
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2023

Show HN: How I made a donut-shaped donut.c replica in Python [video]

Show HN: How I made a donut-shaped donut.c replica in Python [video] October 1, 2023 at 11:00AM

Show HN: Program ESP32s in Nim

Show HN: Program ESP32s in Nim October 1, 2023 at 05:43AM

Show HN: A map that tells you if a NYC cafe has WiFi, a restroom, and an outlet

Show HN: A map that tells you if a NYC cafe has WiFi, a restroom, and an outlet I am slowly adding more locations now. This is intended to be a crowdsourced map. Everyone is welcome to add more locations and provide comments/votes here. Free people from going to a cafe for work only to leave because there's no wifi, restroom, or outlet!! Demo: October 1, 2023 at 07:27AM

Show HN: Noisy Nest Free white/pink/brown noise generator

Show HN: Noisy Nest Free white/pink/brown noise generator Hi All, i was playing around with GPT-4 today, and threw together a simple noise generator. It can play pink, brown, and white noise indefinitely. I spent maybe an hour creating this. It's quite amazing what you can do with such little time with AI. Let me know if you think of any features to add, and i'll consider adding them to make this more useful. October 1, 2023 at 04:10AM

Show HN: Stargazers Reloaded – LLM-Powered Analyses of Your GitHub Community

Show HN: Stargazers Reloaded – LLM-Powered Analyses of Your GitHub Community Hey friends! We have built an app for getting insights about your favorite GitHub community using large language models. The app uses LLMs to analyze the GitHub profiles of users who have starred the repository, capturing key details like the topics they are interested in. It takes screenshots of the stargazer's GitHub webpage, extracts text using an OCR model, and extracts insights embedded in the extracted text using LLMs. This app is inspired by the “original” Stargazers app written by Spencer Kimball (CEO of CockroachDB). While the original app exclusively used the GitHub API, this LLM-powered app built using EvaDB additionally extracts insights from unstructured data obtained from the stargazers’ webpages. Our analysis of the fast-growing GPT4All community showed that the majority of the stargazers are proficient in Python and JavaScript, and 43% of them are interested in Web Development. Web develope

Show HN: Raiseto – Discover and Share Ideas

Show HN: Raiseto – Discover and Share Ideas September 30, 2023 at 07:16AM

Show HN: A C++ dump func. that can print multi-D vectors, maps, tuples, and all

Show HN: A C++ dump func. that can print multi-D vectors, maps, tuples, and all September 30, 2023 at 10:37AM

Show HN: Dolce – Get notified if something (bad) happens to your containers

Show HN: Dolce – Get notified if something (bad) happens to your containers Hi HN, while I was on vacation this year the shop of my wife was suddenly down and we only noticed once the emails of customers rolled in. After fixing it on my phone I thought there has to be a better way to notice when your docker container die or are in a restart loop for whatever reason. Now I know there are lots of tools like and monocker, however none seemed to match my simple use case of getting notified _via email_ when the running– or health-status of any docker container changes. So I did what every SE would do in that case and hacked another solution but this one is mine :). I also always wanted to do a project with deno and get up to speed on typescript. This was also a great reason to finally look into using GitHub Actions to automate some of the tedious tasks. Fun fact: After reading on here about Deno Queues, I rewrote the message buffering and backoff completely and could greatly

Show HN: PDF Debugger – Inspect Structure of PDF Files

Show HN: PDF Debugger – Inspect Structure of PDF Files September 30, 2023 at 04:07AM

Show HN: Insomnium – 100% local and privacy-focus fork of Insomnia API client

Show HN: Insomnium – 100% local and privacy-focus fork of Insomnia API client September 30, 2023 at 01:49AM

Show HN: Can your GPU run this LLM?

Show HN: Can your GPU run this LLM? September 30, 2023 at 12:52AM

Show HN: I Made a Chrome Extension for Vocabulary Building

Show HN: I Made a Chrome Extension for Vocabulary Building September 29, 2023 at 08:38AM

Show HN: Automated competitor tracking tool for startups

Show HN: Automated competitor tracking tool for startups Hello HN! I'm excited to share my product that helps companies to track their competitors, their website updates, new features, social media activity etc. I already have the first set of early adopters (thanks to a pretty good ProductHunt launch) who're using it on the daily basis so I'm excited to remove the waiting list and share it with everyone. Cheers! September 29, 2023 at 04:51AM

Show HN: Create short form videos on any topic using Generative AI

Show HN: Create short form videos on any topic using Generative AI Hey HN, Long time lurker first time posting. This is a streamlit app I wrote as a side project. It's a Generative AI webapp for creating short 30 second informative videos on any topic or subject under the sun. It's not perfect by any means, but a cool demo. It takes around a minute to generate so please be patient. Email is optional, only if you want link to watermark removed completed video clip. Any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! JD P.S. I am actively looking for Senior Python/DevOps/MLOps roles in California. Contact info in my profile. Thanks. September 29, 2023 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Ultra-Realistic Generative Fill with AI and 3D

Show HN: Ultra-Realistic Generative Fill with AI and 3D Hey all, You've probably seen projects that add objects to an image from a style or text prompt, like InteriorAI (levelsio) and Adobe Firefly. The prevalent issue with these diffusion-based inpainting approaches is that they don't yet have great conditioning on lighting, perspective, and structure. You'll often get incorrect or generic shadows; warped-looking objects; and distorted backgrounds. ### What is Fill 3D? Fill 3D is an exploration on doing generative fill in 3D to render ultra-realistic results that harmonize with the background image, using industry-standard path tracing, akin to compositing in Hollywood movies. ### How does it work? 1. Deproject: First, deproject an image to a 3D shell using both geometric and photometric cues from the input image. 2. Place: Draw rectangles and describe what you want in them, akin to Photoshop's Generative Fill feature. 3. Render: Use good ol' path tracing to render

Show HN: – A new kind of web form, powered by LLMs

Show HN: – A new kind of web form, powered by LLMs September 28, 2023 at 11:13PM

Show HN: Abuse inflight WiFi APIs to track your flight

Show HN: Abuse inflight WiFi APIs to track your flight September 29, 2023 at 12:27AM

Show HN: Launching a new home-grown embedding LLM for RAG

Show HN: Launching a new home-grown embedding LLM for RAG Hi HN! Vectara is a "batteries included" retrieval augmented generation platform. You can upload your rich text documents like PDFs, HTML pages, word docs, etc, or semi-structured JSON and Vectara handles the text and metadata extraction, segmentation, vector embedding, and vector storage, and keyword storage. You can ask a question or perform a search in the UI or via our APIs and Vectara will automatically handle the vectorization, structured metadata filtering, vector+keyword retrieval, hybrid blending, and generative summarization of the results. We're focusing on building and operationalizing the complex infrastructure for vector storage, hybrid retrieval, and generative summarization so you can use fairly high-level APIs and focus on building your own applications. We know that retrieval accuracy is incredibly important for RAG: garbage in, garbage out. We've seen a lot of projects not spend enough time o

