
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2023

Show HN: Stock Market Today

Show HN: Stock Market Today September 1, 2023 at 03:42AM

Show HN: Name Checker – check your project name accross many sites

Show HN: Name Checker – check your project name accross many sites September 1, 2023 at 08:35AM

Show HN: Travel search engine calculating results in single digit ms

Show HN: Travel search engine calculating results in single digit ms September 1, 2023 at 04:48AM

Show HN: NumberTabs, A Notes App for your calculations

Show HN: NumberTabs, A Notes App for your calculations A Notes App for your daily calculations. This App provides a simple way to manage and note your day-to-day calculations easier and faster. August 31, 2023 at 09:06PM

Show HN: Squabblr – A Twitter/Reddit hybrid platform

Show HN: Squabblr – A Twitter/Reddit hybrid platform Hey guys, I made a post about this about a week ago and was told to create a Show HN post. So here we are! Squabblr is a hybrid that takes Twitter style posting and combines it with Reddit style commenting. It came up from a personal want where I liked using Twitter to see what people I'm interested in are up to, but found that the reply system left a lot to be desired. It's very hard to have or follow conversations with their UI. While Reddit provided a great commenting system but didn't support following people very well (or had much usage of it at all). So I decided to create Squabblr. You can "tweet" random blurbs or have in-depth conversations in a single unified platform. You can follow people, and you can also have Reddit style communities for whatever niche subject you find interest in. If you find any interest in it, check it out here! Tech stack: - Laravel - Vue.js - MySQL - Digita

Show HN: Vanity Git commit hash generator

Show HN: Vanity Git commit hash generator Hi HN! This is just a fun little tool I made after I got nerdsniped by noticing that one of my commits naturally started with "fae". I thought that was cute, so I looked up existing tools that make vanity commit hashes, but none of them seemed great to me (and none supporting signing commits). I learned a fair deal about how git actually stores commits while making this, and I think I came up with a novel way to generate a vanity hash: adding an extra header to the commit file. This was just a quick project to satisfy my curiosity, but I thought you all might find it neat. Notice that all the commits in that repo start with "fae0"! - Anna August 31, 2023 at 02:13PM

Show HN: Tiny Dream – Header Only, Embedded Stable Diffusion C++ Library

Show HN: Tiny Dream – Header Only, Embedded Stable Diffusion C++ Library August 30, 2023 at 10:16PM

Show HN: I automated 1/2 of my typing

Show HN: I automated 1/2 of my typing I've been using this for about a year now - I parsed 6 months of my messages on slack and found the most common phrases I use and generated keyboard shortcuts for them. August 31, 2023 at 01:40AM

Show HN: a simple shell script that opens random past HN front pages

Show HN: a simple shell script that opens random past HN front pages August 31, 2023 at 12:44AM

Show HN:Scripting language under development, callable from C#

Show HN:Scripting language under development, callable from C# August 30, 2023 at 10:16PM

Show HN: Vector Embedding Server in under 100 lines of code

Show HN: Vector Embedding Server in under 100 lines of code August 30, 2023 at 09:29PM

Show HN: CLI Mate: autogenerate CLIs from Golang structs / functions

Show HN: CLI Mate: autogenerate CLIs from Golang structs / functions With support for nested subcommands, global / local flags, help generation from godocs, typo suggestions, shell completion and more. Inspired by python-fire and powered by Cobra. August 30, 2023 at 08:40PM

Show HN: How to Notebooks for computer vision models and techniques

Show HN: How to Notebooks for computer vision models and techniques August 30, 2023 at 06:17PM

Show HN: Hugo and Nebula Award Short Stories

Show HN: Hugo and Nebula Award Short Stories August 30, 2023 at 04:38AM

Show HN: Query your database using plain English on premise

Show HN: Query your database using plain English on premise Hi folks, My friend Sami and I recently built Vizly, a Mac application that allows anyone to query their databases using plain English. Vizly is built on Llama 2, llama.cpp, and runs fully on-premise. We are running two Llama models, one for natural language to SQL translation, and another that uses the results from the SQL to render visualizations. That means there are no external APIs and all the AI models are running locally on your MacBook. We tried to make Vizly very easy to share as well. Every Vizly instance creates a share link that can be accessed by anyone on the same network as you. Just send the share link to anyone on the same network and they will be immediately able to run AI-powered queries, hosted from your device. Vizly previously used to be a hosted solution for querying CSVs and now we are on-premise specifically focussed on databases. Would love if you could try it out and give us any feedback! https://www

Show HN: OpenAI's Code Interpreter running locally with CodeLlama

Show HN: OpenAI's Code Interpreter running locally with CodeLlama Hey HN. Over the summer I built Open Interpreter, a CLI that lets you ask Code-Llama or GPT-4 to write/run code. It runs multiple languages (Python, Shell, HTML/CSS, Node JS rn) then sends the output back to the language model. It’s essentially an open-source, local implementation of OpenAI’s Code Interpreter. No limits on file size, runtime timeouts, or web access. Everything is streamed beautifully, rendered with Markdown, and syntax highlighted. Try it out and let me know what you tried! - Killian August 30, 2023 at 07:03AM

Show HN: Hacker News for AI News

Show HN: Hacker News for AI News August 29, 2023 at 07:25PM

Show HN: Mu – A Micro App Platform

Show HN: Mu – A Micro App Platform Hey all Sharing a new piece of work I've been doing with a friend. Mu is a new micro web app platform which enables building and sharing apps instantly with storage, auth and payments built in. Apps are single file, built in the browser and rendered as an iframe. They're "micro" because they're quite literally tiny single purpose utilities like a hackernews reader or old school guest book. It's mostly at this point something that scratches a personal itch. Making app development super simple and lightweight. Sort of like living GitHub gists. And trying to build a simpler, cleaner place to consume the web. Right now nothing more than a cool hack I'm sharing. Feedback obviously welcome. Cheers Asim August 29, 2023 at 06:42PM

Show HN: Advanced Tab Manager for Firefox

Show HN: Advanced Tab Manager for Firefox August 29, 2023 at 06:20PM

Show HN: AI for Your Direct Email Marketing

Show HN: AI for Your Direct Email Marketing August 29, 2023 at 05:34PM

Show HN: Toybox – A Laravel TALL starter kit for solopreneurs

Show HN: Toybox – A Laravel TALL starter kit for solopreneurs Hey peeps! Here's a project I've been working on for the last two months. It initially started as trying to be a simplified boilerplate for Laravel, but I think it's gone a bit beyond that. With recent tooling releases in the Laravel ecosystem, there's a ton of exciting tools to work with, but it's either annoying to set it all up every time, or it's difficult to try and gather it all up for every piece you'll need for your SaaS. To that end, Toybox attempts to collate what is in my opinion the best of modern Laravel, and while being simple to start, run and launch with. This is how I also came up with the name - pick and choose all your favourite Laravel toys and see how quickly you can build products with it. I've never been a fan of Docker and similar tools. While I see their value, I've generally not had a good experience and it always felt like a waste of my time trying to debug infra

Show HN: Speak in Gaelic to ChatGPT

Show HN: Speak in Gaelic to ChatGPT August 29, 2023 at 06:40AM

Show HN: Qramaank: Reuse and Reorganise internet content

Show HN: Qramaank: Reuse and Reorganise internet content TLDR; It is a platform for you to create course like content by reusing existing content from Youtube, Github, Google Drive etc. I tried to create this for my personal use to make all the urls, document to be shown in an orderly fashion like a normal course do. But then tried to expand this to make it community driven and have functionality like cloning as well. I am still working on this, any suggestion would be good. August 28, 2023 at 01:34PM

