Show HN: Checkmate, a server and infrastructure monitoring application

Show HN: Checkmate, a server and infrastructure monitoring application We just released Checkmate 2.0 (formerly BlueWave Uptime). Originally designed as a simple uptime manager, Checkmate has evolved into an infrastructure monitoring tool. With the addition of our lightweight Go-based server agent (Capture) it's possible to monitor key metrics like CPU, RAM, and disk usage across remote servers. We’re now exploring new features, including enhanced notifications, advanced configuration options, DNS monitoring, and status pages (which are almost ready to launch btw). There are no plans for synthetic monitoring, APM, log management, traces etc. It'll hopefully stay as small as possible. It's still the early days for Checkmate. The project gained some traction with 31 contributors and this version itself had 13 contributors. - Server: - Agent: - Demo: (The username is and the password is Demouser1! ) December 6, 2024 at 04:08AM


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