survey

2022 Muni Rider Survey By Jeanne Brophy Almost 100% of San Franciscans have access to Muni service within two or three blocks of their home or work. The results of the 2022 Muni Rider Survey indicate that our continuing efforts to deliver fast, reliable and frequent service are benefiting riders and they appreciate it. Over half of respondents, 66%, rate Muni service as “good” or “excellent” – a 9% increase from 2021 and the strongest increase since 2018.   Since 2021, riders’ ratings of individual attributes of Muni have generally increased or stayed the same: The greatest increases were:  Trips take a reasonable amount of time (65% in 2022 vs. 57% in 2021)  Frequency of service (51% in 2022 vs. 45% in 2021)  Reliability/On-time performance (47% in 2022 vs. 42% in 2021).   We expect that some of these improvements have to do with the fact that since the last survey in 2021, we restored the Muni network so that almost 100% of San Franciscans have access to Muni service

Show HN: Customised Summary for web pages using ChatGPT: ReaderGPT

Show HN: Customised Summary for web pages using ChatGPT: ReaderGPT The extension offers: - Generating bullet points summary for the article. - Change of the ChatGPT prompt to customise the summary. - Some example prompts: - Summarise the article in 3 concise bullet points. - Summarise the article in 50 words. - Translate the article to Spanish. - Simplify the article for a five years old. - Write a caption based for article. February 6, 2023 at 08:55PM

Show HN: Surplus – a minimal, easy-to-use and customizable expense tracker app

Show HN: Surplus – a minimal, easy-to-use and customizable expense tracker app I had trouble finding an expense tracker app that resonated with my spending habits. Apps I tried either enforced specific budgeting methods or were too complicated to customize. So I set out to build Surplus, a simple expense tracker app that can be tailored to your unique spending habits. The app is available on the AppStore for iOS, iPad and M1/M2 macs: Why you will enjoy using Surplus: - It is super customizable. Enjoy eating out? Prefer to prioritize savings? No matter what your lifestyle - preferences are, Surplus makes it easy to organize your expenses into buckets themed around your spending habits. - It supports recurring transactions such as monthly subscriptions and installments. The dashboard calculates all current and upcoming spend, giving you a complete picture of your monthly expenditure. - Surplus supports both manual and automatic workflows. Quickly add and categorize

Show HN: No code landing page I made for my startup idea with

Show HN: No code landing page I made for my startup idea with I wanted to share a project I've been working on : Styrate, a social rating and review platform for products. I built a landing page for it using a no-code platform, which allowed me to create a professional and functional website without writing any code. As someone who is not very tech-savvy, I was able to easily build a landing page that looks and functions like it was built by a professional. This really showcases the power of no-code platforms, as they allow people with limited technical knowledge(me) to create websites, apps, and other digital products without having to learn how to code. If you guys know any other no-code websites or resources, feel free to chime in. February 6, 2023 at 01:17AM

Show HN: Fast VHDL language server written in Rust

Show HN: Fast VHDL language server written in Rust I want to share a VHDL language server I have written in Rust. It is now in a really good state and is ready to be the daily driver for someone working on VHDL. It is completely free and open source, enjoy! The performance is great, it can load 200k lines in 200ms using all 8-cores on my desktop. When loaded it only consumes 220 MB of RAM. It supports goto/find-references as well as type checking for close to all of VHDL-2008. February 5, 2023 at 04:40AM

Show HN: Run untrusted code in a Web Worker for data transformation

Show HN: Run untrusted code in a Web Worker for data transformation February 5, 2023 at 03:08PM

Show HN: Are You Drowsy? Twilio and OpenCV

Show HN: Are You Drowsy? Twilio and OpenCV February 5, 2023 at 01:40PM

Show HN: GPTBanker – map/reduce over documents of any length with OpenAI

Show HN: GPTBanker – map/reduce over documents of any length with OpenAI Hi all! I created a app that can map/reduce over documents of an arbitrary length with OpenAI completions. You can enter in your OpenAI key and try it out. The backend is built with LangChain, which made it easy to manage the models, workflows (chains), and troubleshoot pipelines with buffer issues. Learnings: - Tokens was the most helpful key for calls rather than characters or words. LangChain also just implemented a token splitter, which made it easier for me to adapt to documents of any type. - Davinci performed much better than Curie for summarizing long documents over multiple chunks - Oftentimes a map step was the only thing needed and the reduce/combine introduced more errors instead of improving context. February 5, 2023 at 12:07PM

Show HN: Hacker News, but Just ChatGPT

Show HN: Hacker News, but Just ChatGPT February 5, 2023 at 10:14AM

Show HN: Integrate ChatGPT with Google Sheets in 3 Minutes

Show HN: Integrate ChatGPT with Google Sheets in 3 Minutes February 4, 2023 at 11:49PM