Show HN: Mail Organizer for Gmail

Show HN: Mail Organizer for Gmail This Google Apps Script labels emails accoding to the address the email was sent to. For example, you own the domain name "", and you set up an email forwarding service such as Forward Email or ImprovMX to relay all emails sent to "*" to your Gmail account. The script will label your emails according to a set of rules. For example: - "" will be labeled "hello" - "" will be labeled "hello" and "world" - "" will be labeled "hello/world" ("world" as a sublabel of "hello") - "" will be labeled "hello/world" and "yo/wassup" August 28, 2023 at 01:05PM

Show HN: Track your email is the key

Show HN: Track your email is the key People don't ignore you on purpose, most of the time we are just trying to survive will all the demands we have. Track your proposal And act accordingly: send a follow-up if not read, send a follow-up if read but ignored, and be prompt to call if emails has been read multiple times August 28, 2023 at 03:27PM

Show HN: FlagPalette – Flag Color Codes

Show HN: FlagPalette – Flag Color Codes August 28, 2023 at 03:16PM

Show HN: MoodMinder – Swift Anger Regulation for Better Emotional Well-Being

Show HN: MoodMinder – Swift Anger Regulation for Better Emotional Well-Being Hey Hacker News community! We're excited to showcase MoodMinder, a mental health app MVP that empowers individuals to swiftly regulate anger and enhance emotional well-being. MoodMinder was born out of a desire to provide quick anger regulation solutions for busy individuals. Unique Features: Rapid Mood Identification: Identify anger triggers and tension levels swiftly. Instant Personalized meditations: Receive tailored meditations for immediate anger control. Cognitive Reappraisal: Shift perspectives to defuse triggers in real-time. Quick Interactive Games: Engage in games designed for anger regulation in just minutes. As an MVP, we're seeking insights from the Hacker News community to shape our app's development. Your feedback is pivotal. Thank you for being part of our journey! August 27, 2023 at 11:12PM

Show HN: Hermes – SMM backdoor and client for usermode privilege escalation

Show HN: Hermes – SMM backdoor and client for usermode privilege escalation Hermes is an open source system management mode backdoor which allows a user mode application to elevate its own privileges and interact with memory without any direct access at smm level. August 27, 2023 at 11:56PM

Show HN: Bicycle – A Database Tool (Rust, gRPC, RocksDB)

Show HN: Bicycle – A Database Tool (Rust, gRPC, RocksDB) August 27, 2023 at 11:54PM

Show HN: Customizable terminal UI for monitoring weather, app uptime, and more

Show HN: Customizable terminal UI for monitoring weather, app uptime, and more August 27, 2023 at 04:20PM

Show HN: Investor Radar, the Ultimate Database of Investors for Your Startup

Show HN: Investor Radar, the Ultimate Database of Investors for Your Startup August 27, 2023 at 05:25AM

Show HN: Dumbar, a not so smart menubar app

Show HN: Dumbar, a not so smart menubar app I created this to fill a need, accessing those silly LLMs from the menu bar instead of a web browser or command line. It relies 100% on Ollama, but gives you an easy way to make queries against multiple models, and provides a few sample modelfiles for you. open source, of course. to skip the blog post and go straight to the code and release. August 27, 2023 at 02:57AM

Show HN: TRS-GPT - ChatGPT client/server for the TRS-80

Show HN: TRS-GPT - ChatGPT client/server for the TRS-80 Hi there HN community. I'm excited to show my personal project -- an open-source code and hardware approach that connects my 1980's TRS-80 Model III computer to an OpenAI server. The TRS-80 can hold a chat session with OpenAI, and it's all very retro feeling. There were challenges along the way, as the approach to interfacing between ancient hardware and modern software interface wasn't immediately available. Please see for all the details, and let me know if you have any ideas for improvements. For example, adding support for voice. August 27, 2023 at 02:27AM

Show HN: Going into Freshman Year, Figured I Should Build an Interpreter ¯\(ツ)/¯

Show HN: Going into Freshman Year, Figured I Should Build an Interpreter ¯\(ツ)/¯ Hi all! I'm going into my freshman year, and figured that the best way to prepare for the intro to programming Racket course would be to implement my own garbage-collected, dynamically typed, functional programming language in C ;) Anyways... here's the repo: I started learning C over the summer, so I still have a whole lot to learn... Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :D August 27, 2023 at 12:28AM

Show HN: Idae, a PEP 723 Implementation

Show HN: Idae, a PEP 723 Implementation August 27, 2023 at 12:49AM

Show HN: Pilot your motorcycle across increasingly wild roller coaster geometry

Show HN: Pilot your motorcycle across increasingly wild roller coaster geometry I began this project in the 2010s to teach myself Unity and C#. Each piece of 3D geometry was made inside of the Unity IDE with the free ProBuilder suite of simple modeling tools. Should work in the browser on both phones and personal computers! August 26, 2023 at 07:17PM

Show HN: Our latest AI creation, all feedback and discussions welcome

Show HN: Our latest AI creation, all feedback and discussions welcome Please Check out our Latest AI content generation Tool LogicBalls AI. Please give your feedback and suggestions. August 26, 2023 at 04:17PM

Show HN: Display primary keys the way humans and developers prefer

Show HN: Display primary keys the way humans and developers prefer August 26, 2023 at 04:50PM

Show HN: AhaApple – AI Idea Generator. One Click, Many Creative and Novel Ideas

Show HN: AhaApple – AI Idea Generator. One Click, Many Creative and Novel Ideas AhaApple. AI Idea Generator. One click, Many Creative and Novel Ideas. Leveraging AI, many brainstorming techniques, and many innovative techniques, AhaApple make it easy for you to gain more inspirations and ideas. August 26, 2023 at 11:52AM

Show HN: Full list of ChatGPT Plugins and stats

Show HN: Full list of ChatGPT Plugins and stats August 25, 2023 at 10:42PM

Show HN: Mail Memories – Export your email photos

Show HN: Mail Memories – Export your email photos Hey HN, I’m Carlos, the maker behind Mail Memories ( ), a web app that helps you find and save photos from your (Gmail) email. The app connects with your email account, finds all the images you’ve received and shows them in a gallery where you can view and download the ones you want to save. I made this out of curiosity, just to see what pictures were in my account when I first signed up for Gmail 18 years ago. I ended up finding photos of my grandmother and other family members, and old friends and colleagues I’d completely forgotten about. I was surprised by what I found, I hope you will be too. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Demo: August 26, 2023 at 02:12AM

Show HN: Creating mock data using TypeScript interfaces

Show HN: Creating mock data using TypeScript interfaces August 26, 2023 at 12:32AM

Show HN: I’m a startup nerd, I spend roughly 10h a week researching trends

Show HN: I’m a startup nerd, I spend roughly 10h a week researching trends August 25, 2023 at 10:26PM

Show HN: Release AI – Talk to Your Infrastructure

Show HN: Release AI – Talk to Your Infrastructure Hello, Hacker News! I'm David, cofounder of Release (YCW20). Introducing Release AI, a tool designed to empower users with instant access to DevOps expertise, all without monopolizing the valuable time of our experts. Developed with the developer and engineer community in mind, Release AI takes the power of OpenAI's cutting-edge GPT-4 public LLM and augments it with DevOps knowledge. In its initial phase, Release AI offers "read-only" access to both AWS and Kubernetes. This means you can engage in insightful conversations with your AWS account and K8s infrastructure effortlessly. Looking ahead, our roadmap includes plans to integrate more tools for commonly used systems. This will enable you to automate an even broader array of your daily tasks. If you would like more info you can check-out our launch YC (it has more details, screen casts): Our quickstart guide: Signup a

