Show HN: DemandHunt – Make something people want

Show HN: DemandHunt – Make something people want Hi HN! I've been working on a small project called DemandHunt. Basically I aggregated problems in niche communities so that you as an entrepreneur can take inspiration. The background is that I've worked with a number of startups and I've found that many entrepreneurs already have a technology or solution in mind and work backwards to find the people with the problems to solve. This is YC's "Solution in Search of a Problem" problem, and my understanding is that it's typically better to work the other way around so you can build the right solution for the problem you find instead. Thus I figured maybe some hacker types like me would appreciate reading about problems in their interest areas so that they can get the ball rolling from the right direction. I went and did some reading in some niche Reddit communities and manually aggregated the user posts into tangible problems that might inspire you. I'm curious to see if this is interesting or useful to anyone here! Let me know what you think, if you want me to target your interests, or updates, or anything :) March 9, 2023 at 11:12PM


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