Show HN: Musikalia, an iOS Music Player for Kids

Show HN: Musikalia, an iOS Music Player for Kids Hi HN! Yesterday I finally released Musikalia, an iOS music player I built for my son, so he could be in charge of the music. It is my first SwiftUI project, and I have been (very) slowly building it since December '21. It aims to be fun and easy to use for small children, while not being another addictive app. We are using it almost daily, and in our (n=1) experience, it achieves just that: my 3-year-old loves to listen to music using Musikalia, but at the same time it never feels like he has problems leaving it again. I've also written a bit on the back-story on my blog: I hope this may be useful for other families! - Harry March 16, 2023 at 05:43PM


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