Show HN: Collie – A minimal RSS reader just for you

Show HN: Collie – A minimal RSS reader just for you Collie is a minimal RSS feed reader application running on your desktop. With Collie, you can subscribe to multiple RSS/Atom feeds to organize your own news feed, receive a real-time notification when a new item is added to the subscribed feed, and save the items to read again or later. All you need is a local machine and the Internet. No virtual machine, no cloud infrastructures, no always-on database, and no account registration with privacy information required. I've been getting tech news from HackerNews, Lobsters, etc. on Twitter (It's X now, but I'll keep calling it Twitter anyway), but many of them have been terminated due to changes in Twitter's API policy. I went from place to place: Bluesky, Mastodon, Slack, and newsletter. However, I couldn't settle anywhere. The social media services such as Bluesky and Mastodon had too many unnecessary features as news feed. Slack RSS was good to get the news in real-t

Show HN: Convert Text, PDF, Docs, Scan or Image to Speech

Show HN: Convert Text, PDF, Docs, Scan or Image to Speech August 25, 2023 at 12:43AM

Show HN: Shimmer – ADHD coaching for adults, now on web

Show HN: Shimmer – ADHD coaching for adults, now on web Hi, I’m Chris, one of the co-founders of Shimmer. Last October, following my ADHD diagnosis, I launched Shimmer ( ), one-to-one ADHD Coaching for adults. Our HN launch was here: . A quick recap before I dive into our new launch: Shimmer is an ADHD coaching service for adults. We took apart the traditionally expensive, inaccessible ADHD coaching offering ($300-600+/session) and redesigned it from first principles. You get matched with one of our expert ADHD coaches, meet weekly over video, and get supported throughout the week via text and with learning tools. This solution is special to me personally (and our community) because it doesn’t just give you “knowledge” or offer another “tool”—our coaches help you set realistic goals, take personalized steps towards it, and keep you accountable. Today we’re excited to launch our most-request feature: Web. Over the past 9 months, we learned (an

Show HN: Use Code Llama as Drop-In Replacement for Copilot Chat

Show HN: Use Code Llama as Drop-In Replacement for Copilot Chat Hi HN, Code Llama was released, but we noticed a ton of questions in the main thread about how/where to use it — not just from an API or the terminal, but in your own codebase as a drop-in replacement for Copilot Chat. Without this, developers don't get much utility from the model. This concern is also important because benchmarks like HumanEval don't perfectly reflect the quality of responses. There's likely to be a flurry of improvements to coding models in the coming months, and rather than relying on the benchmarks to evaluate them, the community will get better feedback from people actually using the models. This means real usage in real , everyday workflows. We've worked to make this possible with Continue ( ) and want to hear what you find to be the real capabilities of Code Llama. Is it on-par with GPT-4, does it require fine-tuning, or does it excel at certain tasks? If you’d

Show HN: Make a Website from Apple Notes

Show HN: Make a Website from Apple Notes Simple tool to create a blog or a website directly from Apple Notes. August 25, 2023 at 12:12AM

Show HN: OnePrompt – Personal Assistant ChatBot Using GPT

Show HN: OnePrompt – Personal Assistant ChatBot Using GPT OnePrompt is an iOS application similar to ChatGPT, utilizing the OpenAI API. OnePrompt offers unique plugins of utilizing iOS native features through "function calling." It also allows users to create their own custom plugins. You can find more information about creating custom plugins for OnePrompt at . August 24, 2023 at 10:27AM

Show HN: E-Ink Powered UK Rail Departure Board Using Badger 2040W

Show HN: E-Ink Powered UK Rail Departure Board Using Badger 2040W Hey HN community, I've recently embarked on a tinkering project that merges the versatility of the Badger 2040W with the practicality of an E-ink display. Inspired by the UK Rail departure boards, I've created an E-ink version that updates in real-time with departure information. Would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or similar projects you've come across! August 24, 2023 at 02:49AM

Show HN: I made danluu's blog easier to read

Show HN: I made danluu's blog easier to read Hi, I'm Alex! I believe most of the knowledge is nowadays stored and hidden in personal blogs. I have a list of blogs that I read recurrently, and I have benefited myself a lot from this practice. One of the blogs that are usually recommended is the one by Dan Luu. Dan writes about a variety of topics in his blog, and I usually enjoy what he writes. But besides from the content Dan's blog stands out for the complete lack of CSS. IMHO this makes the content difficult to read (it's like reading text from a windows text editor). I believe more people will read and enjoy his blog if a pinch of CSS was added to the blog, so I've taken the liberty to enhance the reading experience. I wrote a script that periodically checks Dan's blog and publish the content in a static webpage (hosted using GitHub Pages). Regarding the CSS I just copied the CSS proposed in and changed the font family. Give it a look a

Show HN: Dataherald AI – Natural Language to SQL Engine

Show HN: Dataherald AI – Natural Language to SQL Engine Hi HN community. We are excited to open source Dataherald’s natural-language-to-SQL engine today ( ). This engine allows you to set up an API from your structured database that can answer questions in plain English. GPT-4 class LLMs have gotten remarkably good at writing SQL. However, out-of-the-box LLMs and existing frameworks would not work with our own structured data at a necessary quality level. For example, given the question “what was the average rent in Los Angeles in May 2023?” a reasonable human would either assume the question is about Los Angeles, CA or would confirm the state with the question asker in a follow up. However, an LLM translates this to: select price from rent_prices where city=”Los Angeles” AND month=”05” AND year=”2023” This pulls data for Los Angeles, CA and Los Angeles, TX without getting columns to differentiate between the two. You can read more about the challenges of enterpr

Show HN: Gentrace – evaluation and observability for generative AI

Show HN: Gentrace – evaluation and observability for generative AI Hi HN, Gentrace is our new evaluation and observability tool for generative AI (open beta). Generative pipelines are hard to evaluate because outputs are subjective. Lots of developers end up just doing “gut checks” on a few inputs before shipping changes, or they build up a spreadsheet of test cases that they manually run through the pipeline. Some companies outsource filling out the spreadsheet. However, in any of these cases, you end up with a very slow and expensive process for evaluation. At one point, we did this too. Gentrace is the result of a pivot; it was an internal tool we used to automatically grade new PRs as developers shipped changes to generative pipelines that other people thought might be useful. Gentrace makes pre-production testing of generative pipelines continuous and nearly instantaneous. In Gentrace, you: - Import and/or construct suites of test data - Use a combination of AI and heuristic evalu

Show HN: Cashe - A money library written in Ada

Show HN: Cashe - A money library written in Ada Introducing Cashe: a Money library written in Ada 2022! The purpose of Cashe is to give Money its own high-precision datatype taking advantage of Ada's fixed type decimal system[1]. This allows storing money, associated with a currency, at a defined precision with the choice of utilizing fuzzy or exact equality (see readme for more details). It supports ISO Currencies[2] as well as Custom-defined currencies[3], and even a working Currency Exchange[4]. You can install it using Alire, which is Ada's package manager with a simple `alr with cashe` There's quite a bit of examples in the readme if you would like to see what the code looks like, but I also gave full code examples for almost all of the functions in the API Documentation[5]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] August 23, 2023 at 11:21PM