Show HN: FlingUp – Have Your Say

Show HN: FlingUp – Have Your Say February 4, 2023 at 10:13PM

Show HN: I made one place to discover all AI things

Show HN: I made one place to discover all AI things February 5, 2023 at 12:14AM

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people February 5, 2023 at 12:13AM

Show HN: - Free firecracker-based full-stack hosting

Show HN: - Free firecracker-based full-stack hosting February 4, 2023 at 05:35AM

Show HN: DocsGPT, open-source documentation assistant, fully aware of libraries

Show HN: DocsGPT, open-source documentation assistant, fully aware of libraries Hi, This is a very early preview of a new project, I think it could be very useful. Would love to hear some feedback/comments February 4, 2023 at 04:54AM

Show HN: Product Requirement Docs Using AI

Show HN: Product Requirement Docs Using AI As a product manager, I have always wished to automate some of the repetitive tasks. With GPT-3 & ChatGPT being so accessible, I created this app which creates a Product requirement doc. It generates PRD following Lenny's Rachitsky template - Do try it out and let me know your feedback :) February 4, 2023 at 03:33AM

Show HN: Amazon Product Recommendations Using ChatGPT

Show HN: Amazon Product Recommendations Using ChatGPT Hi HN! I built recommendation system using GPT-3 to figure out what product to buy on Amazon. The LLM asks questions to sus out what requirements I have and then also generates 3 recommended products based on the chat. It then searches a third-party Amazon API currently. Let me know what you think! February 4, 2023 at 02:29AM

Show HN: Emoji generator using Chat-GPT

Show HN: Emoji generator using Chat-GPT Hi All. Background: You might have had the thought that traditional emoji searches found on Twitter and in iOS really suck. Features: To solve this we came up with Emoji AI using OpenAI API. 1. It handles multiple languages! Type 'frohlich hund' or 'kék elektromos autó' it gets it! 2. Long sequences of different emojis in one search! Yep, got that! 3. Misspellings, yep no problem getting from threee beaars 4. Extract key points from a long sentence, got it! "We went on a journey through winding roads and through mountains to a large goat farm." Feedback: Once you have you desired emoji result copy and paste it immediately in your favorite app. Give it a try and let us know feedback. For example making an extensible API, browser extension or discord bot. February 4, 2023 at 01:45AM

Show HN: IHaveNoIdeasForAClockName – A “accurate” clock

Show HN: IHaveNoIdeasForAClockName – A “accurate” clock February 4, 2023 at 12:51AM

Show HN: Generate user interview notes with GPT

Show HN: Generate user interview notes with GPT Next time doing user/hiring interviews, let Rina Chrome extension take notes so you can focus on the chat. Rina records, transcribes and summarizes your call saving you 15 min each call. February 4, 2023 at 12:20AM

Show HN: An attempt at a table ranking harms from different environmental toxins

Show HN: An attempt at a table ranking harms from different environmental toxins Someone I work with put this together. How would you add to it? My current context: * air quality I think i've done the obvious things — have some ventilation, windows open when cooking, no candles, air purifier, and living in an area where the outside air is good, change hvac filters every so often * water i'm not sure if there's other high priority stuff worth doing. saw some stuff about maybe it's worth checking for lead in water in old houses? have under sink water filters, no whole house filter * processed foods i mostly avoid, straightforward-ish * xenoestrogens — i have a bunch of polyester clothing. not sure how concerned i should be about that. avoid disposable coffee cups, drinking out of plastic. do eat takeout food in plastic containers though. use almost all organic type toothpaste/shower products. wondering if i should prioritize certain items of clothing that have more skin c

Show HN: I turned my microeconomics textbook into a chatbot with GPT-3

Show HN: I turned my microeconomics textbook into a chatbot with GPT-3 I never really read my micro-econ textbook. Looking up concepts from the book with Google yields SEO-y results. So I used GPT-3 to make a custom chatbot I can query at any time. February 3, 2023 at 07:19AM

Show HN: ChatGPT for Product Support

Show HN: ChatGPT for Product Support February 2, 2023 at 11:45PM

Show HN: iPhone app that lets you edit photos with words

Show HN: iPhone app that lets you edit photos with words Built this quick app that feels like a lot like ChatGPT for photos. Upload a photo, type an edit, e.g. give him a mustache, make him bald, etc. The edits build on top of each other so you can really do some fun stuff. Works best with close ups of faces and landscape/architecture images. Not very good if there are multiple people in the image. The underlying model is Instructpix2pix. It can require a few tries so there's an easy retry button that undos and retries the previous edit. Another fun feature is you can hit "Send" without typing in a prompt, then it'll just pick a random prompt for you. This can lead you to some interesting and weird places. February 3, 2023 at 12:03AM

