Show HN: Remake – A server-rendered framework for building CRUD web apps fast

Show HN: Remake – A server-rendered framework for building CRUD web apps fast I wanted to have a framework that would let me build web apps faster than ever before. I didn’t care if it was a little hacky or didn’t use best practices — I wanted to be able to get a multi-user application out the door in hours instead of months. I researched the CMS space for months before deciding to build something from scratch. My goal was to be 90% done building a web app once I had the static HTML and CSS finished. I’m not a big fan of building out API endpoints over and over again for every new app, fiddling with a database, or doing lots of config. What I ended up with was a syntax that lets developers tag HTML elements as containing data (i.e. objects or arrays), thereby transforming the tree structure of the DOM into a JSON tree that can be saved to the current user's account. It took a while after that to evolve the syntax and make it easy to use. I call the project Remake[0] and I’ve been working on it non-stop for the past year. After a failed Product Hunt launch[1], I kept going and managed to get my first few dozen users. I live stream my progress on Twitch[2] (Thursdays and Fridays, 12pm EST) and I’m consistently able to build full CRUD web apps within hours — projects that would’ve easily taken me weeks or months before. A bonus that HN might appreciate: Remake is a server-rendered framework, so the front-end library isn't even necessary or loaded for 90% of users. Only logged in users who can edit the current page need to have JS enabled. To see a 12 line, fully-functional todo app, a 30 minute Trello clone tutorial, and the rest of the docs, see: [0] [1] [2] January 20, 2020 at 12:10AM


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