Show HN: Use ChatGPT with Apple Shortcuts

Show HN: Use ChatGPT with Apple Shortcuts This project was born from my passion for every Apple product and the entire ecosystem, along with the power of ChatGPT. I was tired of copy-pasting and switching between apps on my Mac or iPhone, so I had this crazy idea to bring ChatGPT into every app that I use. This was possible only with the Apple Shortcuts app. Very few people know about its power and potential, so I took this chance and built COPILOT. But I also loved the idea of AI agents using various tools so much that I leveraged OpenAI's function-calling feature to accomplish that. Now, no matter what app I am using on my iPhone or Mac, the selected text or the current webpage from Safari will be passed automatically to COPILOT. Then I just ask it whatever I need and watch until it reaches the goal autonomously. There was also another problem with ChatGPT - the knowledge cutoff. So I also integrated Google search and web scraping into it. Now, whenever my

Show HN: The Tomb of Ramesses I in the Valley of the Kings

Show HN: The Tomb of Ramesses I in the Valley of the Kings Hey all, I’m coding up a new tour system for my 3d Egyptian work. After the last feedback, I focused on building more interactive content and fx into the guided tours with sound and telling the mythology in the wall art. I’d love feedback with the new version – this is built with vanilla Three.js and footage captured on my iPhone 12. For various fx, I coded many of my own shaders based on work by and others on ShaderToy, so I’m keen to test on more devices. As the hacker, so the (ancient) painter. September 26, 2023 at 08:04PM

Show HN: A simple API/CLI for scheduling HTTP requests

Show HN: A simple API/CLI for scheduling HTTP requests Hi HN! This is something I've been tinkering on for the past couple months. It's basically just an API/CLI for scheduling delayed or recurring jobs as HTTP requests. I initially built it as a personal tool to save myself a bit of time on little side projects where I've needed scheduled/recurring alerts, but decided it could be a good opportunity to practice building out a nice landing page [0] and documentation [1]. And who knows, maybe someone else will find it useful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The tool relies heavily on Elixir's Oban [2] library for managing jobs, and Mintlify [3] for documentation. I also shamelessly stole most of the frontend design from Resend [4] because I'm a fan of the aesthetic and thought it would be good for my design chops to use their design as a guide. I also discovered Radix [5] UI while working on this, which ended up being immensely helpful for moving quickly on the frontend. Anyways, I almost c

Show HN: Hackers Guide to Language Models

Show HN: Hackers Guide to Language Models September 27, 2023 at 10:56PM

Show HN: Using LLMs and Embeddings to classify application errors

Show HN: Using LLMs and Embeddings to classify application errors Hi Hacker News! We’re Vadim and Chris from [1]. We do web app monitoring and are working on using LLMs/embeddings to add new functionality to our error monitoring product. Given that there’s a lot of founders/engineers using LLMs in their products, we figured we’d share how we built the new functionality, their impact on our workflows, and how you can try it out. Our goal was to build two features: (1) tagging errors (e.g. deeming an error as “authentication error” or a “database error”); and (2) grouping similar errors together (e.g. two errors that have a different stacktrace and body, but are semantically not very different). Each of these rely heavily on comparing text across our application. After some experimentation with the OpenAI embeddings API [3], we went ahead and hosted a private model instance of thenlper/gte-large (an open-source MIT licensed model), which is a 1024-dimension model running on

Show HN: POC: Real-Time Medical Image Collaboration Made Easy with OHIF / Nun-Db

Show HN: POC: Real-Time Medical Image Collaboration Made Easy with OHIF / Nun-Db September 27, 2023 at 06:10AM

Go Local. Muni Supports Small Businesses.

Go Local. Muni Supports Small Businesses. By Sophia Scherr An illustration for one of the featured neighborhood districts supporting the Take Muni to Support Small Business campaign, Artwork created by Dan Bransfield. This week we are launching a campaign encouraging residents and visitors to take Muni to support San Francisco small businesses. The “Go Local” campaign is centered around defining the personalities of several neighborhood business districts, highlighting what makes them unique and promoting the benefits of taking Muni to shop, dine and explore.   Economic Boost  When you choose Muni for your daily commute or to explore the city, you're directly contributing to our local economy. Small businesses thrive when customers can easily access their shops, restaurants and services, as many of them rely on foot traffic and local patronage. By opting to take Muni, you're helping these businesses grow, create jobs and continue to enrich our city.   Climate Conscious Ch

Show HN: Mail Memories – Export all your Gmail images

Show HN: Mail Memories – Export all your Gmail images I've added screenshots so you can see how it works now. Mail Memories lets you download all the images in your Gmail account from 2004 or 2010 or any year. Would appreciate your thoughts. Previously: Demo - Download the oldest images in your account for free: September 27, 2023 at 01:42AM

Show HN: Unity like game editor running in pure WASM

Show HN: Unity like game editor running in pure WASM In the wake of all the Unity nonsense, just wanted to toss the Raverie engine into this mix :) We’re building off a previous engine that we worked on for DigiPen Institute of Technology called the Zero Engine with a similar component based design architecture to Unity. Our engine had a unique feature called Spaces: separate worlds/levels that you can instantiate and run at the same time, which became super useful for creating UI overlays using only game objects, running multiple simulations, etc. The lighting and rendering engine is scriptable, and the default deferred rendering implementation is based on the Unreal physically based rendering (PBR) approach. The physics engine was built from the ground up to handle both 2D and 3D physics together. The scripting language was also built in house to be a type safe language that binds to C++ objects and facilitates auto-complete (try it in editor!) This particular fork by Raverie builds

Show HN: Hotseat AI – Collaborative FAQ for the EU AI Act

Show HN: Hotseat AI – Collaborative FAQ for the EU AI Act September 26, 2023 at 11:11PM

Show HN: MyGPT a toy LLM which can be trained on Project Gutenberg and dad jokes

Show HN: MyGPT a toy LLM which can be trained on Project Gutenberg and dad jokes My puny version of ChatGPT. This was based on the excellent LLM lecture series by Andrej Karpathy: The main points of differentiation are that my version is token-based (tiktoken) with code to load up multiple text files as a trining set. Plus, it has a minimal server which is a drop-in replacement for the OpenAI REST API. So you can train the default tiny 15M parameter model, and use that in your projects instead of ChatGPT. I trained it on 20Mb of Project Gutenberg encyclopaedias, then fine-tuned it on 120 dad jokes, to get a Q: A: prompt format. This model + training set is so small that the results are basically a joke; it's for entertainment purposes only. The code is also very rough, and the server only has the minimum functionality filled in. I embodied this model in my talking LLM-driven hexapod robot, and it could give very silly answers to spoken qu

Show HN: Bigcapital - A open-source alternative to QuickBooks

Show HN: Bigcapital - A open-source alternative to QuickBooks September 26, 2023 at 03:05AM

Taken with Transportation Podcast: Transit Month on Muni

Taken with Transportation Podcast: Transit Month on Muni By September is Transit Month in the Bay Area and on the latest episode of Taken with Transportation, the official SFMTA podcast, host Melissa Culross talks with Muni riders in multiple neighborhoods who use our buses, streetcars and light rail vehicles as their principal means of transportation.   “I just absolutely loathe driving, and the Muni gets me somewhere that I don’t have to drive,” says Erin Livingston, who has lived in San Francisco for almost a decade. “I have such fond memories of days that I had nothing to do, and me and my friends just kind of bopped around, and we took the Muni to one neighborhood and then took it another … and I think Muni is so quintessentially San Francisco.”  “My family still doesn’t drive, I don’t drive,” San Francisco native Jennifer Borromeo says. “I’m so happy that I have a transportation system that’s reliable, something I can easily navigate with my parents as they’re getting older.