Show HN: To mute words on Twitter in batches, I created a browser extension

Show HN: To mute words on Twitter in batches, I created a browser extension Hello HN community :) For a while now I've been watching my Twitter feed fill up with more and more crap. The fact that it's now possible to monetise your tweets has made things even crappier. At the same time, adding words to mute is a pain. First you have to find the option, buried deep in Twitter's settings, and then you have to add them one by one. So I came up with the idea of writing a little browser extension that lets you add lists of muted words, which can come from more or less anywhere, as long as they're in a certain format (a multi-line text file or a JSON array). The extension doesn't collect any data, you don't need an account to use it, and you can store your lists anywhere (although I'd recommend Github gist or Pastebin). To be honest, I made this mainly as an exercise to learn how a browser extension works and how to make one, but if it's useful to people, that&

Show HN: Open-Source Chat AI Platform with Custom Knowledge

Show HN: Open-Source Chat AI Platform with Custom Knowledge August 22, 2023 at 11:08PM

Show HN: Scribble with AI – Create social media creatives with AI

Show HN: Scribble with AI – Create social media creatives with AI I've been working on a project that will create social media creatives from prompts. This will let users create social media posts quickly. Let me give an example. Suppose I want to make a post on "Give me 8 health benefits of Ginger", it gives me 8 health benefits in the form of images that I can post on my social media. Here's the output -> If you'd like to try it out with your own prompts you can signup and give it a try. No credit cards is required to get started. I would love to have your feedback about this product. I am also looking for someone who might be interested in this project and is open to mentoring, so that I can learn to market this product and build a business around it. You can reach me out at Thanks! August 23, 2023 at 02:36AM

Show HN: Open-source, lightweight tracer for debugging LLMs applications

Show HN: Open-source, lightweight tracer for debugging LLMs applications This allows you to set up logging traces with minimal effort on any python codebase and store it into a mongo db database or a local directory. I'm leveraging it mostly for developing on language models, and use the data for a downstream evaluation and debugging. Since I'm didn't want to rely on any of the opinionated frameworks (Langchain with Langsmith, etc), I thought a simpler plug-and-play solution would suffice. I have a lot of features in mind for the roadmap -- let me know if you'd like to add to it and feel free to drop in any suggestions. There is also a quick Streamlit app added to stare at the results; I'm not a Streamlit pro and preemptively apologize for any UI issues. August 22, 2023 at 11:23PM

Show HN: A CLI tool and controller to access K8s network through WireGuard

Show HN: A CLI tool and controller to access K8s network through WireGuard Hi everyone! k8s-insider is a CLI tool to manage VPN networks and access Kubernetes workload and service resources directly through a WireGuard tunnel. It started as a simple Helm chart with a linuxserver/wireguard-like container image but, possibly due to my neurodivergence getting the better of me, evolved into a toolbox that, depending on the cluster configuration, can more or less automagically configure multiple networks with dynamic IP assignments and netpol-limited access to the cluster. I’ve found it to be a perfect middle ground between juggling multiple port-forwards and deploying something like Tailscale to the cluster. And it’s written in Rust, which made it oh-so-lovely to work on. :> August 22, 2023 at 10:30PM

Show HN: – A video archive from notable startups/founders

Show HN: – A video archive from notable startups/founders August 23, 2023 at 12:25AM

Show HN: Convert Research Papers into Dynamic Mind Maps with Claude

Show HN: Convert Research Papers into Dynamic Mind Maps with Claude August 22, 2023 at 03:35PM

Show HN: Speleomorph, Shapeshifting Puzzle Metroidvania

Show HN: Speleomorph, Shapeshifting Puzzle Metroidvania This was my entry for a Metroidvania Month game jam last year. I like how Metroidvanias make you rethink movement as the game goes on, and since I didn't want to design combat I focused on that. But I didn't want the different mechanics to be objects you pick up. The theme for the jam was "shapeshifting", which suggested the unusual mechanic seen here. Fortunately I'd forgotten about Snakebird or I might not have been bold enough to make the gravity+snake parts so prominent. And in the year since this came out, there have been at least three cool puzzle games nearby in design space: - Tetronimeow has a heavy focus on rotation (which I skipped to avoid confusion), it gets much more Metroidvania mileage out of the central idea - Growmi does a great job building mechanics out of the snake+gravity idea - The Plumber Thing If this looks familiar,

Show HN: VisionScript, abstract programming language for computer vision

Show HN: VisionScript, abstract programming language for computer vision Hello! I'm James and I am working on VisionScript. With VisionScript, I want to empower people -- including everyone without any prior programming experience -- to build cool apps with vision. This weekend, I recorded a demo for VisionScript, in which I made apps that count how many cats are in an image and hides people in a video. Each app was < 10 lines of code. VisionScript is built for the 10 year old inside of me who would have loved more visual programming languages with which to play. I want to show people the potential of programming and how you can make what you want with computers, whether it be a game that counts cats or an app that monitors how many birds flew past a tree. Those "wow" moments should come as soon as possible in one's learning experience. VisionScript is in active development. I started work on this project in July. There will likely be bu

Show HN: TCO Calculator to compare on-prem LLM deployment vs. OpenAI and Co

Show HN: TCO Calculator to compare on-prem LLM deployment vs. OpenAI and Co August 22, 2023 at 01:17AM

Show HN: Blast, A Load generator for TCP servers

Show HN: Blast, A Load generator for TCP servers August 21, 2023 at 09:16PM

Show HN: My husband quit his job to build a new social audio app with Flutter

Show HN: My husband quit his job to build a new social audio app with Flutter Wife of an app-builder here. My husband quit his full time job at Apple to work full-time last year on a new social audio app where you are anonymous and there are no videos or images - people can only connect with their voice. The app has been up for just less than 2 months, and it was incredible to see 300 users from all around the world leave voice messages of support for each other. It definitely restored my faith in humanity, so much so that I decided to jump on board as a co-founder :) We are on a mission to end loneliness that is gripping our world today, and we hope you also come onboard to get or offer support, or even just to make authentic connections with people around the world. August 22, 2023 at 12:09AM

Show HN: The Uncolouring Book

Show HN: The Uncolouring Book August 21, 2023 at 06:54PM

Show HN: CryptexVault – Decentralized Password Manager

Show HN: CryptexVault – Decentralized Password Manager Hi everyone! We started working on this project last year because a password manager that we used was being sold to another company and stopped offering their service. We were not happy with the alternatives that were available so we decided to give it a shot and build our own. We are now at a point where we have a working Beta and are looking for some feedback from the community. The main idea is to have data synchronization without a central server (single point of failure). When you create a Vault (inside which you can store your credentials and other sensitive data), you can "Link" it to other devices. By linking it to other devices, you can synchronize the data between them. - The Vault itself never leaves your device, it is encrypted and decrypted locally, and is only shared with the other devices that you link it to. The data synchronization is done using WebRTC, meaning, the data is transferred directly between th

Show HN: superwhisper – AI powered offline voice to text for macOS

Show HN: superwhisper – AI powered offline voice to text for macOS Hey HN, I built superwhisper out of frustration with the native dictation capabilities of macOS. Inaccurate, required manual punctuation, didnt activate in some contexts or would have audio capture issues. I wanted a replacement that worked offline, had cross language support, was configurable and worked in any application. Under the hood the app is using whisper.cpp, which runs really well on the Apple Silicon chips. You can use the base and standard size models for free, larger models sizes and languages other than english are paid. Let me know what you think! For context, I launched this just one month ago and have been rapidly adding features and making fixes. If you want to follow along with development, I post release info on twitter ( ) or you can subscribe to emails via the form on the website (very bottom). August 21, 2023 at 09:03AM

