Show HN: The cosine distance between Shawn and Sean
Show HN: The cosine distance between Shawn and Sean Hi everyone. I had an interesting interaction with someone named Shawn (or was it Sean?) and it led to a blog post on embeddings, one of the foundational concepts for AI/ML. The post explores embeddings and cosine distance functions with some fun interactive animations. And, all the AI runs inside your browser, even on mobile! Additionally, this uses my Svekyll blogging tool ( ) which is like the Jekyll blogging tool but adds the power of Svelte. Svelte/Svekyll makes building these kind of interactive blogs much simpler. And, all these posts have a download button at the bottom which allows you to download the entire post as a svekyll blog. You can just "npm i && npm run build" to build it yourself, learn about the code used to generate the post, and tweak to your hearts content if you want to repurpose the blog contents. Would love to hear comments or suggestions. Thanks to my real friends Shawn