Show HN: Free AI Email Subject Line Generator That Works

Show HN: Free AI Email Subject Line Generator That Works September 25, 2023 at 10:29PM

Show HN: Animation Music Rose – JavaScript Web Art Tool on HTML5 Canvas

Show HN: Animation Music Rose – JavaScript Web Art Tool on HTML5 Canvas This program is created by CreateJS (JavaScript) + HTML5 Canvas. You can use it for your web pages and modify the design. September 25, 2023 at 10:57AM

Show HN: Bots Playing Online Cash Bingo on an iPad

Show HN: Bots Playing Online Cash Bingo on an iPad Hey HN, I really enjoy playing "Bing King" from time to time. I had a little downtime, and thought it would be fun to try and write a bot to play it. Sharing it here: Demo videos in the repo September 25, 2023 at 07:53AM

Show HN: Emojirades – Emoji Charades

Show HN: Emojirades – Emoji Charades September 25, 2023 at 05:35AM

Show HN: – Chat with your documents, video transcripts

Show HN: – Chat with your documents, video transcripts Hi HN, I created this site recently and need som feedbacks. Please give it a try, let me know if you see anything to need to be improved or added. Below is the summary of What is HiChatbot? - HiChatbot is an AI-powered chatbot that can answer your questions about documents, text, and videos. You can upload a document, text, or provide a video link to HiChatbot and have a Q&A chat with the content. What are some of the things I can do with HiChatbot? You can use HiChatbot to: - Summarize the main points of a document - Get more details about a specific topic in a document, text, or video - Based on the provided document, generate creative text formats of text content, like executive summaries, reports, poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. September 24, 2023 at 10:26PM

Show HN: Cloud for AI Agents and AI Apps

Show HN: Cloud for AI Agents and AI Apps September 24, 2023 at 03:42AM

Show HN: Karektar – Bitmap Font Designer

Show HN: Karektar – Bitmap Font Designer Karektar is a React/TS app for building exportable bitmap fonts from custom glyph sets. You can submit your own input string, and the app will generate the gallery of unique glyphs. Build your own designs using the various tools available, then export it to an OTF format when you're done. This is my first front-end project, and one I picked up to learn React. I'd love to hear any feedback, especially on usability and additional features you'd like to see. Cheers! September 24, 2023 at 07:55AM

Show HN: Cup – expose declarative APIs over config stored in Git

Show HN: Cup – expose declarative APIs over config stored in Git September 24, 2023 at 06:04AM

Show HN: A Less Shitty OpenAI Token Counter

Show HN: A Less Shitty OpenAI Token Counter Built a simple OpenAI token counter that doesn't crash. It gives you: Tokens Characters Words Paragraphs Link: Client side only. Feedback welcome. September 24, 2023 at 04:51AM

Show HN: Minecraft Stored on Paper

Show HN: Minecraft Stored on Paper September 24, 2023 at 02:09AM

Show HN: A “CRM” for your personal relationships

Show HN: A “CRM” for your personal relationships Android: iOS: We know life can be busy. And we often struggle to make time for the people that matter most to us. According to a Harvard study from 2021, "36% of all Americans [...] feel “serious loneliness.”" [1] We created an app to help people focus on their most personal relationships and guide them through forming more meaningful connections with them, in the hopes to combat the "Loneliness Epidemic". We just launched the first iteration - call it an MVP if you like - something to validate our ideas and get the conversation started. We are looking for people to try out what we have built and share their thoughts. The functionality is very basic for now, but we are planning to expand based on our users' feedback. Here is what you can do today: * Tell us who the people are that matter most to you * Get daily reminders to reach out to them * Send them virtual post

Show HN: TG – Fast geometry library for C

Show HN: TG – Fast geometry library for C September 23, 2023 at 06:27AM

Show HN: DIY 3D printed astrophotography camera mount

Show HN: DIY 3D printed astrophotography camera mount Hi HN, Sharing here a write up of my latest hobby project. Feedback/comments/discussion welcome. September 23, 2023 at 02:33AM

Show HN: Tome, aka Tom's Editor – a new command-line text editor

Show HN: Tome, aka Tom's Editor – a new command-line text editor September 23, 2023 at 12:23AM

Show HN: Summary Cat, a YouTube Video Summary Generator

Show HN: Summary Cat, a YouTube Video Summary Generator Hello HN! Please check out Summary Cat ( ). It uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5 to summarize YouTube transcripts. Please note that it only works for *English* videos right now. I'd appreciate any feedbacks, criticisms, or feature requests!! You can also find my contact info in my profile. Thank you in advance. --------------------------- Tech Stack - Frontend: HTML/CSS - Backend: Python/Flask APIs: - For grabbing YouTube's transcripts, I used youtube-transcript-api ( ) - For summarizing the transcripts, I used OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo-16k: . (I used GPT-3.5 because GPT-4 is quite a lot more expensive (roughly 10X). September 23, 2023 at 03:24AM

Show HN:Rerender A Video – Prisma type style transfer for Videos

Show HN:Rerender A Video – Prisma type style transfer for Videos September 23, 2023 at 02:08AM

Show HN: Tinyfeed – CLI to generate static webpage from a collection of feeds

Show HN: Tinyfeed – CLI to generate static webpage from a collection of feeds This project started because I wanted to consume my RSS/Atoms feeds the same way I consume news on HN: a lightweight webpage with a minimalist user interface where I can comfortably browse interesting links. I didn't like existing solutions for feeds reader. Many of them seemed overly complex, most of them require a database and don't event support sqlite. For a simple feed reader, it felt overkill. What I wanted was an easy setup that didn't rely on external databases or configurations. My solution was to build a small CLI tool that print an HTML page from a list of feed URLs. I can just set it up in Cron, point NGINX to the generate HTML file and that's it, I have a lovely webpage with my feeds. This was my first real project in Go and I'm still learning so I'm eager to receive feedback on the code. Checkout the demo here: September 22, 2

Show HN: FormsLab – Open-source form builder

Show HN: FormsLab – Open-source form builder Hello guys, I wanted to share with you and ask your opinion about my first open-source project. FormsLab is a tool that can be used as a feedback app to collect feedback from customers, create polls for voting, or as a survey creator. I would like to ask for your feedback and opinions. Thank you! September 22, 2023 at 04:29PM

Show HN: Corgi – on-demand, 1-on-1 tutoring

Show HN: Corgi – on-demand, 1-on-1 tutoring Hey all — I’m Sameer, a software engineer and longtime math/CS tutor who’s just launched an on-demand tutoring platform called Corgi. The product is a mobile app (currently iOS only) that allows users to request and receive tutoring help whenever they want it, for as little or as long as they need. Here’s how it works: 1. User selects a subject, adds a brief summary of what they need help with, and submits their request 2. All tutors who are online and qualified in that subject receive a notification that someone needs help 3. The first tutor to accept the request gets matched with the user, and both parties are placed in a in-app video chat session 4. The user works with the tutor for as long as they need 5. When the session is complete, the user is charged for the time they used (currently billed at $1/minute, rounded to the nearest minute) and the tutor receives 80% of the student fee As a starting point, the only subject we’re offering is

Show HN: brane, a tool to log and query your thoughts with the power of AI

Show HN: brane, a tool to log and query your thoughts with the power of AI September 22, 2023 at 05:23AM

Show HN: Changesets, manage your versioning and changelogs

Show HN: Changesets, manage your versioning and changelogs September 22, 2023 at 02:16AM

Show HN: Transform-x - Convert between JSON, SQLite and Excel formats.