Show HN: Efficiently Query BigQuery and Snowflake from Postgres

Show HN: Efficiently Query BigQuery and Snowflake from Postgres August 21, 2023 at 09:01AM

Show HN: Simple open-source tool for mocking using TS interfaces

Show HN: Simple open-source tool for mocking using TS interfaces August 21, 2023 at 03:53AM

Show HN: Cubisum – A number puzzle game inspired by Sudoku and Minesweeper

Show HN: Cubisum – A number puzzle game inspired by Sudoku and Minesweeper Hi HN, I'd like to share a logic number puzzle game I created! It is somewhat reminiscent of Sudoku and Minesweeper, but with its own twist. The rules are simple but it can be quite challenging! Please enjoy :) The feedback on the game prototype was invaluable and I incorporated a lot into what I hope is a more polished version of the game. What's new: Introduced a daily puzzle challenge. Dark mode. Enhanced user experience with improved UI. I'd love to hear your thoughts on these updates. Feedback is always appreciated! August 21, 2023 at 01:14AM

Show HN: How to Use SQLite3 with Elixir and Ecto

Show HN: How to Use SQLite3 with Elixir and Ecto August 20, 2023 at 08:21AM

Show HN: Just intonation keyboard – play music without knowing music

Show HN: Just intonation keyboard – play music without knowing music This is a keyboard in just intonation. It can play the notes a piano can. The big difference from a piano is that all the notes become consonant. You can play without knowing any music theory. Hit arbitrary notes with the rhythm you want, and the pitches will work. Not understanding the buttons is fine. Even rolling your elbow around your keyboard is fine. If you are a musician and press the wrong key while playing a song, it will still fit. It will sound like you made an intelligent, conscious choice to play another note, even though you know in your heart it was an accident. Beginner jazz musicians rejoice. It's not an AI making choices for you; it's just a very elegant interface. What makes this possible is several new discoveries in psychoacoustics about how harmony works. While a piano lays out notes in pitch space, this keyboard is able to lay out notes in consonance space. When you play random notes, th

Show HN: NES emulator with network multiplayer written in Go

Show HN: NES emulator with network multiplayer written in Go August 19, 2023 at 11:05PM

Show HN: CatGPT - Expert answers to any cat-related questions

Show HN: CatGPT - Expert answers to any cat-related questions August 19, 2023 at 09:44PM

Show HN: Aviation navigation log on $20 receipt printer

Show HN: Aviation navigation log on $20 receipt printer August 19, 2023 at 11:57PM

Show HN: Linguist, a translation browser extension

Show HN: Linguist, a translation browser extension Hey everyone, check the Linguist - you can translate texts offline - dictionary + history for learn languages - it is are hackable - you can enter code to use your own translation service August 19, 2023 at 09:28PM

Show HN: AI that summarize news and analyze potential stock impact

Show HN: AI that summarize news and analyze potential stock impact Hi Everyone, I was frustrated with the terrible news reading experience (Paywall, advertisements) so I created a free tool that summarizes the latest news articles and analyzes the potential stock impacts. This experiment has saved me so much time to help me understand what might be more important than others. It's completely free, no ad whatsoever. However, AI is a blackbox so take the rating (positive, negative, long-term, and short-term impact) with a grain of salt. It may have picked up some nuances within the article to give a rating and you might not agree with it. Please let me know if you have any feedback! August 19, 2023 at 04:45AM

Show HN: Saf – simple, reliable, rsync-based, battle tested, rounded backup

Show HN: Saf – simple, reliable, rsync-based, battle tested, rounded backup I had this backup code working reliably for years, using local file system, vps/dedicated server, or remote storage for backup, then I finally get time to wrap README, iron few missing switches and publish. Should be production ready and reliable, so it could be useful to others. Contributors are welcome. < > August 19, 2023 at 04:19AM

Show HN: Poozle – open-source Plaid for LLMs

Show HN: Poozle – open-source Plaid for LLMs Hi HN, We’re Harshith, Manoj, and Manik Poozle ( ) provides a single API that helps businesses achieve accurate LLM responses by providing real-time customer data from different SAAS tools (e.g Notion, Salesforce, Jira, Shopify, Google Ads etc). Why we built Poozle: As we were talking to more AI companies who need to integrate with their customers’ data we realised managing all SAAS tools data and keeping them up-to-date is a huge infra of ETL, Auth management, Webhooks and many more things before you take it to production. It struck us – why not streamline this process and allow companies to prioritise their core product? How it works: Poozle makes user authorization seamless using our drop-in component (Poozle Link) and handles both API Key and OAuth dance. Post-authentication developers can use our Unified model to fetch data to their LLMs (no need to sync data separately and then normalise at your end). Poozle keep

Show HN: AI chatbot to reduce support costs by 80%

Show HN: AI chatbot to reduce support costs by 80% Hey, HN! We have developed a bot for technical support. The task was set to reach the next level of chatbots. The thing is that nowadays bots too often redirect customers to support staff when a question was not found in the bot's presets database or the customer requires some kind of interaction with the company (for example, wants to buy a product). We have succeeded in reducing the percentage of situations where the bot transfers the customer to the operator. At the same time, it can still ask for help from a real person if the case requires it. 1. the bot is capable of answering complex questions that require analyzing the company's knowledge base (especially the technical part). 2. the possibility to leave a request for some action was introduced. For example, a customer can leave a request for connection to a tariff plan . An example of such a bot for the fictitious company BananaCom is given on the site, you can test it.

Show HN: This project allows you to easily implement parallel training

Show HN: This project allows you to easily implement parallel training August 18, 2023 at 07:01PM

Show HN: – The all-in-one AI marketing solution

Show HN: – The all-in-one AI marketing solution Superlines is an all-in-one marketing solution that automates content creation, analysis, optimization, and testing - basically, it takes care of the daily grind for marketing teams. Core target group are marketers such as social media managers, copywriters, content marketers, or marketing directors looking to scale their marketing team's impact without increasing resources. Many AI tools are popping up all the time but Superlines is different as it covers all major marketing use cases in one platform rather than being only focused, eg. on text generation. Our most popular feature is our landing page optimizer, which analyzes landing page content and instantly creates improvements. Just provide a URL and rock on. Superlines lets marketers input their brand and business details to their Brand settings and Superlines uses this knowledge to customize it's output. We've just launched in AppSumo and gotten a ton of fe

Show HN: Clean Stash – Start Organizing Your Screenshots (Testflight App)

Show HN: Clean Stash – Start Organizing Your Screenshots (Testflight App) Hi HN! Today I'm launching Clean Stash - an iPhone app to organize your screenshots, as an open beta (Testflight). Here's why I built it: I take a lot of screenshots. Like a lot, and of all different use cases. Sometimes of smart marketing copy that I want to use myself, a visual I want to use in a future mood board, a sneaker I want to buy, a linkedIn post I want to quickly reference, places I want to get the point. In reality, these get lost in my phone's "Screenshots" folder. Now over 2,3k of them. I've even found myself taking screenshots of screenshots only to have them surface as more recent as I scroll. I probably have more screenshots than pictures of my kids (pls don't judge). I wanted a keep all these screenshots in one place, and given back to me in an actionable way. That's why I spent a few weeks building a solution, and today I think it's ready enou

Show HN : Low code cloud document database

Show HN : Low code cloud document database Low code cloud document database August 17, 2023 at 05:13PM