Show HN: Dev-Docs – A tool that helps you document as you code

Show HN: Dev-Docs – A tool that helps you document as you code Hi all, Super excited to share that I am building Dev-Docs, and I wanted to create a post to get other developers' thoughts. Background: Developers know how important it is to document their codebases, but often, it's an afterthought that ends up taking a lot of time and effort. That's where Dev-Docs comes in - a solution that helps developers document as they code, making the process easier and more efficient. Features: Dev-Docs handles both internal documentation for teams and external documentation around APIs and codebases for customers and partners. Internal Documentation: Dev-Docs makes it easy for engineers to document their code, right within their editor. This way, they can easily document the code they're working on, without having to switch between multiple tools. Think of it as a mini local notion that lives within vs code. External API and Codebase Documentation: Developers can also use Dev-Docs

Show HN: Validate, Launch and Grow 3-5x Faster with No BS Startup Guide

Show HN: Validate, Launch and Grow 3-5x Faster with No BS Startup Guide Launch and grow your startup 3-5x faster with the No BS Startup Guide. Get +400 specific tactical activities that you can start doing today, to save 2,000 hours of research, and know exactly what to do every step of the way. I started the guide initially for myself. I posted on reddit over a year ago ( ) and it became super popular. I kept using it and adding to it as I've coached and mentored over 200 founders. After thousands of hours of research and field testing, I am ready to release it. Still in early access and lots of things are work in progress. February 2, 2023 at 04:21AM

Show HN: AI Cover Letter Writer

Show HN: AI Cover Letter Writer Uniquely, our AI cover letter generator creates a cover letter from your resume and a job description. Use the finished product as an outline you can polish on your own. February 2, 2023 at 10:06AM

Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0

Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0 Hey Hackernews! I am the creator and maintainer of GO Feature Flag, a self-hosted OpenSource solution for feature flags (or feature toggles) that requires almost no infrastructure. We store all our flag in a flat file somewhere (S3, github, ...) and we use it directly. Today we have finally released the version v1.0.0 that brings a new flag format that enable you to do even more with your feature flags. The solution offer some capabilities such as: - Targeting specific users - Fancy rollout capabilities (progressive rollout, A/B testing, scheduled rollout). - Exporting your usage in several location. - Compatibility with the new standard Open Feature. All feedback are welcome . Github: v1.0.0 blog post: February 2, 2023 at 03:52AM

Show HN: 3 Clicks, 3 Seconds, 3 Steps – The Future of Process Management

Show HN: 3 Clicks, 3 Seconds, 3 Steps – The Future of Process Management Hello HN, Do you want to streamline your business processes and boost productivity? Look no further than Jackrabbit Ops! Our AI-powered platform is changing the game for process management. With just 3 clicks, you can create processes that are tailored to your unique needs. Get answers to your questions in just 3 seconds with our knowledge base feature. And making updates has never been easier - just 3 simple steps! Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to a more efficient, effective, and intelligent way of managing your business. Jackrabbit Ops has already onboarded 70 companies in just 2 weeks, and with its promising growth potential, it's the perfect solution for your business too! Links: Try Jackrabbit Ops today and experience the future of process management for yourself. Thanks for taking a look! February 2, 2023 at 04:35AM

Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms

Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms As an app developer, I noticed that smaller teams frequently run into the hassles of managing translation strings across iOS, Android and web, and keeping them in sync and up to date. To make this a little easier I've been working on a small utility that allows you to use Google Sheets to manage these translations. Perfect for small teams that do not need any of the advanced features that paid platforms offer, but still want to have an easy to use centralised place to edit these strings. Without creating any account or whatsoever, you can use the Localeasy endpoint to convert your sheet into translations files for multiple platforms: iOS/macOS, Android, Rails, JSON, or YAML. I would love to hear your feedback! February 1, 2023 at 07:41PM

Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster

Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster 1Daily is a custom daily digest covering the latest news in your industry. You choose your favorite publications, newsletters, and social media posts, and we’ll summarize it in one simple email. Staying up-to-date with what’s going on in your industry isn’t easy when you’re juggling the day-to-day tasks of building a company. Many of us subscribe to dozens of newsletters and news publications and follow hundreds of social media accounts but don’t actually have the time to consume all of that content. 1Daily gives you the need-to-know information in a simple, digestible format, so you can spend your time serving your customers. Unlike other newsletters, 1Daily is customized to your specific industry and product. You can either add the publications and social accounts that you’d like to be included in your digest or we’ll select a few for you. You can set up your own 1Daily at We’d love to hear what you care about most in a custo