Show HN: Transform-x - Convert between JSON, SQLite and Excel formats. This is a JS lib, CLI, Web UI and HTTP API to convert between JSON, SQLite and Excel formats. I built this partially as a challenge to see if I could reuse the JS code in each environment. I also move between these formats often during development. September 22, 2023 at 01:59AM

Show HN: My Single-File Python Script I Used to Replace Splunk in My Startup

Show HN: My Single-File Python Script I Used to Replace Splunk in My Startup My immediate reaction to today's news that Splunk was being acquired was to comment in the HN discussion for that story: "I hated Splunk so much that I spent a couple days a few months ago writing a single 1200 line python script that does absolutely everything I need in terms of automatic log collection, ingestion, and analysis from a fleet of cloud instances. It pulls in all the log lines, enriches them with useful metadata like the IP address of the instance, the machine name, the log source, the datetime, etc. and stores it all in SQlite, which it then exposes to a very convenient web interface using Datasette. I put it in a cronjob and it's infinitely better (at least for my purposes) than Splunk, which is just a total nightmare to use, and can be customized super easily and quickly. My coworkers all prefer it to Splunk as well. And oh yeah, it's totally free instead of costing my company

Reimagine Potrero Yard: View Latest Designs

Reimagine Potrero Yard: View Latest Designs By Bonnie Jean von Krogh Rendering of Bryant and 17th Streets intersection. Image: Arcadis IBI Group  We are reimagining the SFMTA’s Potrero Yard as the nation’s first known joint development of a bus maintenance facility with integrated housing and retail. Please join us at a Community Open House today, Wednesday, September 20, 2023, to learn more about the Potrero Yard Modernization Project including updated designs, economic development opportunities and the public art plan.   Community Open House   Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 5:30 p.m. (TODAY)  Z Space, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, CA  Bus Yard tours for all ages, childcare and dinner provided Español  - Jornada Comunitaria, Miércoles 20 de septiembre de 2023 a las 5:30 p.m. Z Space, 450 Florida Street, San Francisco, CA. Tour de Yarde de autobuses para todas las edades, Cuidado de niños, Cena. Located at Bryant and Mariposa Streets, Potrero Yard is an over 100-yea

Show HN: Sheet Music Management App

Show HN: Sheet Music Management App September 21, 2023 at 01:47AM

Show HN: Mana Pool

Show HN: Mana Pool Hi folks. I launched my first startup on HN 15 years ago (see my profile), and I wanted to post here again now. Like my last one, this project comes from one of my life's passions. I have played Magic: The Gathering for 30 years. My co-founders and I think Magic deserves its own market, and this thinking will lead to dozens of ways to make a great app. We consider what we have an MVP, and we are all going to MagicCon this weekend in Las Vegas to walk around in our Mana Pool shirts and talk to people about the future. If HN likes the site, I would appreciate you crashing it before we head out tomorrow night! September 21, 2023 at 12:01AM

Show HN: Swirl – AI Based Open-Source Search Engine Alternative to Algolia

Show HN: Swirl – AI Based Open-Source Search Engine Alternative to Algolia Swirl Is an Open-Source Search engine alternative to Algolia, and the likes. But Swirl queries anything with an API then uses Large Language Models to re-rank the unified results without copying any data! If the database has an API it can connect to and provide search functionality. You can use it to generate AI insights over a large and spread-out database. Check the website: GitHub: September 20, 2023 at 11:27PM

Show HN: Booklet – Async forums as an alternative to chat

Show HN: Booklet – Async forums as an alternative to chat I built Booklet to solve the problem of too many chat messages at work. Booklet updates classic internet forums and email groups to have a modern UI and high polish. It organizes communications into threads, and summarizes activities into a neat email newsletter - so members can stay updated without having to stay logged in. The async format promotes deeper discussions, while also increasing engagement by making conversations easy to follow. My goal is to make communications more asynchronous - so that I can get back to work, instead of slacking all day. Most early communities have been hobby groups, but my goal is to mature Booklet into a tool that sits alongside Slack in companies. Try it out, and let me know what you think! September 20, 2023 at 11:02PM

Show HN: Add a “Share to HN” button to Android via a PWA

Show HN: Add a “Share to HN” button to Android via a PWA September 20, 2023 at 11:53PM

Show HN: Hydra - Open-Source Columnar Postgres

Show HN: Hydra - Open-Source Columnar Postgres hi hn, hydra ceo here hydra is an open-source extension that adds columnar tables to Postgres for efficient analytical reporting. With Hydra, you can analyze billions of rows instantly without changing code. demo video (5 min): github repo: For 1.0 GA release, aggregate queries are over *60% faster* than Hydra beta due to aggregate vectorization. Spatial indexes (gin, gist, spgist, and rum indexes) and pg_hint_plan are now enabled for performance optimization. postgres is great, but aggregates can take minutes to hours to return results on large data sets. long-running analytical queries hog database resources and degrade performance. use hydra to run much faster analytics on postgres without changing code. for testing, try the hydra free tier to create a column postgres instance on the cloud. September 19, 2023 at 11:05PM

Show HN: Focusdoro(AI) – AI assisted Pomodoro task list

Show HN: Focusdoro(AI) – AI assisted Pomodoro task list Hi, I have always struggled with changing priorities and figuring out what to focus on a particular day. The actual priorities get missed amongst all other things in life. With the launch of Gen AI in almost all aspects of our lives, i decided to build something that can assist me in finding the right priorities and staying on them. This has helped me out for the past couple of days. I am using Openai apis for task breakdown and Daily planning bot and the rest of the site is built using Django, JS, and Tailwind. I have tried a lot of productivity tools throughout the years and Pomodoro and timer-based focused work has worked out best for me. If there are other techniques that have worked out for you, do let me know, I will try to incorporate those :) Would love honest feedback on this so that I can make this more useful to others and to myself. Looking forward to your feedback, thanks in advance :) September

Muni Heritage Weekend Brings History Alive

Muni Heritage Weekend Brings History Alive By Jeremy Menzies Take a ride back in time and explore transit history at Muni Heritage Weekend this Saturday and Sunday, September 23-24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This years’ festivities combine free rides on heritage buses and streetcars, with special cable car service and activities to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the cable cars . The action will come together in the plaza across from the San Francisco Railway Museum on Steuart Street between Market and Mission Streets.  Vintage Bus Rides  Pulling out for the weekend will be several vintage trolleys and motor buses that will run on two new, never-before offered excursion loops. Trolley coach buffs will get a chance to ride on three different buses running a special Cable Car 150th Anniversary commemoration route over Nob Hill. This route follows in the footsteps of San Francisco’s very first cable car line from 1873.  Four motor buses from 20 to 85 years old will drive along the

Show HN: Dittofeed – 1-Click deploy, self-host Mailchimp alternative

Show HN: Dittofeed – 1-Click deploy, self-host Mailchimp alternative Hi HN, we've released Dittofeed v0.4.0, a significant update primarily focused on facilitating self-hosting. Dittofeed is an open source (MIT licensed) alternative to platforms like, mailchimp, klaviyo, iterable etc. Self-hosting is particularly useful if you: - Want to evaluate Dittofeed without a long-term commitment - Prefer fixed, non-volume based pricing models - Aim to keep all personally identifiable information within your own infrastructure In this version, we introduced 'Dittofeed Lite,' which merges the dashboard, API, and worker services, simplifying deployment, along with providing an easy auth setup. We've also configured a 1-Click Render deployment. The Render setup comes at a fixed cost of $39/month. However, by using alternative hosting solutions for the Postgres and ClickHouse instances (neon, clickhouse cloud), the monthly costs can be reduced to under $20. We personally