Show HN: Interactive exercises for GNU grep, sed and awk

Show HN: Interactive exercises for GNU grep, sed and awk Hello! For the past few months, I've been using a Python framework called Textual to create TUI apps for interactive exercises. Released the app for GNU awk earlier today, so thought I'd create a post here. If you already know how to manage Python packages, you can use the following command to get all the three apps: pip install grepexercises sedexercises awkexercises `pipx` should also work, but I haven't tested it. The GitHub repo has the source code as well as more detailed installation instructions. You can use alternative CLI tools to solve these exercises as well. For example, Perl instead of GNU awk or ripgrep instead of GNU grep and so on. Hope you find these TUI apps useful. I'd highly appreciate your feedback. Happy learning :) August 17, 2023 at 05:13PM

Show HN: I resurrected one of the top dead Show HNs

Show HN: I resurrected one of the top dead Show HNs OneView was first posted to HN in 2017, but died sometime around late 2019. Using the web archive I cobbled together something that works. According to this[0], oneview is the #5 top dead show hn. [0] August 17, 2023 at 09:56PM

Show HN: Strich – Barcode scanning for web apps

Show HN: Strich – Barcode scanning for web apps Hi, I'm Alex - the creator of STRICH ( ), a barcode scanning library for web apps. Barcode scanning in web apps is nothing new. In my previous work experience, I've had the opportunity to use both high-end commercial offerings (e.g. Scandit) and OSS libraries like QuaggaJS or ZXing-JS in a wide range of customer projects, mainly in logistics. I became dissatisfied with both. The established commercial offerings had five- to six-figure license fees and the developer experience was not always optimal. The web browser as a platform also seemed not to be the main priority for these players. The open source libraries are essentially unmaintained and not suitable for commercial use due to the lack of support. Also the recognition performance is not enough for some cases - for a detailed comparison see Having dabbled a bit in Computer Vision topics before, and armed with an understanding of the ma

Show HN: How to use LLMs to generate accurate SQL for real-world data

Show HN: How to use LLMs to generate accurate SQL for real-world data Hey HN, We are Zain and Ashish, founders of Vanna AI. We recently embarked on an experiment to see if large language models (specifically LLMs) could help in generating SQL queries for real-world datasets. We initially started this project as a web app but realized that it was most useful and had broadest applicability as a Python package since you can then incorporate it into an existing workflow (Jupyter notebook, Slackbot, etc). We've had some good success with customer datasets but we've generally heard a lot of skepticism so we decided to write a paper about the methodology we're using and how various LLMs compare. Let us know if you have any questions or requests. The underlying Python package is open source. There is a server component to store and retrieve metadata but by next week there will be a fully open-source and locally runnable version. Cheers! August 17, 2023 at 07:

Show HN: Rules – Shortcuts Automation Based on Calendar Events

Show HN: Rules – Shortcuts Automation Based on Calendar Events Read and thought once too often that "This would be trivial if Calendar Events were triggers for Personal Shortcuts Automations". So decided to create a Mac app for it. The app works similar to Rules in Mail: - Specify some conditions (e.g. Calendar is "Work", Location contains "zoom") - Choose shortcuts to run on events that meet the conditions - you can have multiple actions, each with a different offset and custom input Good to know: - The app can only trigger automations while your Mac is awake (missed actions can be triggered on wake up) - The free version offers full functionality, but is limited to a max of 2 rules. Pro is a one-time purchase - All your data stays on device + no ads or data collection I would appreciate any feedback, especially what automations you might use the app for August 17, 2023 at 03:53PM

Show HN: Marqo – Vectorless Vector Search

Show HN: Marqo – Vectorless Vector Search Marqo is an end-to-end vector search engine. It contains everything required to integrate vector search into an application in a single API. Here is a code snippet for a minimal example of vector search with Marqo: mq = marqo.Client() mq.create_index("my-first-index") mq.index("my-first-index").add_documents([{"title": "The Travels of Marco Polo"}]) results = mq.index("my-first-index").search(q="Marqo Polo") Why Marqo? Vector similarity alone is not enough for vector search. Vector search requires more than a vector database - it also requires machine learning (ML) deployment and management, preprocessing and transformations of inputs as well as the ability to modify search behavior without retraining a model. Marqo contains all these pieces, enabling developers to build vector search into their application with minimal effort. Why not X, Y, Z vector database? Vector databases are spec

Show HN: Prompt-Compose.js Use Axioms and Compositions to Build Modular Prompts

Show HN: Prompt-Compose.js Use Axioms and Compositions to Build Modular Prompts This JS library provides basic axioms for building and managing GPT prompts. It helps you build small and reusable prompt components and then let you compose them together to build larger ones. August 16, 2023 at 07:19PM

Show HN: Watermelon – Source-available passive documentation search engine

Show HN: Watermelon – Source-available passive documentation search engine Hey there HN! We're a pair of devs and we are looking to get feedback for our source-available passive documentation search engine. Passive documentation is the code context devs are generating as they talk about code in systems such as GitHub, Slack, Notion and Jira. Our search engine serves both our IDE extension (for individuals) and GitHub app (for teams). As devs we know that there are certain PRs that stay unmerged for weeks or even months, not because of the technical complexity, but because of the debate that they produce around changes in the business logic: "Will this change really improve our metrics?" We know that non-technical stakeholders (managers and designers) can bring a more holistic view to these debates but code review is too technical for them. So we decided to build this with the premise of "let's contextualize devs with business logic". We’re starting with a Gi

Show HN: Lottielab – Create product animations in the browser easily

Show HN: Lottielab – Create product animations in the browser easily Hi HN! Today we are releasing Lottielab, a web-based animation tool, to the public as an open beta. The main tool for editing and exporting Lottie animations today is Adobe After Effects, a 30-year-old visual effects tool that’s not fit for this purpose, has a steep learning curve, and requires a patchwork of error-prone plugins. With Lottielab, we are aiming to reduce the friction of creating and editing product animations by providing an easy-to-use editor with out-of-the-box support for import and export of the Lottie format and many others. Feel free to play around with the tool and let me know what you think - I'm here to answer your questions. Happy animating! August 15, 2023 at 07:28PM

Show HN: Exploring the design space of binary search trees

Show HN: Exploring the design space of binary search trees August 15, 2023 at 09:34PM

Show HN: I wrote 100 book summaries

Show HN: I wrote 100 book summaries August 16, 2023 at 12:28AM

Show HN: Layerform (YC S23) – Open-source dev environments using Terraform files

Show HN: Layerform (YC S23) – Open-source dev environments using Terraform files Hi HN, we're Lucas and Lucas, the authors of Layerform ( Layerform is an open-source tool for setting up development environments using plain .tf files. We allow each engineer to create their own "staging" environment and reuse infrastructure. Whenever engineers run layerform spawn, we use plain .tf files to give them their own "staging" environment that looks just like production. Many teams have a single (or too few) staging environments, which developers have to queue to use. This is particularly a problem when a system is large, because then engineers can't run it on their machines and cannot easily test their changes in a production-like environment. Often they end up with a cluttered Slack channel in which engineers wait for their turn to use staging. Sometimes, they don't even have that clunky channel and end up merging broken code or shipping

Show HN: Display a chess position in Anki without any addon

Show HN: Display a chess position in Anki without any addon There are quite a few libraries to display a chess position in a web page, but I couldn't find one without dependencies so that I could make an Anki card template with it. There are Anki addons for that purpose but I found them too complicated. I wanted something short that would fit in one page. August 15, 2023 at 03:00AM

