Show HN: – realtime TypeScript web editor Hi, HN. Gui, Lucis, and the team here — we're a bunch of Brazilians building an open-source, all-in-one web editor for the modern TypeScript dev. Check out our GitHub at and discover more at our site . We built frontend tools at a hyper-growth e-commerce platform for 9 years. is the thing that we wish existed when we were managing hundreds of enterprise-grade React-based websites. The gist is: JSX, HTMX, TypeScript, Tailwind and Deno. All visually editable in a beautiful, collaborative, REALTIME (!) admin UI. Great for devs, great for content. In essence, we're a git-based TypeScript-first configuration management system. We take TypeScript code that represents your site, your entities, your UI, and we allow anyone to "save" configuration and content based on those types. It's great for developers, because you can code directly on the web, or on your machine, ...