Show HN: Pendable - high performance email sending with Amazon SES

Show HN: Pendable - high performance email sending with Amazon SES Hi HN, Today we announce Pendable (, which is a production-grade email sending platform using Amazon SES. Pendble does parallelized email sending, dynamic priority queues, scheduled future delivery, email events, active throttling based on bounces and complaints, spam domain filtering, email logs and resend options, all using your existing Amazon SES setup. To get started, use our API instead of SES and start routing your emails through Pendable. In our day job, we develop bespoke custom loyalty solutions for enterprise customers and have been doing that over a decade. We use SES extensively as it is cost-effective and robust but we found a lot of gaps and decided to build the features instead of moving to solutions like SendGrid or MailChimp. With Pendable, you can continue using your SES account to send emails, while Pendable makes it robust and high-performant. Furthermore, we provide an easy to use monit

Show HN: Collaborative Lisp Coding on Discord

Show HN: Collaborative Lisp Coding on Discord This is a Discord bot I made, which lets you write and evaluate Lisp code in collaborative sessions on Discord. I wrote it in a short amount of time, partly for learning purposes, but also because I found the idea exciting and it was fun to hack around. I'd be happy to get your feedback, especially on how to improve the deletion mechanism (maybe make deletion sexpr-based?). I've tried to make the README detailed enough so that it's easy to make some changes and run your own version. September 19, 2023 at 12:22AM

Show HN: macOS GUI for running LLMs locally

Show HN: macOS GUI for running LLMs locally Hello HN, I've been working on this project for a while, and it has been in an "open" beta for some time. I finally believe it's ready for its first release. I hope you like it. Here are some potential questions that may arise: 1. How does it compare to LM Studio? It's likely that if you're already using LM Studio, you'll continue to do so. This project is designed to be more user-friendly. 2. Is it open-source? No, it is not. 3. Does it use any open-source libraries? Yes, it uses llama.cpp and a few others, as indicated in the license information included with the application. 4. Why is not using electronjs? Two reasons, I wanted total control over the whole tech-stack and second, I wanted to be able to send this to my friends over iMessage. 5. Does it support Intel macs? It should, but I couldn't test it. 6. Does it support older macOS? 12.6 is the lowest version at the moment. 7. Is XXX a bug? Probably :)

Show HN: A murder mystery game built on an open-source gen-AI agent framework

Show HN: A murder mystery game built on an open-source gen-AI agent framework Hey HN, Michael and Scott here. We’re open-sourcing an interactive murder mystery featuring LLM-driven character agents. Solve the mystery by finding clues, taking notes, and interrogating agents. They all have distinct motives, personality, and can impact the game in different ways (attacking you, running away, etc). Try it out, it’s pretty fun! We’re also open-sourcing the framework that we used to make and refine the agents. The goal is to create an intuitive interface for storytellers to create, debug, and test game agents. We then take those game agents and expose an API beyond just chat - such as actions, player guardrails, emotional queries, etc. We’re not done yet - there are a lot more features coming on the way: scenario-based agent evals, agent-storyline consistency management, automatic agent generation, etc. We would love to hear your feedback. Thanks! [0] [1] https://ift.t

Show HN: HyperDX – open-source dev-friendly Datadog alternative

Show HN: HyperDX – open-source dev-friendly Datadog alternative Hi HN, Mike and Warren here! We've been building HyperDX ( HyperDX allows you to easily search and correlate logs, traces, metrics (alpha), and session replays all in one place. For example, if a user reports a bug “this button doesn't work," an engineer can play back what the user was doing in their browser and trace API calls back to the backend logs for that specific request, all from a single view. Github Repo: Coming from an observability nerd background, with Warren being SRE #1 at his last startup and me previously leading dev experience at LogDNA/Mezmo, we knew there were gaps in the existing tools we were used to using. Our previous stack of tools like Bugsnag, LogRocket, and Cloudwatch required us to switch between different tools, correlate timestamps (UTC? local?), and manually cross-check IDs to piece together what was actually happening. This often made meant sm

Show HN: LLM Powered Keyboard [video]

Show HN: LLM Powered Keyboard [video] Hey HN, I'm excited to share Taikoboard, a mechanical keyboard with LLM powered autocomplete. I made this keyboard for myself so I could use LLM-powered autocomplete in apps that didn't have this feature. Although more apps have started integrating LLMs, there's a large number of software tools that don't support this. Taikoboard bridges that gap, making the AI autocomplete experience universal. Would love to hear feedback, answer questions, or discuss potential use cases you see for Taikoboard. September 18, 2023 at 07:14PM

Show HN: A Discord bot that creates multi-server text channels

Show HN: A Discord bot that creates multi-server text channels September 18, 2023 at 09:12AM

Show HN: Live Train Webcams

Show HN: Live Train Webcams Our son is really into trains. He was home sick a few weeks ago and we found that there are several YouTube channels that have live video feeds from various train stations or railway clubs around the US. He really liked it, but he kept wanting to know when the next train was going to show up so he could see it. I built this small website at which shows the time to the next train (Pacific time) and will automatically rotate channels to find the next train. It uses the Amtrak live train data today. In the future I might add other agencies, since a few of these stations do have more than one agency that services them and there are also some international stations I found feeds for. Hope this may be of some use for those of you with your own railfans in your life :) September 18, 2023 at 04:03AM

Show HN: Panvimdoc – Convert pandoc Markdown to vimdoc help

Show HN: Panvimdoc – Convert pandoc Markdown to vimdoc help September 18, 2023 at 01:02AM

Show HN: Type and Calculate Anything, Instantly. Numi like Calculator.

Show HN: Type and Calculate Anything, Instantly. Numi like Calculator. September 18, 2023 at 04:32AM

Show HN: Me and my buddy made $20 with a Stripe link and a Tweet

Show HN: Me and my buddy made $20 with a Stripe link and a Tweet Hi there, So a buddy a couple of days ago came up with the idea for a new SaaS product regarding gpt and image generation. We did a quick MVP that barely works, it breaks almost 50% of the time but we still wanted to validate the idea before going all in. We have almost 1k followers on Twitter together. Did a quick post describing the idea with a stripe link in the comments with a 5$ value, no landing page, and no shipped product. In exchange, the buyers become beta users. Around 30 mins later we got our first sale next 30 mins another 5$ and so on. Do we consider the idea validated? The short answer is no, We gained some initial momentum but we can't call it a business yet, not until we are starting to get recurring revenue. What next? We created a notion file with multiple marketing channels we plan to test out and see which one is the best. We also created a list full of websites to submit our product and we are tr

Show HN: ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot

Show HN: ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot Hey HN, long time lurker here. I humbly present ara which is a project I created back at Red Hat in 2016 (before AWX was open source) to make my life easier working with distributed and large scale Ansible playbooks. It is designed to be simple and compatible with however you're already running Ansible today without needing to change much of your existing workflows. My time and skills are limited but I have learned a lot and I am happy with how the project has steadily improved over the years with the much appreciated help of contributors. If you'd like to read more about the project, the blog might be interesting: If you'd like to help, contribute or chat, feel free to hop on IRC, Slack or Matrix: The best way to stay up to date with the project is on Mastodon: I will be here for a while to reply to comments and answer questio