Show HN: Revision History – Show the History of Edits in Google Docs

Show HN: Revision History – Show the History of Edits in Google Docs August 15, 2023 at 02:54AM

Show HN: Generate a free User Persona in 10 seconds

Show HN: Generate a free User Persona in 10 seconds I hate talking to people. So I made ChatGPT do it for me. August 14, 2023 at 06:29PM

Show HN: I made a tool that turns images into videos to boost our Twitter reach

Show HN: I made a tool that turns images into videos to boost our Twitter reach Recently there were some changes to the Twitter algorithm and one of the most important ones was boosting video content even more in the feed, which got me thinking: "Why shouldn't we benefit from the algo changes and get a boost every time we are sharing some visuals?" So I spent the weekend building a tool that: - Turns your images into videos - Has 30 beautiful animated gradients that we can pick from - Is completely FREE I'd love to know your thoughts about it! August 14, 2023 at 06:19PM

Show HN: A free course on how to write a good Midjourney/ChatGPT prompt

Show HN: A free course on how to write a good Midjourney/ChatGPT prompt August 14, 2023 at 04:37PM

Show HN: Zero-dependency minimal Java web framework

Show HN: Zero-dependency minimal Java web framework I have written a from-scratch minimalist Java web framework, called Minum. I'd like to get your thoughts. The driving goal has been achieving characterics of plainness, frugality, performance, maintainability, testability, and ease of use. It has zero dependencies other than Java's SDK, yet provides a web server, routing, authentication, testing, logging, templating, HTML parsing, and a database, in 3800 lines of code, compiling to a 150k binary. It currently supports a web application in production. There are also example projects demonstrating its use, linked in the documentation. As the framework itself has no dependencies, it is built using GNU Make. The example applications that depend on it, however, use Maven as their build tool. Because Minum is still in beta, it is not yet published to Maven - but there are instructions for a workaround. The framework and example apps require Java 20. August 14,

Show HN: I redesigned old GNOME app icons to fit in with the new HIG guidelines

Show HN: I redesigned old GNOME app icons to fit in with the new HIG guidelines August 14, 2023 at 03:16AM

Show HN: PitchPower – AI powered proposal generation for consultants

Show HN: PitchPower – AI powered proposal generation for consultants Hey HN! I'm an indie hacker who builds SAAS products in my free time. I've got a friend who runs a small consulting firm and said this would be a useful tool for them so i thought why not release it as a standalone online tool for everyone. Basically the premise is, you enter some information about your services (or we just scrape your website and figure it out). Then you enter a description of the client brief, tweak the outline, and out comes a unique tailored proposal that you can tweak with AI. That's pretty much it! Would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you. August 14, 2023 at 02:32AM

Show HN: PokerWave – Retro PvP Card Games in Rust and Redis and VanillaJS

Show HN: PokerWave – Retro PvP Card Games in Rust and Redis and VanillaJS Source code: August 14, 2023 at 12:05AM

Show HN: Awayto v2 short demo; an actual all-in-one framework

Show HN: Awayto v2 short demo; an actual all-in-one framework Hey folks, just putting this up as a demo link for people to try out. It's a project I've been working on since January and in light of recent framework posts lately I figured I'd start talking about my own. The link is a demo site of Awayto v2 [1] (ignore the front page info that's all from version 1). Awayto [0] started out as a quick deploy app which grew to exist via AWS. I felt the need to make something that wasn't so closely tied to cloud infra, and Awayto v2 is that. Currently deployed on hetzner vms, using Tailscale for networking, there is a great deal of things going on. There is a local installation path planned, as long as you provide your own servers, etc, as it all just works on Tailscale anyway. I'm still working on docs, but the goal is to spit out _everything_ a dev might want to control in their stack. My current version of deploying to hetzner sets up 7 servers (2 ns, exit, build,

Show HN: Broken Bear, the AI teddy bear that loves your broken self

Show HN: Broken Bear, the AI teddy bear that loves your broken self I made a GPT-based AI Chatbot based on Carl Roger's philosophy of radical self-acceptance. Broken Bear is designed to be a kind, comforting, and quietly encouraging friend. August 13, 2023 at 04:47PM

Show HN: Add a feedback widget on your website with a single script

Show HN: Add a feedback widget on your website with a single script August 13, 2023 at 04:58PM

Show HN: Mixtape of 200 “futuristic” songs circa 1980

Show HN: Mixtape of 200 “futuristic” songs circa 1980 I'm posting this long mix of 200 "futuristic" music recordings, in chronological order (from the mid 1970's to the mid 1980's). Some are obvious (eg: "She Blinded Me With Science") while others are long forgotten (eg: G.G. Tonet's "Dedicated To Norbert Wiener" or Jyl's "Silicon Valley") --- Circa 1980 Mixtape --- While the theme of the linked mix (ie: tech) probably interests some here, it is likely too fluffy for many others so apologies for that. This thing took me almost two years to finish, so in a moment of weakness I am going ahead and posting it here. There actually is a tech angle to why it took so long. After I gathered the 200 audio tracks I wanted, I wound up stymied for several months because trying to match the timbre and loudness of 200 songs overwhelmed me. During that time I began writing a program in my spare time to band-split all th

Show HN: Run LLaMa2 on the Browser with Ggml.js

Show HN: Run LLaMa2 on the Browser with Ggml.js You can now build serverless AI inference web application with ggml.js's LM backends. August 13, 2023 at 02:52AM

Show HN: React Hooks in Python

Show HN: React Hooks in Python A React inspired way to code in Python. Python Hooks is a very opinionated project and it's not meant to be a replacement for any of the existing state management libraries. It was created as a coding exercise gone sideways. August 12, 2023 at 10:49PM

Show HN: Open-source proxy server for Llama2, GPT-4, Claude2 with Logging,Cache

Show HN: Open-source proxy server for Llama2, GPT-4, Claude2 with Logging,Cache Hello hacker news, I’m the maintainer of liteLLM() - package to simplify input/output to OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, Anthropic, Hugging face API Endpoints: We’re open sourcing our implementation of liteLLM proxy: TLDR: It has one API endpoint /chat/completions and standardizes input/output for 50+ LLM models + handles logging, error tracking, caching, streaming What can liteLLM proxy do? - It’s a central place to manage all LLM provider integrations - Consistent Input/Output Format - Call all models using the OpenAI format: completion(model, messages) - Text responses will always be available at ['choices'][0]['message']['content'] - Error Handling Using Model Fallbacks (if GPT-4 fails, try llama2) - Logging - Log Requests, Responses and Errors to Supabase, Posthog, Mixpanel, Sentry, Helicone - Token Usage & Spend - Track Input + Comple

Show HN: Weaviate – Multi Tenancy Notebook

Show HN: Weaviate – Multi Tenancy Notebook August 12, 2023 at 05:50AM

Track Replacement on the L Taraval Line

Track Replacement on the L Taraval Line By Sevilla Mann If you’ve traveled through the Sunset or Parkside neighborhoods recently, you may have seen a lot of construction activity on Taraval Street. Major construction projects are an inconvenience, and the impacts seem to be never ending. You may wonder, why does it take so long ?  We would like to thank everyone for your ongoing patience and understanding as the L Taraval Improvement Project to replace aging infrastructure continues. Since we announced the beginning of the second segment of improvements on Taraval Street in January 2022 , we’ve been busy wrapping up upgrades to the sewer and water lines, underground conduits and new pole foundations for the Overhead Contact System (OCS) that powers our Muni trains. We have also installed the necessary infrastructure to upgrade existing electrical for the trains, current and future streetlights and light poles. We’ve now begun work on some of the above-ground improvements that you’

