Show HN: My Book Bulletproof TLS and PKI (Second Edition) Is Out

Show HN: My Book Bulletproof TLS and PKI (Second Edition) Is Out Hello HN. I am excited to share with you my new book, Bulletproof TLS and PKI. I've worked in this space since the very early days (think SSLv2), always frustrated with the fact that the field is vast but the documentation poor. That first led me to create SSL Labs (which ended up being very popular) and then the first edition of my book (in 2014), where I aimed to cover everything a curious person needed to know about SSL/TLS and PKI. Most importantly, it's a very practical book that you can use to just learn what you need at that moment. The second edition (just out) adds coverage of TLS 1.3. I publish two chapters as a separate (and free) OpenSSL Cookbook. There's another free sample chapter as well. The best part of Bulletproof TLS and PKI is that it's a living book. There's nothing worse than obsolete documentation! Because none of the traditional publishers were interested in that sort of thing, we did everything ourselves. The manuscript is in DocBook, I write using OxygenXML, my copyeditor uses it as well, and there's a nightly build process that generates everything. We can even show exact differences across versions, for example you can see that here: I hope you'll enjoy the book. March 3, 2022 at 12:10AM


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