Show HN: I made a browser extension for building your own custom HN themes

Show HN: I made a browser extension for building your own custom HN themes Hi HN! I’ve spent the last few weeks writing a browser extension that lets users write their own HN themes using Handlebars and CSS. It works by converting the current Hacker News page’s content into an object that is made available to the user-defined Handlebars templates. There is a built-in code editor that makes writing themes super easy and you can see changes in real-time. If you don’t want to write a theme from scratch, there are premade themes available or you may import one made by somebody else. It is shipped with Bootstrap so you can get pretty far without needing to write a lot of custom CSS. Material icons are also included so your themes get iconography out of the box. Any theme can be toggled into dark mode with a single click. It is open-sourced under the MIT license so feel free to use any of the code in the linked repo[0]. Additionally, I’ve put together a short demo video on YouTube[1]. If you

Show HN: Fireworks Tap Toy

Show HN: Fireworks Tap Toy September 17, 2023 at 02:47PM

Show HN: – AI to Recommend Tools Based on Problem

Show HN: – AI to Recommend Tools Based on Problem September 17, 2023 at 03:04AM

Show HN: Bookmarklet to count number of lines in a GitHub repo

Show HN: Bookmarklet to count number of lines in a GitHub repo September 17, 2023 at 02:10AM

Show HN: Every Breath You Take – Heart Rate Variability Training

Show HN: Every Breath You Take – Heart Rate Variability Training Through controlled breathing it is possible to regulate your body's stress response. I've built an app to measure and train this effect with a Polar H10 Heart Rate monitor. With every breath you take, you can set the pace of your breathing rate, measure your breathing control with the chest accelerometer, and see how heart rate variability responds. September 17, 2023 at 02:48AM

Show HN: – Open-Source AI Agent and AI Native App Community

Show HN: – Open-Source AI Agent and AI Native App Community September 16, 2023 at 10:09PM

Show HN: Yet another Hacker News app

Show HN: Yet another Hacker News app Thought I'd show off my CSS skills with a little cleaned up version. Often I do wonder what alternative ways are to viewing hackernews. How much more can you strip away right? September 16, 2023 at 08:31PM

Show HN: Bleuit – A Recursive Reddit

Show HN: Bleuit – A Recursive Reddit Hi, I wanted to make a social media website that did things a little differently. I'd describe it like something between reddit and Hacker News, but with a different approach to browsing and submitting content. I learned nextjs in the process of this so it is pretty plain and simple. However if there's interest I might spend more time on it. Thanks for checking it out! See here for more on how it works - September 16, 2023 at 05:23AM

Show HN: Slash Saber – endless game made in ThreeJS and Vue

Show HN: Slash Saber – endless game made in ThreeJS and Vue Slash Saber is open source: Blender files for some of the 3D assets are available in the GitHub repository. I am open to any feedback. September 15, 2023 at 01:13PM

Show HN: I built an app that lets you create and chat with 3D AI characters

Show HN: I built an app that lets you create and chat with 3D AI characters Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce the launch of Astrocyte, a web app that allows you to create and interact with 3D AI characters. Whether it's video game heroes, anime characters, political figures, or even that obscure NPC from your favorite RPG, you can bring them to life and have a chat with them on Astrocyte! Many users have already begun crafting their own characters on Astrocyte, and the conversations have been incredibly entertaining. I would be thrilled if you could give it a try and share your honest feedback. Thank you! September 15, 2023 at 11:00AM

Show HN: Python SDK for iWF – workflowAsCode API orchestration engine

Show HN: Python SDK for iWF – workflowAsCode API orchestration engine Main repo(with docs/wiki/discussion): Samples: September 15, 2023 at 02:42AM

Nue: A React/Vue/Vite/Astro Alternative

Nue: A React/Vue/Vite/Astro Alternative Author here. I've been working on this for the past ~12 months, lately full-time. I'm releasing two things today: 1. Nue JS: — A tiny (2.3kb minzipped) JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's like React/Vue core, but there are no hooks, effects, props, or other unusual abstractions on your way. Know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and you are good to go. Nue JS supports server-side rendering (SSR), reactive components, and "isomorphic" combinations. It takes inspiration from Vue 2.0 and Riot.js. (I'm actually the original author of Riot). 2. Nue ecosystem: — This is the ultimate goal and once all the sub-projects are finished, Nue will be a serious alternative to things like Vite, Next.js, and Astro. The thing is that I'm not happy with the current state of web development, so I want to write a completely new ecosystem from scratch. I'm taking ad

Show HN: SlackRevert, a Firefox extension to revert Slack's new design

Show HN: SlackRevert, a Firefox extension to revert Slack's new design September 15, 2023 at 06:06AM

Show HN: Image Eval – An evaluation toolkit for image generation models

Show HN: Image Eval – An evaluation toolkit for image generation models September 15, 2023 at 12:29AM

Show HN: A vector database with semantic SQL-like filtering

Show HN: A vector database with semantic SQL-like filtering Hi HN! It’s always bothered me that there’s no real equivalent of SQL WHERE for vector content. Filtering is one of the cornerstones of a modern database — but vector DBs only support either top-k sort, which is only useful for fuzzy search, or metadata filtering, which isn’t semantic. I’ve found myself wanting all the results matching my semantic query, not just k! Aside from data analysis, it's relevant if you’re trying to do any LLM reasoning: you don’t make good decisions or reach good conclusions by considering a small subset of information. So, we’ve designed a filtering primitive on top of vectors and assembled a demo on customer reviews from Trustpilot, Yelp, App Store, etc. You can select any brand/restaurant/app, and slice the review data however you want. The filter should find all matching documents, not just the top-k. Check it out at ! Not super optimized yet, and really just an explora

Show HN: Ever Been Rated by an AI Date? Try Dating Playground and Get Feedback

Show HN: Ever Been Rated by an AI Date? Try Dating Playground and Get Feedback Hey HackerNews folks! I first launched to help people improve their dating profiles, get reply suggestions, etc but to that I got feedback where people pointed out that someone could just impersonate their entire profile which made sense and I thought what if I could actually help people really get better at texting or conversations by giving them feedback and letting them improve via suggestions. I understand a human date can't be replaced but certainly we could help to an extent. NOTE - THIS IS NOT AN AI GIRLFRIEND. This is how it works: 1. Swipe from profiles of the opposite gender and then you're matched with someone. 2. Start an engaging chat & earn or lose points based on your charm (or lack thereof). 3. Simultaneously get reply suggestions to navigate the conversation. 4. Receive a final verdict: Would they like to go out on a date with you? And the best part? Those points are

Show HN: Vips – Emacs Interface for OpenAI's GPT API and DeepL's Translation API

Show HN: Vips – Emacs Interface for OpenAI's GPT API and DeepL's Translation API I am excited to share vips.el, an Emacs interface for OpenAI's GPT API and DeepL's translation API. With vips.el, you can work directly with OpenAI's GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-turbo models, customize parameters for fine-tuning the output, and translate text seamlessly using the DeepL API, all within Emacs. The tool is designed to be easy to install and use, with a range of keyboard shortcuts for quick access to its features. It's distributed as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You can find more details, including installation steps and usage instructions, in the project's README file. I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions! September 14, 2023 at 05:10AM