Show HN: Clop – optimise screenshots and recordings automatically

Show HN: Clop – optimise screenshots and recordings automatically August 12, 2023 at 03:11AM

Show HN: Covert – Rewrite of HashiCorp Vault Using Rust, SQLite and Litestream

Show HN: Covert – Rewrite of HashiCorp Vault Using Rust, SQLite and Litestream August 11, 2023 at 10:46PM

Show HN: A DIY airgapped, e-ink TOTP device

Show HN: A DIY airgapped, e-ink TOTP device August 11, 2023 at 11:50PM

Show HN: VectorFlow – Open-Source Vector Embedding Pipeline

Show HN: VectorFlow – Open-Source Vector Embedding Pipeline Hey HN We've just released the initial version of our open-source vector embedding pipeline. It's designed to embed large volumes of data. While embedding a few documents for Q&A is straightforward, consistently ingesting gigabytes of unstructured data is a whole different ballgame. By using our API, you can embed raw data and store vectors in your vector database, sidestepping the complexities of cloud infrastructure. Now, in true YC spirit, we're launching before everything is polished. Our Github repo ( ) is a work in progress, and we're eager to get it in front of the community early on. Check out our Github repo and let us know what you think. Your feedback, suggestions, and critiques will be highly appreciated as we continue to refine and develop. August 11, 2023 at 12:35AM

Making Special Events Possible

Making Special Events Possible By Michael Delia   Outdoor festivals like Sunday Streets Phoenix Day celebrate the spirit of San Francisco. Such special events rely on the cooperation of many city departments.  San Francisco is a city that loves its outdoor events. Whether it’s a cultural heritage or holiday festival, farmers market, street fair, dance party, road race or even just a neighborhood block party, what often gets overlooked is the intricate collaboration and planning across city departments to make these events a success.  Nick Chapman is one of the people behind the scenes at the SFMTA who helps make them a reality. For seven years, he has worked to manage the permitting process that’s required for any special event . As a native San Franciscan who knows many corners of the city, Chapman has an appreciation for the public’s requests and finds the work to be fascinating.  “Every project is a little different. Every event, every location is a new situation with differen

Show HN: Fully isolated honeypot SSH server using thrussh

Show HN: Fully isolated honeypot SSH server using thrussh August 11, 2023 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Practice Conversation Skills Online

Show HN: Practice Conversation Skills Online August 10, 2023 at 03:59AM

Show HN: Remindme – A tool to set short-term reminders from the terminal

Show HN: Remindme – A tool to set short-term reminders from the terminal Hello there! The idea behind this CLI tool is to use it for short-term reminders, e.g. to remind you (via OS-specific notifications) to do something in 2 hours or in 10 minutes. The app is supposed to be cross-platform compatible. Still, I have limited access to platforms, so it was tested only on MacOS, Ubuntu (via VirtualBox), Fedora (via VirtualBox) and Windows 10 Home. I'd appreciate any feedback on how it works on these and other OS-es. Also, I have never tested it outside my time zone (GMT+2), so it would be nice to hear from folks from other parts of the world. Any feedback, comments, and questions are greatly appreciated, as it's just a tool built for fun. Here is a short intro on how to use it: Once installed (via Homebrew, APT, YUM or binary), the usage is pretty simple: - to run the app: remindme start - to set a reminder in 5 minutes: remindme in --min 5 --about "Rewatch LOTR editors cut&q

Show HN: Hacker News home page spoof

Show HN: Hacker News home page spoof i'd forgotten i'd written this a year and a half ago, and when a friend passed me the link to it just now, it seemed hilarious to me. probably some other people will enjoy it too August 10, 2023 at 04:28AM

Show HN: Miteiru, a Japanese Immersion ElectronJS Video Player

Show HN: Miteiru, a Japanese Immersion ElectronJS Video Player Hi people! It's been about 9 months and I think it's ready for people to try this. This is a Japanese learning desktop video player that is cross-platform, easy to setup, and open source. You might have come across some similar app, but this app + OpenAI's Whisper is a bomb... I'll be maintaining this app and tryna achieve all CJK supported video player. August 10, 2023 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Automatically convert your GPT-3.5 prompt to Llama 2

Show HN: Automatically convert your GPT-3.5 prompt to Llama 2 Hey HN! I'm working on OpenPipe, an open source prompt workshop. I wanted to share a feature we recently released: prompt translations. Prompt translations allow you to quickly convert a prompt between GPT 3.5, Llama 2, and Claude 1/2 compatible formats. The common case would be if you’re using GPT 3.5 in production and are interested in evaluating a Claude or Llama 2 model for your use case. Here's a screen recording to show how it works in our UI: We’ve found a lot of our users are interested in evaluating Claude or Llama 2, but weren’t sure what changes they need to make to their prompts to get the best performance out of those models. Prompt translations make that easier. A bit more background: OpenPipe is an open-source prompt studio that lets you test your LLM prompts against scenarios from your real workloads. We currently support GPT 3.5/4, Claude 1/2

Show HN: Automatic commit messages with AI copilot

Show HN: Automatic commit messages with AI copilot August 10, 2023 at 02:22AM

Show HN: Subscription-Based Alternative to Gumroad

Show HN: Subscription-Based Alternative to Gumroad August 9, 2023 at 04:44AM

Show HN: Easyful – A Free Gumroad Alternative

Show HN: Easyful – A Free Gumroad Alternative Hi HN, If you’re selling templates or digital assets online, platforms like Gumroad have a ton of amazing features . . . but they’re also expensive. It’s not uncommon to be paying 10%, 20% or even 30% of your revenue just to host and deliver some digital content to customers. Instead, we think most creators should own their own Stripe account and use a lightweight fulfillment layer to send customers their orders. So we built Easyful, a platform built on Stripe to email your content to customers when they buy it. And it’s free! We’ve been using Easyful ourselves for a few months now. Try it out and let us know what you think! August 9, 2023 at 02:36AM

Show HN: Ggml.js – Serverless AI Inference on Browser with Web Assembly

Show HN: Ggml.js – Serverless AI Inference on Browser with Web Assembly What is ggml.js? Run any ggml ported ML models directly on your web browser with ggml.js This project provides JavaScript bindings on ggml models, so that you can embed GGML models to your web apps to build serverless AI inferencing. Currently the framework supports following model types: - Dolly v2 - GPT2 - GPT J - GPT NEO X - MPT - Replit - StarCoder You can find more details about the framework: For live demo examples, you can visit here: Source Code: Please do provide any feedback/questions/suggestions in the comments. I'll be happy to take it up :) August 9, 2023 at 02:20AM

How to Pay for Parking at The City's New Multi-Space Paystations

How to Pay for Parking at The City's New Multi-Space Paystations By Pamela Johnson One of San Francisco's new paystations as the city moves away from its aging parking meters. How drivers pay for street parking in San Francisco continues to evolve. In March 2022, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) began the Citywide Parking Meter Replacement Project to replace San Francisco's aging 27,000 parking meters. Half of the parking meters will be replaced with new single-space meters and the other half with multi-space paystations that use a brand-new pay-by-license-plate system. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.  San Francisco uses paid parking to create curb availability in commercial districts and high-demand neighborhoods. When parking meters are in operation, drivers spend less time circling the block looking for a space. Less circling means less congestion and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.   To help drivers use the new m