Show HN: Twogether AI – Multi-Person Photo Generation API

Show HN: Twogether AI – Multi-Person Photo Generation API Hey everyone, at Magicflow (YC W23) we're helping our customers run AI image generation in production, enabling them to produce high-quality photos at scale. We are launching a scalable API today that makes it possible to create multi-person portrait photos: which means the ability to create real-looking photos of any two persons interacting with each other in some way only by providing a prompt and the person's pose. Generating this kind of photo requires a deep understanding of the AI ecosystem, a knowledge gap many companies face. In order to make the photos look real with high consistency and for a low cost, chaining of many models is required, and an excellent understanding of how to tweak with the various params of each one. We also handle the infrastructure required to generate the photos, which can be a challenge when dealt with alone, especially for companies with a small backend team (we can scale to thousands of requests per day and generate 100 photos in about 3 minutes). Our customers today use this technology for the following use cases: creating new photo albums from old-scanned albums, providing personalized content for user acquisition campaigns, enabling new kinds of experiences in physical venues, and creating humorous photos with celebrities. There is a significant tradeoff between creating a robust abstraction layer on top of Stable Diffusion capabilities and providing customers with more control over various options. The API currently allows you to manipulate the following parameters: the pose of the couple (hugging, taking a selfie, etc.), their facial expressions, the style of the photo (realistic, cartoon, painting, etc.), as well as the location, theme, and outfits (e.g., ski vacation, on the beach) We created a free demo app for you to view examples and try live: (no user or payment needed). For full API access, contact me at We can typically set you up within a day, but an onboarding session is required to ensure responsible API usage. November 13, 2023 at 10:07PM


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