Show HN: Tophat – a friendly 2d game framework

Show HN: Tophat – a friendly 2d game framework September 14, 2023 at 03:56AM

Show HN: Kr8s a batteries-included Python client library for Kubernetes

Show HN: Kr8s a batteries-included Python client library for Kubernetes Hey folks. I'm the author of kr8s. I’ve been working on kr8s for a while now and one of my core goals is to build a Python library for Kubernetes that is the most simple, readable and produces the most maintainable code. It should enable folks to write clean code when working with the Kubernetes API. If you're interested in how it compares with other libraries then check out [this post]( ). Happy to answer any questions you might have in the comments here . September 14, 2023 at 02:38AM

Show HN: Lantern – a PostgreSQL vector database for building AI applications

Show HN: Lantern – a PostgreSQL vector database for building AI applications TL;DR Lantern is a PostgreSQL vector database extension for building AI applications. Install and use our extension here: We have the most complete feature set of all the PostgreSQL vector database extensions. ** Here’s what we support today ** - Creating an AI application end to end without leaving your database (example: ) - Embedding generation for popular use cases (CLIP model, Hugging Face models, custom model) - Interoperability with pgvector's data type, so anyone using pgvector can switch to Lantern - Parallel index creation capabilities -- Support for creating the index outside of the database and inside another instance allows you to create an index without interrupting database workflows. ** Here’s what’s coming soon ** - Cloud-hosted version of Lantern - Templates and guides for building applications for different industries - Tools for generatin

Show HN: Autonomous Cloud for Serverless and AI Infra. Leaping Beyond K8s

Show HN: Autonomous Cloud for Serverless and AI Infra. Leaping Beyond K8s For the last 3 years, I have been working on a way to solve inefficiencies in software infrastructure. Introducing Taubyte. What is Taubyte? Taubyte is an open-source, autonomous cloud platform focusing on serverless and AI infrastructure. Designed to be edge-native and GitOps-centric, Taubyte aims to democratize cloud computing and reduce ops overhead. Why Choose Taubyte? The Future is Autonomous! - Ready-to-Go Platform: Unlike Kubernetes, which often requires additional products, Taubyte delivers a fully-functional cloud network out-of-the-box. - Low to No Ops: Taubyte's autonomous nature eliminates the need for constant operational maintenance. Taubyte's self-governing system literally runs itself! - Horizontal Scaling: Built-in support for horizontal scaling, no additional configurations needed. - Serverless Focus: While Kubernetes can support serverless via add-ons, Taubyte is natively designed for s

Show HN: Victor, a browser-optimized vector database written in Rust

Show HN: Victor, a browser-optimized vector database written in Rust Hey HN, My friend Sam and I were bored one weekend, and wanted to make something self-contained but still useful. We ended up with Victor [0], a vector database designed to run in the browser. It’s written in Rust, which gives us access to things like super-fast and compact serialization and deserialization, but it’s compiled to WASM and uses web-sys to interact with the browser’s JS APIs to write the database contents to disk. We worked hard on designing it in a way that makes sense for the browser. It uses the private origin file system [1] and stores the vectors in a compact format (one byte per vector dimension). Since storage space is at a premium in the browser, we also provide built-in PCA to allow you to compress your vectors. It’s completely transparent to the user and automatically kicks in once a vector storage file exceeds 10mb. We’re trying to think of a better way to design this API, so let us know any i

Show HN: Charge for Your Commit History on Gitawonk

Show HN: Charge for Your Commit History on Gitawonk Opening the source is de rigueur . Commit history is the one thing indie devs can hold onto. September 13, 2023 at 11:26PM

Show HN: Yaksha Programming Language Playground

Show HN: Yaksha Programming Language Playground I'm using v86, debian and tcc to run an x86 linux vm in the browser with Yaksha programming language. There is no backend thanks to v86. It is all in the browser. (iOS does not seem to work). I was able to get it working even in my Pixel 3A. Main website for Yaksha Language: September 13, 2023 at 12:17PM

Show HN: Deploying subdomain-based routing like

Show HN: Deploying subdomain-based routing like September 13, 2023 at 06:14PM

Show HN: C++ LMAX Disruptor < 200 LOC

Show HN: C++ LMAX Disruptor < 200 LOC Hi HN, I built an implementation of the LMAX disruptor described by Martin Fowler. Would love to hear your comments and suggestions! September 13, 2023 at 01:12PM

Show HN: Retail Intelligence – AI insights from fashion retail market analysis

Show HN: Retail Intelligence – AI insights from fashion retail market analysis September 13, 2023 at 04:41PM

Show HN: HTTP Status Code Generator

Show HN: HTTP Status Code Generator A service for generating HTTP codes. It’s useful for testing monitoring services. Just add the status code you want to the end of the URL, like this September 13, 2023 at 05:34AM

Show HN: Rental data supplied by tenants in Ireland, searchable by all

Show HN: Rental data supplied by tenants in Ireland, searchable by all I created last Friday to help bring this kind of transparency to Ireland, allowing people to submit their rents. Would love to get any HN feedback on the idea/website. September 12, 2023 at 10:38PM

Transit Month is Taking Over the Bay Area

Transit Month is Taking Over the Bay Area By Guest Authors Rebecca Gibian and Reanne Lacosta, San Francisco Transit Riders Transit Month 2023 is a celebration of the role of public transportation in our communities and the Bay Area’s economic, social and cultural vibrancy. In the span of just eight years, it has grown from Transit Day into Transit Week and into the robust month it is now, thanks to our partnership with Seamless Bay Area and other transit-focused agencies and organizations. Together we have reached hundreds of riders through events held across the city.   We love seeing people get on transit and enjoy themselves, the ride and the experience. We appreciate that Transit Month encourages people to take a trip they never have or try a new line. We love seeing the shift that happens when people take the bus or train, realize how easy and affordable it is and then continue to do so (and tell their friends)!  Transit Month is a time to show our support for the people who

Show HN: Labor Day Fun Project, Find Reddit Comments to Promote Your Business

Show HN: Labor Day Fun Project, Find Reddit Comments to Promote Your Business For Labor Day I decided to play with OpenAI APIs and try to ship something (a prototype, a blog post, anything really). Whenever I launched a side project (e.g: , ) I realized how bad I am at marketing or even at mentioning my the project to friends/social. I noticed that most of the traffic we got was coming from reddit/HN comments we made where it was reasonable to mention the sideproject/business. Given that, I tried to use OpenAI APIs to do exactly that, given a business/project description, and a list of subreddits, monitor all comments and pick the ones where it makes sense to mention the business/project. While I had the project done in the labor day weekend, I decided to productionize it a bit (really just add a login system and a payment link to cover OpenAI costs) last weekend. If anyone is interested in giving a shot, you can play with it at https://sp.

