Show HN: Live Train Webcams

Show HN: Live Train Webcams Our son is really into trains. He was home sick a few weeks ago and we found that there are several YouTube channels that have live video feeds from various train stations or railway clubs around the US. He really liked it, but he kept wanting to know when the next train was going to show up so he could see it. I built this small website at which shows the time to the next train (Pacific time) and will automatically rotate channels to find the next train. It uses the Amtrak live train data today. In the future I might add other agencies, since a few of these stations do have more than one agency that services them and there are also some international stations I found feeds for. Hope this may be of some use for those of you with your own railfans in your life :) September 18, 2023 at 04:03AM


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