Show HN: Gogosseract, a Go Lib for CGo-Free Tesseract OCR via Wazero

Show HN: Gogosseract, a Go Lib for CGo-Free Tesseract OCR via Wazero Tesseract is one of the largest Open Source OCR (Optical Character Recognition) projects. There is already a Go library for using Tesseract from Go with CGo, called Gosseract. However if you are interested in OCR from Go without C complicating building and cross-compiling, there aren't any other options. Wazero is a Go WASM runtime that doesn't have any CGo dependencies. With Emscripten Tesseract has been compiled to WASM and ran within Wazero. Gogosseract provides a simple API on top of this. This project has been an interesting delve into the world of WASM. November 5, 2023 at 06:06AM
