Show HN: – An overview of Nürburgring info that we were missing

Show HN: – An overview of Nürburgring info that we were missing When we wanted to visit the Nurburgring, my friend and I searched for a good source with all information about it in one spot. Things like the best spots to view cars driving the Nordschleife track, where to rent cars or book taxi laps and other info. Turns out there didn't seem to be one clear and up-to-date source for all of this information. Many web sites were either dated, unclear os sometimes down right wrong. So we created the website we were missing and are launching it today: Currently it contains an overview of all available ring taxis and rental companies, all the different corners, their locations and descriptions and some interesting or useful POIs all on a mobile friendly interactive map[0]. It is still a work in progress and we will be adding things like walking routes to great vantage points and more thorough explanations of the (financial) risks of driving the ring. One thing we were also missing was a way to view the track status online, since the official site doesn't seem to provide this. The only way to know whether the track is closed is to view a large sign near the entrance, which is very inconvenient when you're watching on the other side of the track and cars suddenly stop coming. There are Whatsapp groups that provide this info, but they're hard to find for a regular visitor. So we also solved this issue, by providing near real-time track status[1] info using OpenCV on their public webcam feed. The site was built using Strapi CMS and 11ty with the dynamic parts implemented through Netlify Cloud functions, Firebase and PHP. 0: 1: July 18, 2023 at 04:55PM


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