Show HN: KlongPy now supports ticker plants

Show HN: KlongPy now supports ticker plants September 12, 2023 at 04:06AM

Show HN: A surprisingly effective way to predict token importance in LLM prompts

Show HN: A surprisingly effective way to predict token importance in LLM prompts We explored a novel method to gauge the significance of tokens in prompts given to large language models, without needing direct model access. Essentially, we just did an ablation study on the prompt using cosine similarity of the embeddings as the measure. We got surprisingly promising results when comparing this really simple approach to integrated gradients. Curious to hear thoughts from the community! September 12, 2023 at 12:29AM

Taken with Transportation Podcast: Connecting Community to Transit

Taken with Transportation Podcast: Connecting Community to Transit By The Bayview Community Shuttle is intended to help residents connect more easily with transit lines that serve Bayview-Hunters Point, such as the 54 Felton and T-Third. Accessing public transit can be more difficult for people in one particular San Francisco neighborhood than it is in other parts of the city. So we are designing a supplemental transportation program for this area, the Bayview Community Shuttle. You can learn more in the latest episode of the SFMTA podcast, Taken with Transportation . Host Melissa Culross talks with SFMTA Transportation Planner Christopher Kidd, San Francisco Supervisor Shamann Walton, Bayview-Hunters Point Community Advocates Environmental Justice Director Dalila Adofo, SFMTA Planning Director Maia Small and neighborhood residents about the shuttle, which is expected to begin running in Bayview-Hunters Point in 2024.  Christopher Kidd is the planner in charge of the shuttle progr

Show HN: Real-Time 3D Gaussian Splatting in WebGL

Show HN: Real-Time 3D Gaussian Splatting in WebGL September 12, 2023 at 12:31AM

Show HN: Timezone-typesafe date and time library for Go

Show HN: Timezone-typesafe date and time library for Go September 11, 2023 at 11:52PM

Show HN: Slotmachine, to book and free server ports at scale

Show HN: Slotmachine, to book and free server ports at scale This is a very specialized Go library and, frankly, somewhat of a straw man: I've found myself needing to quickly assign ports on servers with a high density of highly ephemeral inbound/outbound connections where the protocol relies on a specific port number. Obviously, running sequentially through a list of ports until I find one I have not already allocated does not perform very well. I was surprised when I did not find anything already addressing this need. So, this is the straw man part: surely I missed it! Anyway, should you ever need something like that... here it is. September 11, 2023 at 11:39AM

Show HN: Free High-quality TailwindCSS Components. No attribution required

Show HN: Free High-quality TailwindCSS Components. No attribution required September 11, 2023 at 06:14PM

Show HN: Dracula Theme for Miniflux

Show HN: Dracula Theme for Miniflux September 11, 2023 at 03:47PM

Show HN: Erlmacs – a script to update your .emacs file for Erlang development

Show HN: Erlmacs – a script to update your .emacs file for Erlang development erlmacs automatically configures and updates your .emacs file with support for the emacs mode that is included with Erlang/OTP. It frees you from having to locate the installation directory of Erlang/OTP and its bundled emacs mode. It is an escript that only depends upon Erlang/OTP and Emacs. Note: There is not much in the way of error checking at this moment, but it does make a backup of your .emacs files before any destructive operations. September 10, 2023 at 11:46PM

Show HN: New Bézier curves for vector graphics

Show HN: New Bézier curves for vector graphics September 10, 2023 at 10:56PM

Show HN: World Engine – Build Worlds Like Brandon Sanderson

Show HN: World Engine – Build Worlds Like Brandon Sanderson Hey HN, After hours of re-watching Brandon’s creative writing BYU lectures[1], we converted his ideas into a framework to rapidly iterate and build sci-fi fantasy worlds. The app is divided into 3 sections: - World: To create a unique magic system intertwined with distinct physical and cultural phenomena - Characters: To create character arcs and give them unique traits that evolve over time - Plot: To weave a series of events in this world following the character arc We are newbie devs, any suggestions on the app improvements and usability would be great! The idea is to capture the essence of Brandon's approach. We can't help but wonder if other 'earned insights' can be converted into similar applications for different use cases outside of fiction. [1] September 10, 2023 at 11:07PM

Show HN: Monthly budgeting spreadsheet and ML expense categorisation

Show HN: Monthly budgeting spreadsheet and ML expense categorisation Hello, I'd like to share the first version of an app I've built for myself to categorise my expenses. Key features: - *Google Sheets Integration:* The tool is based on the spreadsheet I've been using to track my expenses over the years. I've turned it into a template that is available on the website. - *Automated Expense Categorization:* Tired of manually categorising and annoyed by the limits of rules, I've hooked the sheet up with an ML model that works based on past categorisations of your expenses. I've had great results with it. The tool is simple and basic and lets you keep using your spreadsheet instead of moving stuff into proprietary apps. It's a first version, but it's working for me so I thought I'd share it to see if anyone else might find it useful. You can start by exploring the [demo]( ) and get the Google Sheet Template to dive right in. https:

Show HN: Twitch chat in the Terminal

Show HN: Twitch chat in the Terminal September 10, 2023 at 07:25AM

Show HN: Founder Pen Pals

Show HN: Founder Pen Pals September 10, 2023 at 05:28AM

Show HN: Flexport still has 50 open positions

Show HN: Flexport still has 50 open positions September 10, 2023 at 02:37AM

Show HN: Break Ideas to Refresh Your Mind and Body

Show HN: Break Ideas to Refresh Your Mind and Body September 10, 2023 at 01:49AM

Show HN: – Mobbin for SaaS product onboarding

Show HN: – Mobbin for SaaS product onboarding Hey Hackernews, Eric here! Wanted to share a new website we just built called (Next.js and RSC). The site has screenshots and videos of product onboarding from companies like Figma, Notion, Framer, and more. It’s sort of like Mobbin for web-based product onboarding. We build a lot of product onboarding at our startup Frigade, and over the last year we’ve put together an internal library of hundreds of product onboarding examples that we refer to all the time with customers. It helps them find and copy patterns that work at other companies so they don’t need to create net new experiences or A/B test their way into the best performing pattern from scratch. Given it's been so useful to us, we decided to open it up to the world. We bought and have started adding examples from our collection and made them browsable and sortable. We’re planning to add new examples weekly. Hope

Show HN: WhatsApp-Llama: A clone of yourself from your WhatsApp conversations

Show HN: WhatsApp-Llama: A clone of yourself from your WhatsApp conversations Hello HN! I've been thinking about the idea of a LLM thats a clone of me - instead of generating replies to be a helpful assistant, it generates replies that are exactly like mine. The concept's appeared in fiction numerous times (the talking paintings in Harry Potter that mimic the person painted, the clones in The Prestige), and I think with LLMs, there might actually be a possibility of us doing something like this! I've just released a fork of the facebookresearch/llama-recipes which allows you to fine-tune a Llama model on your personal WhatsApp conversations. This adaptation can train the model (using QLoRA) to respond in a way that's eerily similar to your own texting style. What I've figured out so far: Quick Learning: The model quickly adapts to personal nuances, emoji usage, and phrases that you use. I've trained just 1 epoch on a P100 GPU using QLoRA and 4 bit quantization,

Show HN: Ghidra Plays Mario

Show HN: Ghidra Plays Mario September 9, 2023 at 07:42PM

Show HN: Which is faster? Puppeteer, Playwright or Selenium

Show HN: Which is faster? Puppeteer, Playwright or Selenium Hey Everyone, I just ran a [rather silly] race between Puppeteer (JS), Playwright (Python) and Selenium (Python) to see which one would be fastest on a simple scrape (using Google Colab so you can also run it) Far from a comprehensive benchmark, this race is 100% free from advanced configurations, multi-threading or anything complicated. It just opens Wallapop (a second hand marketplace in Spain) and times how long it takes to extract the first 2000 results of a search. If you like this simple format, have any ideas on how to improve a race like this or have a strong urge to prove Ward Cunningham wright, let me know in the comments! September 9, 2023 at 06:24PM