Show HN: Croppy – Perfect images for your websites from your customers

Show HN: Croppy – Perfect images for your websites from your customers Right now, we are testing a new method for website image preparation. This is aimed at people and companies who build websites for clients and want to ensure that images are always perfectly sized and compressed. More information can be found on the homepage. The following are the recommended steps: - Make an entry for the website on the croppy admin - Allocate upload credentials, predefine several picture resolutions and compression formats - Send the link to your clients, allowing them to crop and upload images directly onto the website As we are in beta, we look forward to all feedback possible. On the website, you may experiment with the demo croppers and different set resolutions. If you prefer using it with your wordpress site or ftp server, you need to create an account. December 7, 2023 at 11:09PM


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